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Topic: SS2 Installation Guide (Technical FAQ) Read 484315 times  

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GOG / Steam installation on Windows
Install the game to a path with 80 characters max length. Do not install to the "Program Files" folder. Download SS2Tool to your game folder and start it. Install recommended mods.
Steam: After installation move the game folder to where Steam's mandatory update system cannot overwrite SS2Tool's changes and mods. For example move your game from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SS2  to  C:\games\SS2
GOG: Disable automatic updates in GOG Galaxy to avoid overwriting SS2Tool's changes and mods

Steam on Linux through Wine
Run winecfg. In the Applications tab set the Windows Version for shock2.exe to Windows 7.
Find your game folder (/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/SS2/support/systemshock2/drive_c/Program Files/SystemShock2).
Download SS2Tool to this folder and start it. Install recommended mods.

GOG on Mac through Wine
Right-click on System Shock and navigate to this folder path: /Contents/Resources/game/System Shock 2.
Right-click on the System Shock 2 app here and navigate to: /drive_c/GOG Games/System Shock 2. Place the downloaded SS2Tool here.
Go back to the root level of the second System Shock 2 app. Launch the app "Wineskin" here. Now go to Advanced > Tools > Config Utility (wincfg). In the Applications tab set the Windows Version for shock2.exe to Windows 7.
Close this window and go to the Configuration tab. Under Windows EXE paste this path: /GOG Games/System Shock 2/SS2Tool-v. (You may need to change this to match the filename of whatever version of SS2 Tool you have.)
Then click on Test Run. The SS2 Tool installer and online updater will launch. Make sure you also allow it to install the Visual C++ 2008 Libraries. Be patient as the installer will take some time, especially for when it downloads its required files.
After the installer is finished change the path name under Configuration > Windows EXE to: /GOG Games/System Shock 2/ss2bmm.exe
This will launch the Blue Mod Manager when you launch your game normally in the Finder, allowing you to manage mods and launch the game.
(Thanks to rampancy)

Original CD release on Windows
Don't use the installer that comes with the original game. Instead simply copy the "shock" folder from the CD to your computer. The path should be 80 characters max. Do not copy to the "Program Files" folder. Download SS2Tool to your game folder and start it. Install recommended mods.

Hinweise zur deutschen Spielversion
SS2Tool erkennt selbst ob es sich um eine deutsche Spiel-Version handelt. So oder so wird aber zunächst die englische Version installiert, die als Basis dient. Anschließend wird eine vollständige deutsche Übersetzung (inkl. Videos und Audio) als Modifikation heruntergeladen, die dann über den Mod-Manager aktiviert werden kann.
Dadurch lassen sich die übersetzten Ressourcen gegen installierte Modifikationen priorisieren, man kann z.B. einer Texturen-Mod erlauben, die schlechteren deutschen Texturen zu übersteuern.
Die Erst-Installation dauert aufgrund der größeren Downloads entsprechend länger (bis ca 2 Stunden), aber das ist nur beim ersten Mal so. Das Spiel ist nach Aktivieren der deutschen Übersetzungs-Mod uncut.

First Love
If you're playing SS2 for the first time, we envy you. You're in for one hell of a game. Just don't make the mistake to play in multiplayer mode first, save that one up for later. Now to the point:
ZylonBane's Newbie Guide to System Shock 2 is a spoiler free guide on how to get the best out of your first System Shock 2 experience. It includes a number of worthwhile tips and tricks that are usually unknown to first timers but make quite a difference in the game. It's a great idea to point people to this guide that you want to introduce to System Shock 2 (which is also a great idea).

Tags can help you distinguish mods in advance. Here are some common tags of SS2 mods and what they mean.
  • MTL = High res texture replacement. High compatibility.
  • DML = DML mods can adjust objects and their properties. While DML mods are generally compatible, any two DML mods that modify the same objects/archetypes may not be compatible - ask on the forums.
  • gamesys = Gameplay mod, incompatible with other mods containing a gamesys.
  • mis = Contains one or more mission files (levels), compatibility depends on whether missions overlap.
  • mesh = AI models (NPCs). Or sometimes a player model.
  • texture = Mod that consists solely or mostly of textures. High compatibility. Note that other mods often contain textures as well (eg object mods usually have textures attached to the object).
  • weapon = High compatibility.
  • object = Contains one or more objects. High compatibility.
  • sound = Music, ambient, weapon sounds, etc. High compatibility.
  • string = Replaces texts, eg descriptions, help texts, log texts in the game.
  • motion = Replaces the file motiondb.bin that solely controls the motion animations of NPCs. Quite rare. Incompatible with other motion mods.
  • translation = SS2 was released in English and German. Other translations are usually pure text translations while the audio is still English.
  • veteran = Mod that changes the game a lot and only really becomes interesting when you've beaten the original game a few times.
« Last Edit: 21. July 2021, 18:38:29 by Moderator »
SS2 Troubleshooting Guide
Trouble Shooting
This is the trouble shooting guide for NewDark v2.44 patch installable through the SS2Tool.
Most config vars mentioned below are found in cam_ext.cfg, so if no other .cfg file is explicitly mentioned, then cam_ext.cfg applies. Variables can be disabled by preceding them with a semicolon; removing the semicolon enables it.
Many problems have multiple possible solutions listed. Try each listed solution one at a time, not all of them at once.

Problem: Game does not start / Videos don't play
Cause: Windows compatibility mode has been set on the game executable.
Solution: Disable any windows compatibility modes. Note that compatibility settings survive re-installation and have to be manually turned off again.

Problem: Game won't start, says D3DX9_43.DLL is missing.
Cause: The (correct) DX runtime libraries have not been installed.
Solution: Required runtimes:

Problem: Game won't start, says D3DX9_43.DLL is missing even though I downloaded the DX runtimes and ran the downloaded EXE file.
Cause: The DX runtime libraries have not been installed.
Solution: Running the downloaded DX runtimes EXE (directx_Jun2010_redist.exe) will only extract the DX installer to a temporary location (of your choice). You then have to open that location and run the actual DX installer called DXSETUP.EXE. (The temporary installer files can be deleted after installation is complete, so it's advisable to extract it to a new/empty directory.)

Problem: Game won't start, says that the side-by-side configuration is incorrect (or maybe that MSVCR90.DLL/MSVCP90.DLL is missing).
Cause: The correct Visual Studio runtime libraries have not been installed.
Solution: Install Visual Studio 2008 SP1 C++ runtimes.

Problem: Game won't start, log file indicates that no supported hardware 3D devices were found.
Causes: Hardware 3D acceleration has been disabled in the driver or Windows, or no display modes were found that are supported by both the game and the video adapter.
  • To determine that 3D acceleration is working properly, go to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/191660 for further information.
  • If no (supported) display modes were found then that's often related to monitors in portrait orientation. Adding user defined display modes usually solves that. See "user_mode" config vars in "doc\new_config_vars.txt" and/or "cam_ext.cfg".

Problem: Game crashes at startup.
Cause: Configuration error/issue.
  • Make sure the pathnames in darkinst.cfg (T2) / install.cfg (SS2) for resname_base, movie_path, load_path, script_module_path and install_path point to the correct locations. Re-install if necessary.
  • On some asian systems when the Windows input language is set to IME 2010 (/Microsoft Office IME 2010) it can help to change to regular IME (no 2010). The input language options can be found in the Windows control panel under "Region and Language" -> "Keyboards and Languages".
  • Sometimes the default resolution of 640x480 doesn't work, Manually setting the game resolution to the same resolution as the Windows desktop can help. Edit "cam.cfg" and add the line (or change it if it already exists) "game_screen_size <width> <height>". For example if your desktop is 1600x900: "game_screen_size 1600 900".

Problem: Player seems to hover at peak of jumps, and/or moves way too slow.
Cause: Frame rate too high.
  • Make sure your graphics driver settings doesn't force disabled vsync (set it to application preference or at least enable forced vsync).
  • Cap the frame rate with software frame rate limiter (set "framerate_cap 100" or less).
  • If you've previously disabled vsync through "vsync_mode" then enable it again.

Problem: Uneven/jerky frame rate and/or laggy mouse movement even though the system should be fast enough to do better.
Cause: Computer is rendering too many frames in advance.
  • Set "d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1 1".
  • Set frame rate limiter ("framerate_cap") to a frame rate slightly above the monitor refresh rate (for example 70 to 80 for a 60Hz monitor).

Problem: Low frame rate.
  • Decrease display resolution.
  • Disable multisampling ("multisampletype").
  • Disable floating point render buffers ("d3d_disp_enable_hdr").
  • Disable postprocessing ("postprocess").
  • Disable "d3d_disp_sw_cc".
  • Disable "d3d_disp_enable_distortionfx".
  • Set "d3d_disp_no_rgb10_buf" to prevent the game from running in enhanced 10-bits-per-channel RGB mode.
  • If you're running with DX6 then try DX9 (set "use_d3d_display").
Problem: Large frame rate fluctuations with AMD dual core CPUs on WinXP.
Solution: Install the AMD CPU driver.

Problem: Game crashes or objects corrupted when loading savegames.
Cause: Savegames from previous versions of Dark are not supported.
Solution: Restart the game.

Problem: Some object textures or entire objects are invisible (on some ATI/AMD video cards).
Cause: Adaptive multi-sample anti-aliasing.
  • Go into Catalyst Control Center and set "Anti-Aliasing Mode" to any setting that is NOT "Adaptive Multi-sample AA".
  • Disable multi-sampling ("multisampletype").
Problem: Display mode fails to set or there are miscolorations (on some integrated video cards such as Intel).
  • Update display drivers.
  • Set "d3d_disp_no_rgb10_buf" to prevent the game from running in enhanced 10-bits-per-channel RGB mode.
  • Disable multisampling ("multisampletype").
  • Disable postprocessing ("postprocess").
  • Disable "d3d_disp_enable_distortionfx".
  • Try DX6 (disable "use_d3d_display").
  • Look in cam_ext.cfg for more options to disable that affect performance.
Problem: Desired display mode (resolution/color depth) is not available in the game.
Cause: Display mode is either not enumerated by DirectX or is not in the game's list of default resolutions.
If resolution is just missing from the game's internal list then you can add custom resolutions with "user_mode1", "user_mode2" etc. (see cam_ext.cfg and other docs for further info).

Problem: HUD text is garbled.
  • First make sure the game is patched to the latest version.
  • Try enabling "d3d_disp_force_rgba_atex".
  • Disable HW 2D overlay/HUD with "d3d_disp_2d_surf_mode 0".
Problem: A HUD item suddenly turns white.
Solution: Go back and forth once between menu and game (i.e. press ESC twice). A slight inconvenience but this way the benefits of HW 2D rendering, such as HUD scaling and increased performance, are preserved. Disable HW 2D overlay/HUD with "d3d_disp_2d_surf_mode 0".

Problem: When running in windowed mode screenshots don't work or are only partial.
Cause: Technical limitation.
Solution: Make sure that the window isn't partially offscreen and if you have multiple monitors the (entire) window has to be located on the monitor that is the active display in the game's video settings. For example it won't work if the active display is set to the secondary but the game/editor window is on the primary display.

Problem: Movies play at first but stop working and log file contains messages about ffmpeg.dll failing to load.
Solution: Try enabling "no_unload_ffmpeg".

Problem: EAX is not enabled/working.
  • With some Creative cards (X-Fi, more?) make sure "Game Mode" is enabled in the Creative sound/driver settings.
  • Update your audio drivers.
  • Try OpenAL. OpenAL is enabled in the Audio options menu by cycling through your Hardware Acceleration options, and requires that OpenAL is installed on your system. See release notes.
Problem: Various issues with OpenAL.
Solution: Try a different OpenAL device; recommended device to try is "snd_oal_device Generic Software".

Problem: Motion sickness from playing the game.
Solution: Try enabling "bob_factor" and experiment with values (for SS2 you may also want to change "shock_gun_bob_factor").

Problem: Game or DromEd is running out or close to run out of memory (i.e. process uses between 1.5GB and 2GB memory. Especially noticable when using hires texture packs or FMs with loats of hires textures.
Solution: If you have 3GB or more system memory you can try to patch the EXE file to enable Large Address Aware, to allow the process to use more than 2GB memory. A patch utility "EnableLAA.exe" is included, just drag and drop the game (or editor) EXE on the "EnableLAA.exe" file (LAA can be disable in the same fashion). No guarantees are made that everything will work correctly with Large Address Aware enabled, but running out of memory isn't exactly healthy either so there's no harm in trying it.

Other helpful resources include:
« Last Edit: 12. July 2015, 11:17:13 by Kolya »
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