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Topic: SS2 CyberBlutch Rebirth 05 Read 1387842 times  

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Rebirth 05
The 05 version includes fixed up models of the pipe hybrid and Diego, and also all four multiplayer player models (model modifications done by RocketMan). The pipe hybrid's ankles now don't twist in unnatural ways after death, and Diego has a proper (round) bald head. The midwife model now has properly shaped face and hair (model fixed by Paynamia).

Rebirth 04
The 04 version includes fixed up models of the pipe hybrid, shotgun hybrid, and midwife (modifications done by RocketMan). They all now have proper joints - as result, their necks are no longer rigid (headtracking will work), and the midwife and shotgun hybrid now launch their projectiles properly with their right arm (and not the abdomen). A few small model flaws have been fixed as well. Also, a previously unused corpse model with a ripped off arm is now used at a couple of places (corresponding ripped off arm model created by Olfred).

Rebirth 03a
This version includes the hires gibs for the sake of convenience, and also resolves the compatibility problem with some FMs (Ponterbee). SS2 v2.43 or newer required.

Rebirth 03
This updates the 02 version with hipoly gore (ripped off head, leg and arms), and the suicide ghost model. The new models were made by Olfred, the original ghost texture by Muzman.


Olfred's gibs (hires heart and stomach), now included in the Rebirth mod.

Rebirth 02
This is an extended version of Cyberblutch's Rebirth Beta 01 Mod. The extensions were either released by Cyberblutch himself (like the monkeys) or taken from a fanmission that he had contributed a model to (like the rumbler) or are modifications by other parties.
For explanations on the original mod release (Rebirth Beta 01) see the description by Cyberblutch quoted below the ASCII art.
Rebirth is an enemy AI model and skins update and therefore fully compatible with SHTUP, the object texture update.

Updates from Rebirth Beta 01 to Rebirth 02
1. Rebirth Monkeys
An unofficial release of the monkeys, by Rebirth's author CyberBlutch. The release didn't include a texture for the red monkey, so ZylonBane created one and tweaked the blue monkey texture to more closely resemble the original.

2. Rebirth Many Faces: Made by Blaydes99
Blaydes99 removed the red "vampire" eyes from the Many's faces. Good idea.
3. Oldschool Midwife - The Original SS2 Midwife Skin.
Rebirth's midwife skin drew a lot of attention to the oversized breasts of the model but it wasn't very scary. ZylonBane refitted the original SS2 midwife skin for the new model (screenshot), to re-create that original scary look, that recalls the first female character to be changed: Nurse Erin Bloom.

4. The Rumbler
Rebirth's author Cyberblutch contributed this model to Frobbers's Thief fan-mission Oracle of the Prophets. It is a System Shock 2 model though, originally meant to become part of the Rebirth mod. It was unofficially released at TTLG.com and is included here.

5. Rebirth models for living npcs
Voodoo47 made the few living humans you meet (On earth, Chesapeake Bay, Chased woman, Watts, Cortez) use the models by Cyberblutch with appropriate textures. (As discussed later in this thread and here on TTLG.)

The original mod-release description by Cyberblutch (do NOT follow the outdated installation instructions):

      *                  *
      *      System Shock Rebirth      *   
      *                  *
      *           - Beta 01 -         *
      *                  *

This is the beta 01 of the "Rebirth" mod made for the "System Shock 2" game made by Irrational and released in 1999.
In order to run it, an originale version of the game is required.
Even if it's not indispensable, i truly recommend to upgrade it with the patch available, before applying the "rebirth" mod.

If you want more info about this mod, go to the official web page:



- Unzip the compressed file you've just downloaded. It contains 2 files : this read, and a folder named "mesh".
- Simply copy and past the mesh folder in your main System Shock game directory.
   For example, if you've installed System Shock in c:/SShock2,
   Then just copy the "mesh" folder inside it... You will then have it at c:/SShock2/Mesh
- Lauch the game



The "Rebirth" mod doesn't modify anything else than AI Models and textures...
If you want to remove it completly, simply delete the "Mesh" folder...


   3) WHAT'S IN BETA 01?

Because it's a beta released, all AI models from "System Shock 2" haven't been upgraded yet... I planned to enhance them all,
but it's a long task...
This beta version contains all the following models:
- Dead crew members of the Von Braun and the Rickenbacker.
- Ghosts
- Many Hybrid with Pipe
- Many Hybrid with Shotgun
- Many Hybrid with Grenades
- Midwife
- Cyborg Assassin

I've spend a lot of time to make this mod, and decided to release it to the public just to share the enjoyment that i'm still having
by playing this fantastic game...
And of course, this "Rebirth" mod is totally free... :)

So... Enjoye !

Etienne Aubert (CyberBlutch)

//the RealSG addon will make the shotgun hybrids wield an actual shotgun, working around the AI joint problems and making things look nicer (also display the proper model if a shotgun object mod is installed). load with higher priority than Rebirth (also see the readme). the addon also works with RttUNN and Minstrel fan missions.
« Last Edit: 11. August 2024, 22:14:33 by Moderator »
Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
Cyberblutch's site is not available anymore.

EDIT: The previous version of this mod is up at fileplanet.com.
« Last Edit: 23. August 2006, 13:17:10 by Kolya »


Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
the wrench is invisible and unattackable
Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
Most likely you haven't made your game mod ready before installing the mod.
Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
was just about to say the same i just tried the game with rebirth mod and it says just copy the mesh folder.

first thing i noticed the robot in weapons training was invisible and then the afformentioned invisible wrench.

i deleted the mesh folder and everything was ok.

so can anyone help to get the rebirth mod to work?
Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
Read the very first line in this thread. Follow the links.
Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
Can the SHTUP environment texture improvement mod be used alongside this one?
Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
Yes of course! :)
Rebirth updates only enemy models and their skins.
If you use the modmanager it would also tell you about conflicts.


Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
Can the SHTUP environment texture improvement mod be used alongside this one?
SHTUP updates object textures, not terrain ("environment") textures. Mostly.
Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
Yes of course! :)
Rebirth updates only enemy models and their skins.
If you use the modmanager it would also tell you about conflicts.
SHTUP updates object textures, not terrain ("environment") textures. Mostly.

Thanks guys, I'm not a big mod user.
I just tried using them and it makes the game look even more amazing.
Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
So, do I use both the Rebirth mod and the complemented one together?
Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
No, you only need one version.


Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
I'm organising a multiplayer game with the SHTUP and Rebirth patches... the problem I have is that the actual player models are still original (very angular and to be honest... rubbish)

I've had a good rummage around the net and can't find a way to change the model. Even altering it for a random bad guy would be better than the current model!

Anyone got any ideas?

67d2ba808305eNameless Voice

Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
The player models are stored in /mesh/, and named player_1.bin and player_1.cal for first player, player_2.bin and player_2.cal for the second player, and so on.
Simply create a mesh folder in your SS2 folder if one doesn't exist (it will exist if you have Rebirth installed) and put files with those names into it to override the default player models.
For example, to turn the player model into a male corpse, copy corm_ops.bin and corm_ops.cal to player_1.bin and player_1.cal.
« Last Edit: 22. August 2007, 16:23:45 by Nameless Voice »


Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
A squad of cyborg assassins running around the VB would certainly be an interesting sight.

Does SS2 multiplayer display equipped weapons, or does every player have the generic gun bolted to their hands at all times?

67d2ba808328bNameless Voice

Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
The actual equipped weapons are used.
These are generally the world object models scaled down to fit properly in the player's hands. The attachment offsets seem to be hard-coded, as are the connections between the weapon objects and their display modelss.


Hah! That works perfectly!

Thanks guys! I'll throw it all together as a mod and post it on here later :)


Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01...A thanks.
gods of the programming world, open source, well i for one thank you, more should follow your lead. i just dled the patch i'll run it soon. and system shock is a great game one of its best, and truely before its time, still even to this day it is still not matched it terms of gaming pleasure, freedom of growth and devolpment, even the story and the cliff hangers truely a gods game, i just wanted to show my gratatude to you.

67d2ba8083717Shodan's Avatar

Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
I've put this mod up here at filefront to provide an alternate download source for people having trouble with the torrent.

Wow. Thanks a lot man. Have been searching this mod all over the internet with many broken hits. :biggrin:


Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
I'm new to the boards and I've prolly missed this elsewhere but I'll post it here anyway.

I've installed 4 Mods for SS2...The Straylight Mod, DFB's Sound Mod, SHTUP Beta 6 and lastly Rebirth. Now I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but upon using the Rebirth Mod, I lost all ability to cheat. Some purists will obviously view this as a good thing, but others will find it bad.  Is it just my experience? Anyone else notice this peculiar side affect? Yes I have removed all Mods and started the game again, and each time I have been able to use the "undead" cheat to stay alive. Yet as soon as I add Rebirth, it goes. Just thought I'd let you know, and give warning to others if they cheat. Unlike myself  :shifty: :p :bluegrin:


Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
Look what I found :)
Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
I remember that picture, it was on Cyberblutch's site a long time ago... the Assassin update...how fitting for you! ;)


Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
I'm sorry, but I must've missed something here.
- What are the main differences between Rebirth (C) and Arcaniac mods?
- Is there a way to use Arcaniac maint/sec/assault bots with rebirth?
« Last Edit: 07. October 2007, 00:32:03 by Tucalipe »
Re: SS2 Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
- They are completely different mods that both happen to replace enemy models. Arcaniac's Redux mod did a few other things but those are mostly cut out now due to bugs and obsoleteness.
- The bots you want are buggy, they don't get through doors. But you can put them in nonetheless by making your own custom mod.

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