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Topic: [Obsolete] SS2 Kolya SS2Tool v3.6 Read 387240 times  

Attention: New version available here!

Read the SS2 Technical FAQ for troubleshooting tips. Post problems in Helpdesk.

Don't use the installer that comes with the game. Please read the SS2 Tech FAQ on how to install the game instead. 
Note that the SS2Tool will take the game screen resolution from your desktop resolution. You can change the game resolution later manually in the file cam.cfg.

Verwende nicht den originalen Installer. Bitte lies die SS2 Tech FAQ um zu erfahren, wie man das Spiel stattdessen installiert.
Beachte dass das SS2Tool die Bildschirmauflösung des Spiels von Deiner Desktop-Auflösung übernimmt. Du kannst die Auflösung des Spiels später noch manuell in der Datei cam.cfg ändern.
-> Extrahiere nach der SS2Tool Installation den SS2 Deutsch Patch in das Spielverzeichnis.

NOTE: If your antivirus software throws a warning, please update your antivirus definitions. There used to be a false positive. The SS2Tool of course contains no malware/virus of any kind.


Patching Up
  • Installs the official patch (no matter if you already have it patched or not) by adding the following files:
    • readmep.wri (the Patch Readme!)
    • patch/iface.crf
    • patch/intrface.crf
    • patch/mesh.crf
    • patch/motions.crf
    • patch/obj.crf
    • patch/strings.crf
    • motiondb.bin (Including changes by Zygoptera: no crouch attack on midwifes anymore!)
    • HYDRO2.DIF (patch for HYDRO2.mis)
    • SHODAN.DIF (patch for SHODAN.mis)
    • allobjs.osm
    • drvmgt.dll
    • secdrv.sys
    • SHOCK2.EXE (updates to v2.3, patched for: HD space bug, no-CD)
    • SHOCK2.GAM (aka "gamesys")
    • shock.cfg
    • All Safedisk remnants are deleted (shock2.icd, clcd16.dll, clcd32.dll, clokspl.exe, dplayerx.dll, secdrv.sys)
  • Current folder - creates the "current" directory that will contain quicksaves.
  • Merges CRFs added by the patch with the existing CRFs. (Only if the original CRFs are still in the game directory and the patch-CRFs are still in the patch folder.)

Getting Mod Ready
  • Move original files - Moves original game files to the new folders Data\res and Data\cutscenes.
  • Create Permanent Mod Folder - Creates new folder "DataPermanentMods", eg for SHTUP.
  • Replace install.cfg - The new custom install.cfg points at the newly created folders.

Bug Fixes
  • Texture Memory Fix (Fixes black screen after level-loading or error: "Direct 3D Device does not accurately report texture memory usage" by adding the "safe_texture_manager" line to cam.cfg.)
  • MultiCore-Processor Fix (Fixes frozen game when playing on multicore processors or Pentium 4 by installing the HT-fix. Copies patched shock2.exe and deletes all SafeDisk remnants. IMAGECFG.EXE and processor.bat are only temporarily copied to your game dir.)
  • Keybinds Fix (Fixes quicksave overwriting and broken use/shoot mode problem. Overwrites user.bnd and user2.bnd)
  • HD Space Fix (Fixes error on game start: "Not enough HD space to play" by adding the line "skip_starting_checks" to cam.cfg and fixing the shock2.exe. (Copies patched shock2.exe and deletes all SafeDisk remnants.)
  • Cutscene Fix (Fixes cutscenes not playing by re-registering LGVID.AX, on Vista run from Admin account.)
  • Audiologs Sound Fix (Fixes Audiologs not playing or playing too quietly by adding the lines "sfx_vol_2d 0" and "sfx_channels 16" to cam.cfg.)
  • EAX Fix (Copies necessary A3D DLLs. EAX still has to be enabled in the game's options.)
  • NoCD Fix (Disables the CD check by copying the patched shock2.exe and deletes all SafeDisk remnants.)
  • Command Deck Fix installs ZylonBane's fix preventing a crash upon entering Command Deck. (Copies obj folder)
  • Remove memory cap to allow resource intensive mods and fan missions. Places lg.ini in C:\windows.
  • DDfix by Timeslip, updates by jermi, incl. Widescreen Mod by Weak-ling (modern graphics card compatibility, 32bit scene rendering, high screen resolutions, postprocessing options, texture-replacement feature)

« Last Edit: 25. May 2015, 14:46:15 by Kolya »
Update SS2Tool v2.8
Note: This is a bug fix release. If you have a running game, keep it.

- updated 7zip to v465
- "current" folder gets created (subfeature of "Patching Up")
- 32bit flagged DDFix GUI implemented to fix problems on 64bit systems
- ZylonBane's command deck fix
- Ensured resolution consistency in cam.cfg & ddfix.ini by reversing WidescreenMod/DDFix order
- Simplified Multicore-Fix, uses imagecfg.exe in game dir
- Hardware Acceleration gets turned on with EAX fix
Update SS2Tool v2.9
Mostly a bug-fix release, though the new mod-ready-method makes some things easier.

  • Since it caused problems on Windows 7 with UAC, ddfixGUI.exe isn't started during the installation any more. (It is still copied to the install folder in case you need it.) During installation a custom hex-patch is used to enable ddfix. DDfix & widescreen mod options were unified to ensure coherent resolution settings in ddfix.ini and cam.cfg and generally simplify the setup.
  • Nameless Voice's alternative mod-ready-method  has been implemented. It allows to keep Permanent Mods (outside of the SS2 Modmanager) and keeps your original game files safe in the "Data" folder.
  • Turning on Hardware Acceleration with the EAX fix was reversed, due to the lack of audio hardware support under Vista and Windows 7 (see SS2 Sound Guide).
  • File edits (in shock.cfg and cam.cfg) are now done as search & replace to avoid problems when fixes are installed several times.
« Last Edit: 12. October 2010, 23:13:59 by Kolya »
Update SS2Tool 3.0
New bug fix: Remove MemoryCap
  • Removes memory cap to allow resource intensive mods and fan missions. Places lg.ini in C:\windows.

Re-installation is unnecessary. If you want that fix eg for ADaoB, you can either download the SS2Tool v3.0 and run only the bug fix: "Remove MemoryCap" or you can place a text file named lg.ini in C:\windows with this content:
Code: [Select]
« Last Edit: 14. June 2010, 22:38:52 by Kolya »
Update SS2Tool 3.1

This update of DDFix improves compatibility with newer video cards and introduces several new features incl. post-processing (bloom, saturation) controllable via level specific INI files (for FM authors), texture replacement and several fixes.
If you want to have a look at the bloom feature, enable post-processing in ddfix.ini. However this feature is still experimental. Although I've set the effect as low as possible there are still "white-out" effects and post-processing may cause random crashes.
Update SS2Tool 3.2
  • shock2.exe is now required to be present in installation dir (fool proof)
  • Includes updated ddfix 1.5.7 by Jermi, now including weak-ling's widescreen mod
  • Some compatibility changes in ddfix.ini: FrameRateLimit=60; MenuUpdateDelay=25; OverlayColourKey=0xffffff;
  • Game screen resolution is automatically taken from desktop screen size
  • Removed Tos' DirectPlay8 multiplayer wrapper (too many reported problems), shock.exe un-patched accordingly
  • Now cleans up all SafeDisk files: shock2.icd, clcd16.dll, clcd32.dll, clokspl.exe, dplayerx.dll, secdrv.sys
« Last Edit: 21. November 2010, 19:08:11 by Kolya »
Update SS2Tool 3.3
Due to a mistake of mine the gamescreen would show up solid white on some systems when patched with SS2Tool version 3.2. This has been fixed with this release 3.3.
« Last Edit: 04. December 2010, 22:07:28 by Kolya »
Update SS2Tool 3.4
- updated to ddfix 1.5.9 (resolves overlay color key problem)
- removed ddfixGUI (obsolete)

The white/pink screen problems or slow framerates should be resolved with the inclusion of DDFix 1.5.9 by Jermi.
Update SS2Tool v3.5
- updated to DDFix 1.5.11 by Jermi, see link or the included [ddfix README.html] for details

Common problems
If you only see a solid white or black screen (but can hear the sounds) in the game...
- Update you video card's driver
- In ddfix.ini under "[Main]" add the line "UseSysMemOverlay=2" (without quotes)
- If you have an NVidia card, go to your NVidia control panel, find the "Number of frames to render ahead" option and set it to 0
« Last Edit: 19. January 2011, 03:08:09 by Kolya »
Update SS2Tool v3.6
- updated to DDfix 1.5.12 (which allows automatic texture replacement as required by some of Vurt's mods)
- optional start menu entries

Factoid: The last SS2Tool (v3.5) was downloaded 23225 times.
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I guess he'll find a way to "be around" here nonetheless
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