°DML °gamesys °SS2Good news, vanilla lovers everywhere - ever asked yourself "gee, if only I could have the SCP muzzle flash on all shotguns, only uglier and less reliable?" Well ponder no more - this minimod™ will slap a simple muzzle flash onto all shotgun hybrids (and the player's shotgun), making the process of acquiring (and dealing) bullet wounds slightly more pleasing to the eye. Works with the vanilla game, and (probably) FMs that use shock2.gam gamesys (that means it's NOT compatible with SCP, RttUNN and Minstrel - those already have muzzle flashes, and will reject the minimod automatically). Requires
SS2tool patched install to work properly. Can be activated/deactivated mid-game without consequence.
And yes, the medsci woman run sequence also works.
//note - SS2tool ( now installs the player shotgun part of the mod by default, so unless you want the muzzle flash on shotgun hybrids as well, this is pretty much redundant.