On a hunch I checked a legacy machine and found the video sitting in the temp directory of all places. Here's the link. I'll try to do a better job maintaining my distributions if I can.
It looks like the problems I was having before accessing Vimeo were a prelude to my account being deleted. At the time I was focused on saving the other video on AI meshes and somehow didn't get the first vid. There may be a copy of it floating around on 1 of half a dozen computers but IF so, it will take me a while to hunt it down. It may be irretrievable. Sorry, I should have been more careful.
Extremely sorry for the necro, but is there an archive of this video anywhere? I’d like to have custom objects for my project, but as someone who’s never done 3D modeling before, let alpne for Dark Engine stuff, a tutorial like this would really help me wrap my head around it.
has a link pointing here, with the description "RocketMan's video tutorial" (the very first item, by voodoo47). But, it looks like there is nothing here except an empty post by Kolya. Did the video get moved somewhere else?