@System There are no strings just audio. And really? This is supposed to be the best translation there is? Obviously can't judge the accuracy of the translation.
But; midwife is terrible, grunts sounds like robots, and the Shodan voice: really? REALLY??
Only two voices for every character, no background/ambient noise like in the original but a lot of reverb making everything sound like recorded through a tin can.
Of course I appreciate the effort that was needed to record this, but is that all they could come up with? If I was to release a voiced translation for a game I would make sure that it matches the style and atmosphere of the original as close as humanly possible. I don'te see that here. I'm sorry.
I like the bitchingbetty though
Do you happen to have the Fargus (Fagus?) version as well. It seems to have decent voice acting with some effect in.
Maybe we can get a satisfying translation by combining Fargus, Webcall and 7 Wolf.
And are there other translations we are not aware of? Maybe you could list them all?