°sound °SS2I like
DFB's Sound Upgrade but I feel that the sounds are too artificial and don't offer any variety (f_pist1, f_pist2 and f_pist3 sound identical for example.) My goal is to make the sound effects less repetitive by making the three sound effects different but similar, so that it doesn't put the player off. I changed:
F_PIST1, f_pist2, and f_pist3 to separate sound effects but similar sounding pistols
F_SG1 and F_SG2 use the same base shotgun sound with a louder one layered on top of one of them for slight variety
F_PISTOL and F_SG are the "deploy" sound effects.
Added f_ar1, f_ar2, and f_ar3
Added gunbrek1 (with bonus Duke Nukem voice clip)
And that's all there is in the package. I don't feel like continuing until I hear other's opinions on it, and because it's difficult to find sound effects that are similar without jarring contrast.