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Posted by: sarge945
« on: 26. October 2023, 02:07:18 »

that's the neat part, Pistol hybrid mod doesn't really replace any AIs, it just gives them a different skin (with a probability of your choice). so all scripted sequences, triggers etc will be respected - a good example is the video in the first post, where a corpse is being angrily beaten by a hybrid, but the hybrid is not whacking it with a pipe, but whipping it with a pistol instead.

Shard hybrid mod works differently, it just creates a new AI archetype and then modifies the map spawn lists to include it. simple (and compatible only with the base game), but again, not going to break anything, and that's what counts.

Good to know

sarge945I see. I read the description of your mod multiple times and still forgot what it said about compatibility with this mod.   :(
Yeah the mod page is a little long-winded, I should probably cut it down a bit.
Posted by: Joe
« on: 26. October 2023, 00:28:14 »

sarge945I see. I read the description of your mod multiple times and still forgot what it said about compatibility with this mod.   :(
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 24. October 2023, 12:40:12 »

that's the neat part, Pistol hybrid mod doesn't really replace any AIs, it just gives them a different skin (with a probability of your choice). so all scripted sequences, triggers etc will be respected - a good example is the video in the first post, where a corpse is being angrily beaten by a hybrid, but the hybrid is not whacking it with a pipe, but whipping it with a pistol instead.

Shard hybrid mod works differently, it just creates a new AI archetype and then modifies the map spawn lists to include it. simple (and compatible only with the base game), but again, not going to break anything, and that's what counts.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 24. October 2023, 12:30:42 »

Of course, I didn't know if something changed where it wasn't compatible anymore. Curious about how it'd interact with @sarge945's Randomizer mod, I assume similar to everything else, but IDK.

It works pretty well and should be quite seamless.

From the mod page:

Q: Does enemy randomisation work with other mods, such as Pistol Hybrids or Shard Hybrids?
A: Yes, but it will affect the enemy spawn ratios. If a pipe hybrid is spawned, it may then be replaced with a pistol hybrid, for instance, reducing the total number of pipe hybrids. Please also keep in mind that some enemy replacement mods don't respect patrol paths, links, or triggers, so enemy AI may be affected. This is an issue with these mods which I cannot fix.

I see no reason why it wouldn't work, randomizing loot tables shouldn't pose a problem. unless the mod also affects guaranteed loot, which isn't something it should be doing.

The only time it specifically changes guaranteed loot is when you have enemy randomisation enabled, it removes the batteries from the enemies in rick1 and places them into containers (which then allows them to be randomised with all the other loot in the level), since otherwise finding a battery on a spider (which replaced a midwife) can be...uhhh.

There are a few instances where enemies have some random hypos which I didn't care enough about to keep, so they may or may not be there depending on if they get replaced or not. But overall no random items should be removed. Let me know if I missed anything (most likely some of the enemies with guaranteed organ drops)

I could add a global check to see if an enemy has guaranteed loot, and if so, don't randomise it under any circumstances. I originally decided against this because losing out on randomising some enemies didn't seem worth it for an extra hypo or two. I might do it specifically for organs, though.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 24. October 2023, 00:21:02 »

I see no reason why it wouldn't work, randomizing loot tables shouldn't pose a problem. unless the mod also affects guaranteed loot, which isn't something it should be doing.

excellent opportunity to find out?
Posted by: Joe
« on: 24. October 2023, 00:03:49 »

Of course, I didn't know if something changed where it wasn't compatible anymore. Curious about how it'd interact with @sarge945's Randomizer mod, I assume similar to everything else, but IDK.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. October 2023, 22:33:13 »

should work as described in the first post.
Posted by: Joe
« on: 23. October 2023, 21:33:01 »

I want to add this to my setup with Secmod 3. I'm still running through the SS1 remake at the moment but I will hit SS2 next, wanna be sure it's still good to go and will report any issues.
Posted by: Teacup
« on: 18. June 2023, 20:52:35 »

RoSoDudeI am running RSD as well, so that must be it.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 18. June 2023, 20:43:51 »

should be an easy fix then, simply don't modify the value in the next update.
Posted by: RoSoDude
« on: 18. June 2023, 20:22:50 »

I don't need to do that as far as I know, it's probably just a holdover from when I started out modding and didn't know what I was doing.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 18. June 2023, 20:11:20 »

why would you need to set the loaded ammo value on the archetype?

was just about to say that maybe I should create a separate archetype for the hybrid pistol to circumvent this but 3 seconds later I've remembered that new weapon archetypes are a big no-no, so yeah, any potential compatibility fix is in your hands.
Posted by: RoSoDude
« on: 18. June 2023, 19:38:08 »

If you're using SS2-RSD, it's probably my new base ammo value of 9 overriding this mod's base ammo value of 1. But you need to have RSD higher otherwise the burst mode unlock doesn't work correctly.

I can probably fix it on my end, maybe even provide a fix file in the meantime.
Posted by: Teacup
« on: 18. June 2023, 18:39:16 »

voodoo47Ah right, it must be something else that's causing it then. Thank you for clearing that up for me.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 18. June 2023, 17:41:12 »

you are the luckiest person on earth, apparently.

also, 9 is impossible? you either get 1 (guaranteed), or 1+6 (one random pick is a clip), or 1+6+6 (two random picks are a clip).
Code: [Select]
// AI->Loot
+ObjProp "OG-Pistol_Meta" "LootInfo"
"Number of Picks" 2
"1 - Item" "5 Nanites"
"1 - Rarity" 20
"2 - Item" "Small Standard Clip"
"2 - Rarity" 10
"3 - Item" "Med Patch"
"3 - Rarity" 5
"4 - Item" "Soda Can"
"4 - Rarity" 25
"5 - Item" ""
"5 - Rarity" 35
"6 - Item" "OG Organ"
"6 - Rarity" 5
any additional mods that are maybe messing around with loot tables?

//ok yeah, "9 bullets IN it". there should be no bullets INSIDE the gun (unless you are running vanilla+pistol hybrid, in that case, there will be one). something else is modifying the loaded ammo value of the pistol.
Posted by: Teacup
« on: 18. June 2023, 16:51:02 »

I really like this mod, but the jammed pistol drop seems to always have 9 bullets in it.

This is way too much imo.
Posted by: ReconUnit
« on: 11. June 2023, 00:51:29 »

I used SS2 Community Patch along with Rebalanced Skills and Disciplines for my last run.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 09. June 2023, 16:33:08 »

pistol hybrids will only spawn where pipe hybrids are spawning in vanilla, shard hybrids should spawn on ops, rec, command, rick and BotM as well. this is random, and the chance is just 20%, so technically you could get zero spawns if you run through the maps too swiftly, but will check again just to be sure.

triggering alarms intentionally is a good way of making them spawn.

// yeah, the shard hybrid spawns are rare. I probably want them that way.
Posted by: ReconUnit
« on: 09. June 2023, 16:26:51 »

Just finished a run, far as I've seen the other hybrid variations aside of the grenadier stop showing up after Ops. None of them on bridge either and there was only one instance of a group on the lower deck of the Rickenbacker. Forgot how limited the supplies are in the end game, specially with the tanky rumblers around each corner.

That little glitch with the grenadier pistol made me think you could throw in a rare late game encounter with a hybrid using a grenade launcher, longer range than the grenade throwing brother, basically a glass cannon but not something you'd want to ignore if it spots you.

Trying a new run using Secmod this time round.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. June 2023, 09:43:05 »

they will spawn on later levels as well - whichever level you haven't visited yet should have no issue.

yeah, don't mess with the dmls unless you really know what you are doing.
Posted by: ReconUnit
« on: 07. June 2023, 09:24:07 »

I'll try it out, I've only made it up to recreation so far but not sure if pipe hybrids continue to show up in further levels meaning the pistol variation wouldn't show up either.

I did try to see if copying over a few lines in the Dml replacing the og-pipe with og-grenade so that it would have a chance to replace the grenadier hybrid. It 'sorta' worked but the pistol hybrid replacement would fire 'grenade' rounds from the weapon rather than pistol shots at me.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. June 2023, 08:24:54 »

yes, there are plans - lets say that people who like hybrids and enjoy an occasional fusion shot in the face shall be pleased.

you can add the shard hybrid to your mod loadout in the meantime.
Posted by: ReconUnit
« on: 07. June 2023, 07:27:41 »

Decided to try this out on my return to SS2 after nearly 10 years of not touching it. Glad I did as it did change up the combat a bit, plus makes it's a bit more interesting having more varied enemy types.

Could there be additional versions which also have the pistol hybrid having a chance to also appear instead of the grenadier type too ?

You could expand more into this, having certain versions of hybrids. Having the common ones such as the pipe, pistol and shotguns being the common starting you encounter, as you progress further into Ops and further there could be the more advanced and tougher variety aside of the grenadier, basically that were former security crew wielding more dangerous weapons but also wearing security armor that makes you have to resort to using Anti-Armor or Anti-Personnel to dispatch them.

Alternatively perhaps a different variation of the Security Robot which uses the slug turret's 3 round attack type or more automatic making it more deadly encounter but a more rewarding to get 10+ standard rounds of ammo with rare chance of the other types when destroyed.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 09. May 2022, 08:27:47 »

unlike working with schemas, editing a sound file in a mod should be fairly easy, you just have to have a tool that will not break the ima adpcm format Dark needs.
Posted by: GuyFawkesGaming
« on: 08. May 2022, 23:53:15 »

Deu sexOh thank you! After reading Voodoo's last post I began playing around with it myself trying to get it right, but I'm not going to reinvent the wheel if you've got it right. Probably worth mentioning though, using DFB's sound length (800 ms) as reference, I found that it works fine between 900 ms and 1200 ms, with the latter one cutting out fairly infrequently. There's probably a compromise somewhere in the middle for those who want to try to find it.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 08. May 2022, 22:39:31 »

Oh it took me a lot of tries to get the fade out right in a way that doesn't feel too "reduced". I think at some point I even moved the beginning of the sound earlier, cutting a few milliseconds at the start so the sound end had more headroom, it was a while ago though so I don't remember the details, just that it took me quite a few adjustments.
note that only the 3 f_pist sounds need to be modified, since hybrids will never shoot armor piercing or anti personel.

I uploaded them for you so you can try them: https://mega.nz/file/Ls5mzbSC#MQwhSB9xQIR_zNpVmohM5FHtR2MyqN9bx7q8o6uuSKM
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. May 2022, 12:12:23 »

I think you would need to reconstruct/reload sound schemas to allow a completely separate/new sound for the hybrid pistol, which is something you really, really don't want to be doing.

iirc, there is no easy way of just making an object play a new sound clip that isn't already set up in the sound schema.
Posted by: GuyFawkesGaming
« on: 07. May 2022, 16:50:43 »

I decided to test both remyabel's Alt weapon sounds and DFB' Sound Upgrade and found that the former is also affected; the latter is not. DFB' is about 800 ms for each file according to my editor compared to the other 2 which are well over a second and a half. I also did Deu sex's sound edit and, well...It doesn't sound as great. It sounds fine coming from hybrids but sounds snipped prematurely when it comes from your own weapon, even with the fade out. Maybe I'm just picky. Considering shotgun hybrids have their own sound file, I was wondering if the same can be done for the pistol hybrids. Make them use the snipped and faded versions of the sound while I keep the original. On that thought, this does give us an excuse to upgrade the shotgun hybrids' weapon sounds with snipped and faded versions (probably already can, I just don't know the file & directory names to place them).
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 05. May 2022, 08:07:21 »

Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 05. May 2022, 03:28:57 »

Nihilism for the win!
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 04. May 2022, 23:20:53 »

well, at least you have something to look forward to.

his own death?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 04. May 2022, 23:18:32 »

well, at least you have something to look forward to.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 04. May 2022, 23:07:27 »

heh, I'm waiting for SSEE fixes, which are supposed to come after SS2EE gets released, which is supposed to come after SSR gets realeased, which is supposed to come after my death.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 04. May 2022, 14:14:38 »

I'll just patiently wait for either SCP Beta 5, or Nightdive's remaster (the one which comes first I guess)

Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 04. May 2022, 03:24:46 »

Exactly 1 second with a smooth fade out at the end. (sorry for the late reply)
Posted by: GuyFawkesGaming
« on: 26. February 2022, 04:35:56 »

Deu sexHow short did you have to make them?
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 06. September 2021, 21:57:00 »

No-one can stop my greed! Only RSD compatibility remains, and then I'll have my perfect modded build! It has several tweaks inside mods, like water animation speed, explosion animation speed, plenty of gamesys.dml edits for some mods here and there, a sexy cam_ext.cfg with perfectly tuned bloom lighting and all, bigger font for english subtitles that are present in the french subtitles even though it's disabled. Pretty crazy stuff, but it holds :)

After RSD compat, I'll just patiently wait for either SCP Beta 5, or Nightdive's remaster (the one which comes first I guess). Or maybe some other mod will surprise me in the meantime :)
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. September 2021, 21:39:20 »

uurgh, silversharp's weapon sounds mod changing the length of the sounds probably isn't too good, should probably have a look at that at some point.

I guess the moral of the story is that having 47 mods enabled at the same time may kill some of them in a silent way.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 06. September 2021, 21:29:00 »

It was silversharp's weapon sounds, however since changing mod order didn't help, and I really like this mod, I wanted to keep it anyways. I supposed it was because the WAV files of the pistol sound were too long.

So I imported them on Audacity, made them shorter with a smooth fade out, exported them and put them back into the mod again, and it was exactly that! Now even with the mod the pistol shots are from the mod and no skips anymore :)
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. September 2021, 13:03:28 »

1 / 2 shot from pistol hybrids doesn't produce sound
if you mean every second shot is silent, then again check whether this happens with RSD mods deactivated/paused.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 06. September 2021, 11:52:30 »

Very good news, it works wonders :) it just has a strange "bug" when 1 / 2 shot from pistol hybrids doesn't produce sound, but it's not a big deal.
It still provides burst abuse or pistol not broken abuse depending on the priority with RSD, but the priority with scary monsters AI seems to be sorted out :)

this is the current mod order: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/802306525314023436/884406058775367680/unknown.png
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. September 2021, 11:32:44 »

sometimes it's easy to upload the old one by accident
holy screw-ups-a-moly, that is exactly what happened. see attach (Rebirth version, as that is what you are using, almost forgot). failchance already set to 0.

//better fix now available in the RSD topic.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 06. September 2021, 11:12:01 »

With the gamesys.dml you provided (be sure it's the new one, sometimes it's easy to upload the old one by accident) and NVRelayTrap2FailChance="0"

This works: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/802306525314023436/884390900690743396/unknown.png but still has the burst mod abuse and the pistol is not properly aligned on the hybrid now: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/802306525314023436/884391021499260938/unknown.png

This doesn't work: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/802306525314023436/884392929844682782/unknown.png
This doesn't work as well: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/802306525314023436/884394203562536991/unknown.png
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. September 2021, 06:47:08 »

failchance 0? because I've verified, this works for me (SCP+PistolH with the fixed gamesys.dml+ScaryAI, and nothing else).
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 06. September 2021, 00:09:55 »

no improvements, couldn't get a single pistol hybrid to spawn with the new gamesys.dml
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 05. September 2021, 18:51:57 »

might as well take a quick shot at making things compatible on my end - @Deu sex grab the attached dml, replace your current one, and see whether it fixes the problem. Scary AI higher priority than Pistol Hybrid, set failchance to 0 in the new gamesys.dml as before to make Pistoleros spawn always, see whether they do.

no fixes to the hybrid pistol, this is only meant as a test to see whether we can squeeze both the AI improvement and the pistolification scripts onto the hybrid without breaking one or the other.

//bad attach removed.
Posted by: RoSoDude
« on: 26. August 2021, 15:45:28 »

Good to know! I have beta versions of SS2-RSD and Scary Monsters on the way; I'll move a bunch of scripts to custom metaproperties to save script slots for better mod compatibility.

There is currently an incompatibility between Pistol Hybrid and SS2-RSD 1.08 beta where loading the latter above the former screws up the broken Pistol loot, but loading the former above the latter apparently breaks the new modding system. I'll see if I can find a fix.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 26. August 2021, 14:20:01 »

Thing is, it's not just scary AI, but RSD as well. at this point, the pistol hybrid has to be reworked for RSD to ensure compatibility, but that may be a lot of work I don't know. I feel like I'm asking a lot there haha.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. August 2021, 13:58:03 »

yes, script add via metaprop is definitely a thing.

and yes, if two mods modify the same archetypes, there is little that can be done to make them compatible - I'm guessing a special Pistol Hybrid ready version of the Scary AI mod would be possible, but not sure whether worth the effort.
Posted by: RoSoDude
« on: 26. August 2021, 13:41:08 »

Pistol Hybrid is supposed to have a broken Pistol with 0 bullets (1 bullet looted separately). It has 8 and is working because SS2-RSD overwrites with its own default properties. Unless I can fix the script assignment issue, the mods are incompatible.
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