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Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 10. December 2023, 16:42:39 »

next time he'll be complaining about the pyro field not making the toilets scream anymore.

I need footage of this!
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 09. December 2023, 09:27:44 »

next time he'll be complaining about the pyro field not making the toilets scream anymore.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 09. December 2023, 01:38:36 »

Imagine using one of the most overpowered skills in the game and then getting upset because it doesn't ALSO give you a completely free (and undocumented) psi-shield on top of it.

If you're really mad, you can install the Balance Revert mod.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 08. December 2023, 19:53:19 »

He should have tried wearing a thicker tracksuit.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. December 2023, 19:37:51 »

cheaters and exploiters will be shown no mercy.
Posted by: qweqweqwe
« on: 08. December 2023, 18:53:49 »

Installed this mod.
Died from Protocol Droid while using Localized Pyrokinesis.
Uninstalled this mod.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 05. July 2023, 01:35:22 »

You want to talk about being wrong, it's probably best not to think too hard about how the first real email you receive has Polito's voice reacting to the radar dish becoming unstable as it's happening. Neat trick for a pre-recorded message.

Umm... Yes

Many of the emails in the game seem to be very wacky in terms of time dilation.

The "readings indicate the elevator shaft is clear" email seems to be in real time too, seeing as how you hear it within a second of the annelids screaming.

Same with the "damn, Xerxes has control of the elevator as well" as soon as you push the button.

I don't see how that makes me (or anyone else) wrong on the internet, though.

Most likely, since Sholito doesn't actually have to speak, she can likely generate a spoken email much quicker than it would take to actually speak the contents of it.

For all we know, the first email we receive was generated 10msec before we receive it, immediately after she detects the radar dish anomaly. That wouldn't explain the sudden tone shift from "I'm getting strange readings" to "move!" though, unless that was a ploy to stop us being suspicious.

Most likely, the developers didn't really think about the realism of email timings, they just linked them to tripwires and called it a day.

As much as people can talk about the realism of emails vs pa, at the end of the day this is a videogame and the realism of the world is going to take a back seat to the technical details of what's possible in the engine. I think it makes sense as an email, and I gave what I believe are good reasons why. You don't. That's fine.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 05. July 2023, 00:51:41 »

You want to talk about being wrong, it's probably best not to think too hard about how the first real email you receive has Polito's voice reacting to the radar dish becoming unstable as it's happening. Neat trick for a pre-recorded message.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 05. July 2023, 00:21:27 »

Of course. I don't really care either way and was very skeptical that it would even be possible to add because of how wacky the sounds around it are.

I just hate when people are wrong on the internet.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 04. July 2023, 02:06:39 »

We're obviously not going to add this, because aside from who cares, the audio is low-quality and layered with sound effects from the Soldier's side.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 04. July 2023, 01:25:14 »

Can you prove that?
Polito talking over the same PA system Xerxes uses.

The PA system she never uses again, including when you're still in the same room just moments later?

"Hmm, the area is about to depressurize, I was just using the pa system, which would be a good way to warn him, but I'll send him an email about it instead"


I find it far harder to accept that Sholito has access to a PA system she uses once, that's never mentioned again, and that's very likely controlled by Xerxes, rather than the far more reasonable idea that Irrational didn't implement a system for pre-read emails and didn't care enough to include the one in the cutscene. They cut quite a lot of other corners with the game and that whole intro segment has multiple emails that never play, so it's obvious that section was reworked a lot before what we got in the final version.

Obviously I don't have definitive proof that it's an email. At the same time, I don't have to prove it. All the other explanations make far less sense and offer far less evidence (can you prove it's a PA message?). I claimed it's most likely an email and I gave good reasons why they might not have added it. You can argue that they didn't add it deliberately because they intended it to be a PA message, but that isn't a very strong argument considering the lack of intent elsewhere.

But this isn't going to go anywhere. SCP is your (and voodoos) mod. Add it if you want to add it. Don't if you don't. If someone wants the email to appear correctly, there's always DML
Posted by: tiphares4
« on: 03. July 2023, 22:31:57 »

i have one suggestion for SS2 Community Patch / SCP:

How about changing the player's starting point in med/sci a few meters closer towards the cryo-chambers? So especially new players won't miss those lovely camera feedback screens above their heads (as shown in that cutscene beforehand..) ?

In my very first playthroughs i always missed that detail. i think most players will look around before moving, right?

first screenshot is vanilla starting point:
[dump487.png expired]
[dump139.png expired]
[dump447.png expired]
[dump449.png expired]
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 03. July 2023, 21:12:31 »

Whether it's possible (or worth doing) on a technical level is a different question, but "it's not an email" is flat out wrong.
Can you prove that?

If it's not an email then what is it?
Polito talking over the same PA system Xerxes uses.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 02. July 2023, 00:58:24 »

That's not an email. We know it's not an email because it's not in your emails. Q.E.D.

It's not in your emails for technical reasons, ie it being from a cutscene. But claiming it's not an email in the lore sense because it doesn't appear in your log as one is just being intentionally dense. There's no valid reason to assume the developers did this intentionally.

Polito sends you a transmission in the cutscene. In all other cases she sends you transmissions, she does so via email. Q.E.D it's very likely an email. The Many speaks to you telepathically and they don't show up as emails, but they are the only ones who do this. It's very obvious that the developers intended there to be a distinction here.

The only other times you don't get emails from her are the "good work, I'm sending you some cyber modules" emails. It makes sense that these don't get logged because they would clutter up the list of emails and provide no useful information for anyone. This seems very likely a case where realism takes a backseat for playability. But I can see a tangible reason why someone might want to review the starting email, especially on their first playthrough. Not having it there seems far more like an oversight than an intentional decision.

Whether it's possible (or worth doing) on a technical level is a different question, but "it's not an email" is flat out wrong. If it's not an email then what is it?
Posted by: bombum on his phone
« on: 30. June 2023, 19:13:01 »

Non-email messages are either telepathic transmissions or physically heard. Shodan has access to neither option at the start of the game.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 30. June 2023, 18:54:42 »

That's not an email. We know it's not an email because it's not in your emails. Q.E.D.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 30. June 2023, 18:18:35 »

ZB probably could script it that way, but I'm thinking he has bigger fish to fry.
Posted by: bombum
« on: 30. June 2023, 17:59:54 »

Would it be possible to make it start playing and then immediately be interrupted with the ship damage email that typically plays when you take a few steps in the starting room?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 30. June 2023, 17:49:18 »

hmm.. now that I think about it more, it may not be so easy to add an email and set it as already played from the get-go.
Posted by: bombum
« on: 30. June 2023, 17:39:22 »

It's not about that, it's about immersion.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 30. June 2023, 17:33:27 »

technically doable (though the audio would have to ripped from the cutscene, possibly lowering its quality), but somewhat unnecessary perhaps? the goal gets logged, so it's not like you won't know what to do if you manage to skip the cutscene by mistake or something.
Posted by: bombum
« on: 30. June 2023, 16:33:45 »

It bothers me that the message from Polito you hear in the cutscene where goggles wakes up from cryostasis is not in the emails list. How viable would it be to add that message there as a new, already-read email?
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 08. June 2023, 15:52:25 »

yeah. just be glad we are not hosting Svэtlana the slooty midwife here.

I'm just waiting for the inevitable "my nude hybrids mod was censored" topic
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. June 2023, 11:52:00 »

yeah. just be glad we are not hosting Svэtlana the slooty midwife here.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 08. June 2023, 11:29:03 »

also, from my experience, mods do not make this worse, unless you are running something horrible from that one mod topic where all the crazy from the east is gathered.

I thought you were talking about my gameplay experiments topic for a second there, until I read east
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. June 2023, 08:35:17 »

1-2 crashes per playthrough, I would say that is pretty ok. there are some rare bugs that can softlock the game (object acquiring a random prop, that includes link deletion), other ones that are just an annoyance (stack reducer, weapon destroyer), but overall, I have seen (much) worse. and there is that eng1->eng2 transition where the game just loves to go boom (but again, doesn't matter whether vanilla or modded).

also, from my experience, mods do not make this worse, unless you are running something horrible from that one mod topic where all the crazy from the east is gathered.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 08. June 2023, 02:16:05 »

same thing happened to me a few days ago while playtesting beta5. good to know it's not us.

The game in general seems to have some general weirdness - random crashes, things suddenly losing their links so frobbing doesn't work. It's generally unstable. It gets a lot more crashy and unstable on Linux under Wine, and/or with lots of mods installed.

I really hope the source code to NewDark releases, because I definitely want to see if these back-end issues are fixable.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 07. June 2023, 23:24:16 »

Crosslinked to the eng2 issue reporting thread.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. June 2023, 22:00:10 »

yes I did, check the main crash topic.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 07. June 2023, 21:16:22 »

Did you mention this crash anywhere in the dev forum? I just did a search for "crash" and nothing relevant came up.

It wouldn't be much effort to completely nuke and recreate the existing problematic lift setup.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. June 2023, 21:13:06 »

well it's not good, but better not good than us actually causing it. that would be a worse not good.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 07. June 2023, 21:07:29 »

That's actually bad, because it means we haven't fixed it.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. June 2023, 20:24:47 »

same thing happened to me a few days ago while playtesting beta5. good to know it's not us.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 07. June 2023, 19:26:45 »

Oh yeah I shouldn't have recommended rebirth that's true, it's controvertial for many reasons, small weapons though what's that?
As for the Cargo Bays, there's a button which calls a lift that has a chance to crash the game, I'm sorry I really can't say what button it is exactly, nor if it's in cargo bays A or B (I think it's in A though), but it has happened to me and others at a few occasions, and I believe it's always the same button.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 07. June 2023, 19:19:28 »

Sorry, Pokémodder? (also I apologize for bumping all over your topic)
"Gotta catch 'em all." doi.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. June 2023, 19:17:01 »

lift button? elaborate.

for a first time player, it's recommended to go a bit lighter on the mods, maybe omitting Rebirth and Small Weapons.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 07. June 2023, 19:15:40 »

Mod it until it crashes!
All jokes aside, all things have been really stable so far, except those 2 crashes that can happen at level transition in the cargo bay and that lift button still in the cargo bays, but those happen even just with vanilla iirc.
Posted by: Pocok
« on: 07. June 2023, 19:14:41 »

Sorry, Pokémodder? (also I apologize for bumping all over your topic)
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 07. June 2023, 19:03:22 »

Oh god another Pokémodder.

SHTUP already includes a high-res space upgrade, y'know.
Posted by: Pocok
« on: 07. June 2023, 18:46:49 »

Deu sex
Thank you!

Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 07. June 2023, 18:36:27 »

here you go, good luck with that!


I'm waiting for a hotfix for RSD and so should you, but aside from that you're ready to go.
Oh and also, the "Selected Laser Rapier" is a modification on top of the original mod, so you won't find that one, I think the correct name for that mod is "Colored Laser Rapier"
Of course avoid the grayed things :)
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 07. June 2023, 18:28:14 »

Then I very highly recommend the Rebalanced Skills and Disciplines mod made by RoSoDude alongside plenty others (of course including SCP).
I can share you my modded build files? but I'm unsure if that would be considered as a "modpack" as some authors may disagree with sharing that sort of stuff due to version tracking and compatibility problems.
I guess I can share the link for you and then delete it or something? So it wouldn't count as a permanent modpack source of some sorts.
I'm still waiting for some updates here and there, and also I'd like to be sure it wouldn't count as a modpack first (people stop me :) you have let's say 3 days or something hehe).

EDIT: oh so you're a legit guy wanting to get the things by yourself, I commend that! lemme prepare a screenshot of the things :)
Posted by: Pocok
« on: 07. June 2023, 18:17:59 »

A more modern take of the game.

I've already downloaded quite a few mods, but haven't started the game yet.

Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 07. June 2023, 18:17:04 »

are you trying to go for the authentic, closest to vanilla feel, or something a little bit more crazy?
Posted by: Pocok
« on: 07. June 2023, 17:13:04 »

Apologize for the bumps out of nowhere, I just finished System Shock 1 Remake and wanted to "try out" the second game, when I came across this forum with unlimited methods to modify the game and as always, I try to get the most recent version of everything.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. June 2023, 17:09:11 »

hah. ask us that question in 10 years.

we are getting there - remember, this needs to be ready to go before SS2EE hits (as SS2EE will ship with beta5 bundled).
Posted by: Pocok
« on: 07. June 2023, 16:56:22 »

Hello, any news about Beta 5 or this mod is considered complete now?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 19. August 2022, 19:07:27 »

so he took the gren launcher, popped it into the hand slot, and changed ammo while holding the AR, which killed it. lets see whether this can be replicated.

yes, yes it can. this is an engine bug, nothing we can do about it. lets hope our feathery friend still flies over these parts of the internet every once in a while.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 19. August 2022, 17:27:12 »

Well that's new.
Posted by: hemebond
« on: 19. August 2022, 14:58:13 »

I'm wondering if the SCP team has seen and fixed this bug.

Swapping gun via the HUD, then changing ammo type without dropping the gun from the cursor, results in the gun being lost:

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