A bit of feedback on some oddities I found in-game. I'm running the Steam version with SS2Tool v6.1.1.8 btw..
Rec2 Garden: The grenadier and baby arachnid ambush that is triggered once you open the last door in the garden maintenance tunnels, doesn't have any sound cues at all. Can't hear neither of them until the hybrid starts lobbing grenades.
Eng1 Core Control: Spawn rate is way to excessive in this area during the mission to overload the engine core. When standing right in front of the core door, you don't even have time to look up the keycode before a new enemy spawns behind you. Ended up killing 7 rumblers and 5 assassins before I managed to find a spot that prohibited them from spawning. Also, this is a very small secluded area. How do they keep getting up here when there's only one tiny elevator!?
Ops4 red assassin 436: If you fight/die to 436 on one of slopes leading to the lower levels, then reload a save right before the encounter triggers, 436 may spawn halfway into the ground with only the torso visible and move at severely reduced speed. Had some success replicating this bug. More testing needed though.
OS-UP Security Expert: Well, the "vanilla" bug of mobs following the player around during invisibility is kinda amplified with this new OS upgrade. And giving how long a security hack can last, this new Security Expert upgrade can lead to some very annoying gameplay behavior. Like an army of protocol droids following you around in cargo bays and glitching out the elevators, multiple maintenance bots in hydro trying to hump you and block everything, inability to explore certain areas in peace as certain triggered robots won't stop following, etc..
The change is very cool and may even be a bit overpowered. But unless you can fix this invisibility bug (which also affect psi users), then I would recommend scrapping this new mechanic. As it has been more trouble than worth in my opinion.
Cyber Affinity: Vanilla bug. Compared to the other psi stat boosters, CA only last for half the advertised duration. As in, base duration is actually 1:00 minute. And the duration is only extended by 0:30 minutes per psi. It also seem to be the only stat boosted without any voiceover?
Then there's something about jumping into the brain of the many and climbing the glass wall to have reavers kill it.. But I'm still testing that stuff out.