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Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. January 2025, 13:22:14 »

not aware of any.

so to make it short, he says that native scripts (osm) should be in the mod root, and squirrel scripts (nut) should be in the root\sq_scripts folder always, and that is correct afaik. whether the manager should detect them specifically and describe them as script (mods) is up to you, I'm perfectly fine with "other".
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 26. January 2025, 12:45:15 »

@voodoo47 , @ZylonBane : Is this correct https://github.com/pshjt/dmm/pull/16 ? Specifically, would *.nut files in the root folder of a mod be prohibited outright by the engine, or are they just non-standard? Are there mods or bigger mod projects out there which emphasize changing the
Code: [Select]
script_module_path variable in the CFG?
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 21. January 2025, 19:12:55 »

Answered in thread.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 15. January 2025, 10:44:35 »

@Marvin any idea why the manager is throwing this "too many mods" fit?
Mods setup log - Dark engine Mod Manager 1.1.1
Created: 12 January 2025, 22:19:02

ss2.exe version: 2.48
Mods folder path: C:\Games\Steam 2\steamapps\common\SS2\DMM\

Warning: Too many mods are active or paused.

 #  Name                           Status  Type
--  -----------------------------  ------  ----------------------
 1  SS2_DeNoised_CutscenesV1       Active  Cutscene
 2  HUD Logs v2                    Active  Replacement/Other, DML
 3  SS2_Vaxquis_VintageSongRemake  Active  Replacement/Other
 4  English Subtitles              Active  Subtitle
 5  SS2_Prison_Event_1.0           Active  DML
 6  SCP Death Taunts               Active  Script
 7  RealSG_1.06                    Active  Replacement/Other, DML
 8  Quest Note Notifier            Active  Replacement/Other, DML
 9  SHTUP-ND beta 2                Active  Replacement/Other, DML
10  SCP_beta6                      Active  Gamesys, Level

mod_path .\DMM\SS2_DeNoised_CutscenesV1+.\DMM\HUD Logs v2+.\DMM\SS2_Vaxquis_VintageSongRemake+.\DMM\English Subtitles+.\DMM\SS2_Prison_Event_1.0+.\DMM\SCP Death Taunts+.\DMM\RealSG_1.06+.\DMM\Quest Note Notifier+.\DMM\SHTUP-ND beta 2+.\DMM\SCP_beta6+.\patch_ext

movie_path .\DMM\SS2_DeNoised_CutscenesV1\cutscenes+.\cutscenes+.\Data\cutscenes

Listing of mods folder content:

English Subtitles\
HUD Logs v2\
Quest Note Notifier\
SCP Death Taunts\
SHTUP-ND beta 2\
I don't see anything unusual. is maybe the SS2_Vaxquis_VintageSongRemake folder name too long?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 11. March 2024, 13:02:05 »

miracle.flame pointed out something interesting - dmm.exe, when launched, will overwrite the movie_path in install.cfg to .\cutscenes+.\Data\cutscenes unless something else is specified in dmm.cfg (game.baseMoviePath, needs to be .\movies for Thief else there will be no cutscenes).

I'm guessing there is some reasoning behind this?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 10. March 2024, 16:47:47 »

throws a security confirmation at me, the previous wip builds did not do that. weird.

the c7e73c9 build has no security issues, and crfs are recognized, so if this cannot be resolved at the moment, I'll just use that. having the columns not completely locked is not a big deal.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 10. March 2024, 12:35:46 »

At least you should not be blocked any longer, Unfortunately, Windows Defender flags this as a virus all of a sudden, so not sure how useful the app is atm. :-/

Will go for the rest at a later point. If someone knows how to tell MS that a program is not evil, let me know.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 09. March 2024, 14:30:08 »

github's ability to hide the download links never ceases to amaze me. ah, there we go, https://github.com/pshjt/dmm/actions/workflows/dmm_build.yml

the latest download (Commit 6674dfb) seems to have reverted the changes though? crfs not recognized again. eeeh, I'll just wait until you post the official release.
Wrong PR? This is it: https://github.com/pshjt/dmm/pull/12/checks
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 07. March 2024, 23:36:54 »

lowercase "e" makes it look like a Russian keygen
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 07. March 2024, 22:08:59 »

- I'm not changing the naming yet again.
Nobody's asking for the name to be changed. It will still be DMM. "Engine" just needs to be capitalized. Having it lowercase looks like a mistake. We want people to have full trust in this thing.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. March 2024, 21:23:32 »

github's ability to hide the download links never ceases to amaze me. ah, there we go, https://github.com/pshjt/dmm/actions/workflows/dmm_build.yml

the latest download (Commit 6674dfb) seems to have reverted the changes though? crfs not recognized again. eeeh, I'll just wait until you post the official release.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 07. March 2024, 21:14:07 »

- button already fixed on the branch. Just a different action (action runs for every single commit, just check the PR for up-to-date version)
- I'm not changing the naming yet again.

Wrt new features: I'd wait and see what Nightdive cooks up with the remaster. Hopefully, they have a manager that's ready to add to any install.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. March 2024, 20:56:34 »

that takes care of the crfs not being recognized, thanks. I don't mind resizing being disabled, as long as it's disabled completely, meaning no column shrink when the divider is doubleclicked. the rest;

- the Launch game & exit button, technically this should be Exit and Launch game.
- "engine" not being capitalized in the title bar looks strange.

aand that should wrap v1.1.2 I think.

and someday, one day maybe - mod descriptions upon mouse cursor hover.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 07. March 2024, 19:45:23 »

Oh, I tested with a mod with other stuff in it. And I wrote "cgf" instead of "crf". Yeah, no editing for me at 10 PM....
Better: https://github.com/pshjt/dmm/actions/runs/8194394885

Apart from that: I don't remember talking about anything else. But I will take a look. Column resizing for example was always specifically disabled. Being able to use double-click is just an oversight. Throwing away all the resize code and replacing it with a min-size check is probably for the better, but it's still ugly.

I like all the file system stuff that the GUI framework provides, but stateful GUIs are such a pain in the ass...
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. March 2024, 11:47:37 »

nope, still unrecognized, still can't resize columns (can doubleclick the borders to shrink to min but that is the only action that works), button still says launch and exit instead of exit and launch, "engine" still in lowercase.
[norecog.jpg expired]
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 07. March 2024, 06:08:57 »

CRF files should be denoted as 'Other'. Works on my machine or smth. What's the minimal example?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. March 2024, 22:59:17 »

only seems to fix the confirm changes dialog window?
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 06. March 2024, 21:43:49 »

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. March 2024, 21:06:40 »

good - thanks.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 06. March 2024, 20:37:41 »

I hadn't even started. :D

I'll whip something up...
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 04. March 2024, 10:45:13 »

anyway, any eta, Marv? I'm slowly starting to wrap up the new TFix release.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. February 2024, 10:17:39 »

DMM, and Dark Engine Mod Manager. don't overthink it - SCP is also technically S2CP, the 2 is omitted and nobody cares.

or think "Dark" as an abbreviation of "the Dark Engine". problem solved.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 23. February 2024, 09:59:25 »

Doesn't matter. Window titles are supposed to be title-cased. Which letters they contribute to their acronym are irrelevant.

I agree it looks awful.

Alternative title bar would be Dark Mod Manager if you need to protect the precious acronym.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 22. February 2024, 20:36:48 »

Doesn't matter. Window titles are supposed to be title-cased. Which letters they contribute to their acronym are irrelevant.
Posted by: Vegoraptor
« on: 22. February 2024, 20:02:24 »

Because it is the DMM, not the DEMM.
See also:  LASER vs LABSEOR
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 22. February 2024, 15:55:31 »

"engine" not being capitalized in the title bar looks strange.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 22. February 2024, 15:23:31 »

ha, something that looks like it may be a bug - cannot resize the columns properly, it seems, cannot drag the divider around at all. can anyone confirm?
[nodrag.jpg expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 21. February 2024, 10:44:18 »

aha - the Launch game & exit button, technically this should be Exit and launch game.

yes, I know.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 19. February 2024, 19:30:09 »

hmm.. don't think so. for now. thanks.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 19. February 2024, 18:30:10 »

Ok. Anything else?
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 18. February 2024, 22:34:45 »

And by Windows UI convention, the title of that dialog should be the name of the program. And it would normally be phrased more succinctly, like just "Save changes to the mod configuration?"
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 18. February 2024, 17:27:10 »

and maybe some kind of punctuation should be here?
[double.jpg expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 16. February 2024, 18:17:37 »

aaand here we go. so, this is almost good to go for T1/TG (game.dataOverrideSubfolder doing what it should), just one little niggle - if the resources are packed in a crf, the manager will show the mod as unrecognized. despite that, the resources are loaded just fine, so there is no real reason for the manager to not see them as a valid mod.

hmm.. maybe zip should be allowed too. //no, probably not, iirc dmls are not loaded from zip archives, if nothing else. //nope, they load just fine. but still probably better left alone.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 02. December 2023, 15:49:22 »

gooood, T1/TG tests coming soon..ish.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 02. December 2023, 15:14:35 »

v1.1.0 released: https://github.com/pshjt/dmm/releases/tag/v1.1.0

Next stop: A menu bar.  :omg:
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 09. November 2023, 06:32:01 »

Yeah I know this all too well.

I use various programs which can be very easily configured using a text editor by editing some config files. Super easy and straightforward, and in my opinion far easier than using a GUI full of settings (look at the options menu in VLC for a glimpse of hell on earth), but people look at me like some sort of alien when I tell them to add a line to a config file.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. November 2023, 16:11:36 »

ok I guess that's right.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 08. November 2023, 16:09:16 »

yes. that means people having some kind of issue, asking for help here, and then us telling them to click open the log. us telling them to click get the info from the UI makes next to no difference.
Are you seriously equating clicking a button with digging into the file system and copying something specific out of a log dump? Have you met people?

Half the point of the mod manager is to insulate people from ever having to manually mess with files.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 08. November 2023, 12:53:21 »

The XP build lacks certain features like high-DPI support, so it is not advisable to use it on modern systems. It's for retro PC owners only.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. November 2023, 12:48:15 »

my official stance on this is if legacy systems can be supported without an issue, then they should be supported. I will be doing some xp testing a bit later, so I will check.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 08. November 2023, 12:45:25 »

Latest build, prevents non-US-ASCII characters in mod name: https://github.com/pshjt/dmm/releases/tag/v1.1.0-beta

BTW, might be of interest to @voodoo47 : The updated build makes it easier to target specific platforms, even legacy ones such as WinXP. Is there still an interest in that? In any case, here's a test build for WinXP, cannot try it myself anymore, unfortunately: https://github.com/pshjt/dmm/suites/18009453398/artifacts/1036278765
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. November 2023, 11:01:02 »

yes. that means people having some kind of issue, asking for help here, and then us telling them to click open the log. us telling them to click get the info from the UI makes next to no difference.

less is (sometimes) more.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 08. November 2023, 10:15:09 »

I don't think many people are aware of that file, it's more useful for debugging purposes. I thought ZB meant a Ctrl+C action anyway.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. November 2023, 09:33:48 »

the manager already crates a log file from where the list of mods can be copied to clipboard. same amount of clicks, and less clutter in the interface, imho.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 08. November 2023, 07:24:27 »

At least I have to put in a warning about non ASCII characters. Currently the manager just silently ignores them.

There is already the import/export function. But it would not hurt to save the same info to clipboard.

A menu, maybe, or a quick bar.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 08. November 2023, 04:46:48 »

I'd say it's entirely your call spending dev time supporting something that might work in the future.

I just came here to suggest that it would be a handy feature to be able to copy the current list of active mods to the clipboard, so you'd end up with something like:
1. HUD Logs
2. Four Hundred v20U
3. SHTUP-ND beta 1
4. SCP beta 9

This would save people having to post a screenshot to share their list of currently active mods.

Though at this point, the right side of the screen is getting really full of buttons. Might be a good idea to add a File menu at the top for the rarely-used functions?
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 31. October 2023, 20:06:05 »

That reminds me... newdark does not seem to actually support non-ASCII characters in any paths. Is that correct ( @ZylonBane , @voodoo47 )? The question is then if I should actually add UTF8 support to the mod manager and warn the user that a path is invalid, in the hopes that this may one day change with a new release, or not add the feature at all.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 30. October 2023, 12:47:49 »

It beats having to fiddle with a bunch of bat files and Microsoft's "guess where we hid this particular linker setting" approach to MSVS UI design. I'm from the world of Java, everything related to build tools in C/CPP is like a horror story to me.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 29. October 2023, 23:06:30 »

I'm yet to see a project improved by cmake. Usually it just gets in the way
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 29. October 2023, 20:26:49 »

I'm still yet to test it in the T1 mode. so no rush on this.
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