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Posted by: Nameless Voice
« on: 06. February 2025, 13:47:45 »

Sounds like you've already seen the source, but it's here for future reference:

It should "just work" if you slap in on the player archetype, so long as you have the relevant UI files.

I don't think these are the actual original Thief UI files. They're modified in 2007 so are probably something custom.

SS2's camera attachment system is also a bit buggy (hence why the gem wobbled around in the video I made back then); these days it would be better to create a custom overlay using NewDark functionality.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 06. February 2025, 00:27:32 »

I'm trying to get the (undocumented) NVVisibilityGem script to work, but I'm not having much luck figuring out how exactly it's supposed to be set up. I've copied over all the light gem models and textures from Thief. I've placed the script on the player object, which seems to do something... it says "  equipped" at the top of the screen... but no light gem appears.

Looking at the source, it seems like all the script needs is to be on an object at the moment of creation, then it should take care of everything else itself.

If this can be made to work, it might be a fun project to reskin it to fit in with the SS2 UI.

EDIT: Okay so it is actually spawning the light gem, but it's positioned facing away from the player. WTF?

EDIT2: Have managed to manually dink around with the camera attach settings, and there appears to be no combination of settings that will force a camera-attached object to just face the camera. So I have no idea how NV did it.
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