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Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: Today at 01:28:46 »

Posted by: ModdedInstall2
« on: 01. March 2025, 15:21:41 »

Hang on... how am I just now seeing there's a full skybox now?!?
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 01. March 2025, 06:34:52 »

Next release here: https://github.com/JosiahJack/Citadel/releases/tag/v0.99.9

Of course I hadn't looked yet to see your post and recalled I still have one more trick up my sleeve to make the groves more performant so I'll have to squeeze that in when I can after my trip this next week.
Posted by: ModdedInstall2
« on: 28. February 2025, 21:48:22 »

JosiahJackI ran through as much of Alpha Grove as I could, and I think I managed to explore the whole map there. Performance was... how do I put this gently... not ideal. In most sections, I think I got an average of 4-10 FPS, which correct me if I'm wrong, but I doubt those are great numbers. My PC also crashed when I tried to quit the game, so fun times.

On the bright side, though, I actually like this interpretation of the Grove art style a lot more than the NDS one! Granted, the remake still looks nice, but this... wow. It's just so lush and colorful. Citadel also just feels satisfying to control - seems like you managed to strike the right balance between the controlled precision of the remake and the fluidity of the original, which is an awesome thing to achieve.

Full test run here:
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 28. February 2025, 05:06:55 »

If you need help testing anything resource-intensive, I'm fully willing to assist in that department.

I'd be curious to see what frame rates you get at max settings (Soft Shadows ON, SSGI on, reflections on, fov cranked to 90 or above, SSAO on) on Alpha Grove (tilde, then type load10 to cheat yourself there if you don't want to play all the way through, loadarsenal6 is recommended too, or loadarsenal9 if you feel empowered).
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 28. February 2025, 05:00:40 »

Ahh sadly it seems there is an issue with how Mac handles the StreamingAssets folder.  It needs to be handled in much the same way as my experimental Android build (yes tis a thing) where it uses the persistent data path to the user's library folder instead.  As such none of the mac builds have likely ever worked (or haven't in a long long time).  I think I know how to fix it (I should borrow my Mom's aging macbook at some point though).
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 28. February 2025, 04:58:40 »

Latest beta version here with numerous fixes but still some known issues: https://github.com/JosiahJack/Citadel/releases/tag/v0.99.8
Posted by: ModdedInstall2
« on: 20. February 2025, 00:50:58 »

Finally got a chance to start Citadel, and so far it's great! Looks nice and feels pretty good to control, plus the UI feels like it makes all the right changes w/out doing a complete overhaul like SSR did. I seriously applaud all the work you've done here!

I don't have the hardware to actually make it viable as an alternative

If you need help testing anything resource-intensive, I'm fully willing to assist in that department.
Posted by: la0s
« on: 08. February 2025, 15:38:07 »

On a Macbook Air M2, with 15.2 it says the app is damaged and it can't open it.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 06. February 2025, 10:43:54 »

aye, that we do.

Just play the remaster bro  XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. February 2025, 10:20:53 »

aye, that we do.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 06. February 2025, 09:19:10 »

Looks good.

I'll be looking for more projects to work on once I finish my GMDX fork. So maybe I could pop in, see how it's going, and contribute some code.

We need a good playable version of SS1 that isn't scuffed to all hell.
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 06. February 2025, 06:56:12 »

Some screenshots since it's been a while.

Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 06. February 2025, 06:55:50 »

Here we go, these test builds should work.  Also fixed a lot of issues compared to yesterday but still some known bugs with saving and some areas dissappearing due to culling bugs but it's much reduced and more stable.


Citadel_v0.99.70_Windows_x64.zip - Google Drive - 396.3MB

Citadel_v0.99.70_Linux_x64.zip - Google Drive - 409.5MB

Citadel_v0.99.70_Mac_x64.zip - Google Drive - 402.6MB
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 05. February 2025, 13:11:33 »

Ooh, yikes, the auto build system failed to import the models properly.  Welp.  The build linked above is more broken than what I have working locally. I suppose I'll make some test builds locally for yall later.  Sorry about that.
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 05. February 2025, 01:55:14 »

In other news, I've added some more options to improve the overall look to be more in line with my desired vision.  Using compute shaders and voxelization to bounce light around more realistically using cone tracing.  I'm making use of something called SEGI.  It's a bit ancient these days but it works and when used subtly it can be quite effective.  I modified the compute shaders to better handle the gamma color space since it was written originally for linear which imho is way too washed out and not in keeping with the art style I'm going for.  Anyways, it's looking fairly decent I think.  You'll notice the settings option "VXGI Lighting" for turning it on and off.  Feel like it's finally to a point where it looks "correct" at max settings.

I don't recall if last builds had it, but the options has separate tabs now and the graphics tab shows you your current view so you can see immediately the effect your settings changes will have.

I keep telling myself I should share screenshots of my failed performance experiments in a write up.  Not sure if that would be interesting or not?

I've rewritten the Citadel renderer multiple times over the past few months and ended up back basically near where it started, scrapping all my own which all had lackluster or similar performance to Unity's but complexity drawbacks or severe limitations such as needing large amounts of ram.

I think I may have invented a new type of rendering technique using many subrasters, fun side quest but wasn't feasible for my hardware.  It also might just be a technique that is now useless being at the end of the era of "offline" or "interactive" renderers and taking some 300ms per frame or needing 17gb of ram to put it into ~30ms which is still pretty bad (should be noted my gpu is an old GTX970 with one fan not working so maybe on newer gpus my light inhalation renderer would actually work well on).

Maybe at some point my custom whitted raytracing renderer with zero noise will sneak in as an alternative renderer option.  But I don't have the hardware to actually make it viable as an alternative, for me to play it at least, heh.  And I'm at a point where the impetus to try anything, anything at all to improve it, is now gone because I'm really quite happy with the performance level I've reached so any further side quests are a way later thing in the rendering and visuals department.
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 05. February 2025, 01:35:08 »

Thanks!  Still going strong too.

Finally seeing the light at the end of the performance tunnel though quite a few systems have been broken along the way so I'm no turning my attention towards those. I'm getting basically double fps of what I had about a year ago so this journey has definitely been worth it I'd say.  I've probably spent as much time optimizing this as making it, heh.  Anyways there's a jank test build if you want to toy with the performance as it stands currently (need free github account to see the download): https://github.com/JosiahJack/Citadel/actions/runs/13147840269

Again, this is in a broken state.  The gloves came off.  Stuff got messy.  But I'm hoping to rapidly get it back to and better than the more working state it was in about 6mo ago (fixed a number of bugs completely unrelated to my rearchitecture upheavals).
Posted by: ModdedInstall2
« on: 20. September 2024, 21:02:34 »

As a bonus performance improvement, perhaps you could use normal mapping for further geometric detail so not as many tris need rendered?

So, I posted this ages ago, except I wasn't signed in. I had, at that point in time, read approximately 5 pages of this thread - the first four, and this one. I spent 4 hours over the past day and a half reading this entire thread. I now see that the issue had been raised several times throughout the project's development, but that the goal was always to keep it in real 3D. Disregard it, please.

Also, in my time reading this thread, I have found something astonishing. A few months ago, I beat the NDS remake, which was my first full playthrough of any version of the game. I loved it a lot, but didn't really have a great point of comparison, as I'd played up to Research in pretty much every other official version of the game before I lost all motivation. This is still the case. Anyway, time for my astonishing thing:

In eight and a half years of development, a team of about 40 people with over a million dollars in financial backing restarted their commercial remake project three separate times (switching engines at one point), scrapped countless features that would have added to the immersiveness/been more faithful to the original, and ran out of money before striking a deal with a proper publishing company to keep them going - and failed miserably at updating people who gave them the million dollars they needed in order to start in the first place, releasing an update about every two years AT BEST. The final product, despite being something I found a lot of fun and really enjoyed, is still incredibly unpolished, with glitches such as entity models loading in without any AI on a level where that entity shouldn't even exist (screenshot by me). Over the past decade, one man on these forums has recreated essentially the entire freakin' game almost from scratch, without the source code for a good chunk (and by the time he had the source code, he had done such awesome work that basically the only thing he gained development-wise was an arbitrary and completely optional feature - literally a random game-within-a-game - that NDS scrapped in their remake), and surviving major setbacks such as an engine switch of his own (which only happened because of an issue with the engine he had been using that completely halted development), a rapidly evolving personal life, a time-consuming job involving countless international trips, and the entire world shutting down for a year. Oh, and did I mention he's still going strong?  8)

I have a personal project of my own I'm trying to see through to completion, but after that, I plan to spend an indeterminate amount of time (probably about two or so months) beating Citadel and trying to see everything it has to offer, after which I'm going to share my full thoughts on the state of the game and how it can improve.

Best of luck on finishing the project!  :thumb:
Posted by: Shokker
« on: 13. August 2024, 14:03:08 »

Few questions:

When I turn on the full map, the side buttons disappear?

Do most of the things get "sent" to the left side, ala Audio logs?

How can I make System status permanent on the left side in the 4th button?

Are shadows supposed to tank performance so much, RTX 2060?
Posted by: JustVisiting
« on: 01. March 2024, 01:19:49 »

As a bonus performance improvement, perhaps you could use normal mapping for further geometric detail so not as many tris need rendered?
Posted by: JDoran
« on: 07. January 2024, 13:27:02 »

Brilliant, mate! Any idea of when we might see a release, please?
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 06. January 2024, 22:12:02 »

Dynamic culling seems to be working quite well now.  Already a decent performance improvement.

Ability to load custom music is finally in.  Just need to do the tedious part and link the override system to each dynamic music snippet.  I also plan to have two types of overrides, snippets and looped where the dynamic music system does not do anything if looped is picked and instead it just continuously loops a provided mp3 override that way any custom mix ever made could be dropped in and used as is.  Or any mp3 music really.  Or .wav.  Haven't added support for midi + soundfont yet though but that's planned for later.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 26. October 2023, 03:11:15 »

The benefits to making your own game engines. Get to add the features you want.
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 25. October 2023, 17:22:01 »

I've been working on a dynamic tile-based culling system.  Has the benefit of better performance, better RAM usage, and will support Citadel's ultimate and as yet uncreated feature.  It's a long planned thing, involved, but necessary for the things to come.

Also poked at adding support for custom music mods that people could drop in and use to override one or all tracks, but it's not quite ready yet.

Not much progress these days with my current setup and playing with my 3 kids, but still going when I can here and there.
Posted by: JDoran
« on: 12. September 2023, 17:00:58 »

Dogs are brilliant, and puppies are extra cute too. The comedian John Finnemore (who wrote and starred in my favourite radio program Cabin Fever), did a survey a couple of years back to find what was the voters' favourite thing ever, and the winner was 'dogs'.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 12. September 2023, 03:42:57 »

I'd help out but I just adopted a puppy which I know isn't anywhere near as much work but it's still a handful
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 31. August 2023, 14:02:57 »

Posted by: JDoran
« on: 31. August 2023, 12:04:06 »

Congratulations, JJ! And don't worry about Citadel, when it's released, I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 31. August 2023, 01:06:18 »

My wife had her baby this afternoon.  Our third kid.  A little girl.  Both mom and baby doing well.

Still been working hard on Citadel when I have time.  Lots of bugfixes and polishing behavior of certain features.  Not there yet, but getting ever closer to a 1.00.  Those who pay attention to the Github will see both all the commits and those with Github accounts (free) are more than welcome to checkout the Citadel Main Build artifacts in the Actions tab which have the latest dev builds available at the bottom of the page for each successful run.

Not sure when I'll have my next official version what with all of life happening these days.  Life is good though!
Posted by: Toaste
« on: 16. August 2023, 13:22:35 »

That's cool. Now I'm downloading it.
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 15. August 2023, 21:45:36 »

I did.  Pressing G (by default) puts a live grenade in your hand.  T and B cycle them up down (indicated by the yellow one).  Patches can be cycled and and apply the highlighted one as well from a hotkey.  And ammo change and reload have hotkeys as well.  Reload has both a quick load option for modern reload or with it disabled pressing reload once unloads, then again loads.
Posted by: Toaste
« on: 14. August 2023, 14:16:39 »

While I undestand the premise behind this project to be as faithful to the original as possible, why not add some quality of life stuff in the interface and user experience aspects? For example, ability to throw grenade with a dedicated button, and ability to cycle grenades with another hotkey to choose which one to quick throw. Also, does it have a reload/change ammo type hotkeys?
Posted by: Berathraben
« on: 13. August 2023, 20:18:51 »

When loading a save the bio monitor augment (I turned on) is running but is not visible. You have to turn it off and start it again for it to display. After reloading a save the small doors are half way open but you can move through them.

The force bridges appear as a narrow single red line. The mutants I killed in the rad trench stay standing even when dead. Not sure if this happens anywhere else. It did not happen with mutants near the med bay and the cyberspace terminal and did not happen with cyborgs or assassins.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 13. August 2023, 10:49:22 »

Having not played any of the releases (as was waiting for the final or 1.0 release), watching that video was quite interesting. Looks like great work done on the remake.
Posted by: Berathraben
« on: 13. August 2023, 07:29:00 »

I just tried the new beta. It is a huge improvement over the last build. Very nice work. :)

I did get a crash to desk top when I tried to take a screen shot of a mutant the fell through the floor after I killed it.
But other than that I have not encountered any bugs so far.

Adding music and sound from the classic version of the game works this time. I don't think it did in the previous build.
I did notice  when you are starting a new game it only lets you type 1 letter in the name field if you have not imported the audio.
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 13. August 2023, 02:56:53 »

A fun video since I haven't had one in a while:
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 12. August 2023, 22:41:25 »

New beta version release with lots and lots of fixes: https://github.com/JosiahJack/Citadel/releases/tag/v0.99.5
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 13. July 2023, 17:16:25 »

I don't believe in AppData or Registries (but haven't found a way to force Unity to not put stuff there so I just ignore it).

Config (and saves) is inside Citadel_Data/StreamingAssets/Config.ini with Citadel_Data/ being a folder next to the game executable wherever you installed it.  I believe depending on the OS, StreamingAssets folder is put elsewhere (e.g. Android does this) but for Windows and Linux it's located here.  At some point I'll have debug log files go here too, but for now they are in the automatically created AppData/LocalLow/TrioptimumCorporation folder.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 13. July 2023, 16:09:38 »

If it's standard unity, look in


I assume the product name is Citadel
Posted by: datiswous
« on: 13. July 2023, 09:13:25 »

@JosiahJack where are the config settings stored, so I can delete them? I tried to change the resolution and set the window to fullscreen, but first the window was set extremelly small and when I managed to set it to fullscreen everything (in settings) is unreadable. This is on Win10 btw.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 05. July 2023, 00:28:03 »

The whole "remake vs remaster" debate in gaming is largely pointless anyway.

I've seen remasters that basically redo the graphics engine of a game (and all the assets) completely. I've seen others that do virtually nothing.

I've seen remasters that change a lot more than remakes do.

Not to mention you've got ultimate editions, sequels, definitive editions, goty and collectors editions, regional releases, and sometimes even patches that can completely change a game almost entirely. Warframe is so different from release (even in terms of graphics) that it's essentially been remade multiple times already, despite never getting a remake or a remastered version. World of Warcraft changes significantly with each expansion, both in terms of gameplay and graphics. Do you have to update graphics to be a remake or does gameplay count? If a company calls a product a remake but it still technically uses the same engine is it one? What about engines that have multiple iterations? Is half life source a remaster of half-life despite the only change being the engine? Does Dark Souls Remaster even count as a remaster if it's just the original game with a community patch added? Nobody knows because nobody has defined any of this stuff. We just call a game a remake or a remaster based on what feels right.

Is Citadel technically a remake or a remaster? The only intelligent answer is "who cares?". It's both and it's neither because the terms are meaningless.

Now can we put this stupid debate to bed?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 01. July 2023, 09:03:42 »

so technically, not a complete remake, but for all practical purposes, yes.
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 01. July 2023, 00:54:40 »

Content made from scratch:
Code for entire game including UI and all systems
3D models of all items, weapons, and general misc (e.g. barrels, debris)
3D models of all walls, floors, and level geometry
3D models of all enemies including animations
2D textures for all 3D models (excluding wall/floor chunks)
Shaders for cyberspace, automap, and other effects
Particle effects for all explosions, death animation effects, sparks, etc.
Level layout with all wall, floor, ceiling, item, enemy, and light placements by hand
Level triggers, I/O, logic setups, mission states, door locked, ajar, and keycard states, vmail triggers, email triggers, ambushes, ladders, gravity lifts, etc.
Menu backgrounds
Weapon UI icons
Biomonitor graph
New Game page graph
Postprocessing for lighting, colors, and screen effects

Content reused:
Audio (however, music is converted from midi snippets and ran through soundfont)
Wall/floor textures (mostly for color patches) and some other icon sets such as held objects (temp for now)
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 30. June 2023, 18:55:48 »

Just... stop.
Posted by: RandomNetPerson
« on: 30. June 2023, 18:00:04 »

I know, but it's more of a engine/sourceport remake, while the game (gameplay, graphics...) is being "remastered".
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 26. June 2023, 17:58:04 »

I'm kinda more interested in this remaster than the official Remake!
This isn't a remaster. This is a remake. It literally says "Remake" in the thread title.
Posted by: RandomNetPerson
« on: 26. June 2023, 16:03:12 »

This is insane!
Looks so faithful, yet works like it was made in SS2 engine, I'm kinda more interested in this remaster than the official Remake!

I presume you can play it like SS1 plays or switch to some SS2's-like QoL improvements?
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 21. June 2023, 05:09:29 »

A playtester was kind enough to provide this, albeit pointing out bugs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1onXeWRwxch7GWyb7UksnZxem5sE3685W/view?usp=sharing

I'm close to finishing another project for a mod team I'm the lead programmer on so haven't had much time for this the past couple months.  Hoping to have that wrapped up this week though to switch gears back to fixing this.
Posted by: RandomNetPerson
« on: 19. June 2023, 22:31:13 »

Are there any videos showcasing this mod/remake?
Posted by: JosiahJack
« on: 11. June 2023, 04:16:50 »

Thanks!  This is awesome!

I'm about to wrap up my other main game project here in the next week (hopefully) and will be switching focus back to this.  Quite a few of these haven't been reported yet or weren't reported with this level of nuance so definitely is helpful!
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