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Posted by: eldrone
« on: 23. February 2025, 06:32:25 »

It was an unanticipated interaction with hooks being placed in BotM for modders to add background music. Turns out that if you transition to a new level without explicitly shutting off any currently playing (or just triggered to play) music, Dark will immediately start playing the next level's music.

Anyway, on a different topic...

It's always bugged me that when you destroy the Med/Sci wall consoles, it leaves behind absolutely blank wall, as if the console was never there. To address this, I've come up with a way to spawn a decal on the wall behind consoles when they're destroyed.


The problem is that to do this properly would require unique artwork. What should the wall behind these things look like? Some sort of mounting bracket? Any artistic types out there have any ideas? @eldrone?

Had some many times I was going to do this but didn't want to mess with the regular behaviour 😅
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 22. February 2025, 20:32:53 »

I'll start a collection to hire Robb Waters.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 22. February 2025, 19:36:52 »

yes, I would say mounting bracket/port.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 22. February 2025, 18:58:39 »

It was an unanticipated interaction with hooks being placed in BotM for modders to add background music. Turns out that if you transition to a new level without explicitly shutting off any currently playing (or just triggered to play) music, Dark will immediately start playing the next level's music.

Anyway, on a different topic...

It's always bugged me that when you destroy the Med/Sci wall consoles, it leaves behind absolutely blank wall, as if the console was never there. To address this, I've come up with a way to spawn a decal on the wall behind consoles when they're destroyed.


The problem is that to do this properly would require unique artwork. What should the wall behind these things look like? Some sort of mounting bracket? Any artistic types out there have any ideas? @eldrone?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 20. February 2025, 11:29:06 »

no, just Dark being Dark.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 20. February 2025, 09:24:17 »

We've figured out what the problem is. It will be fixed in Beta 7.

Was it solar flares?
Posted by: Brig
« on: 20. February 2025, 05:33:20 »

Thank you so much!
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 20. February 2025, 02:18:54 »

We've figured out what the problem is. It will be fixed in Beta 7.
Posted by: Brig
« on: 19. February 2025, 20:11:02 »

Good lord, that should've been overridden. I have no idea how that happened.

I am so sorry about this, I don't even know what to say. I've deleted every other save I've had, copy pasted my save0 into a new save slot, and ran it twice to make sure it loads as a BOTM save. And I've also made sure the error I initially reported is still occurring.

I am so sorry about this again.
[save_1.zip expired]
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 19. February 2025, 19:34:45 »

That's another Where Am I? save.
Posted by: Brig
« on: 19. February 2025, 17:42:10 »

Sorry about that. Yes, I have a BOTM save file and I've just made sure this one also plays the music.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 19. February 2025, 17:07:52 »

Well, I can confirm that music is indeed playing in that save. Unfortunately there's no way to determine WHY it's playing, since the state of the song engine isn't exposed in the editor.

There's only one song trigger in the entire level, and it's in final boss room, so this is a mystery.

Do you have any saves from the Body of the Many level?
Posted by: Brig
« on: 19. February 2025, 16:44:22 »

I've uploaded a save file with two issues to report.

-Crashed at the loading screen after first run of BOTM, requiring me to start over from the chapter's beginning.
-"Cyberspace" remix played for the entirety of "Where Am I" instead of just the final boss arena

I only have SS2Tool and SCP Beta 6 installed.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 16. February 2025, 16:36:46 »

Anyone else think the ambient rumble sound in Hydroponics A (hydro1.mis) near the environmental regulator is a bit too loud?
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 27. January 2025, 03:44:53 »

That's a red assassin though, so it's not a spawn. That one in particular is actually placed in mid-air.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 27. January 2025, 03:35:23 »

Odd, normally when a character spawns inside the floor, their model is "bumped up" to normal ground level.

I learned this while making the randomiser.

If it's not doing it here, then there's something very wrong
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 26. January 2025, 18:07:31 »

It's ashamed of how ugly its character model is.
Posted by: JhonnyG
« on: 26. January 2025, 17:10:54 »

It happened again with that red assassin 436. This time I got a screenshot and a save.

[red436.zip expired]
Posted by: JDoran
« on: 12. January 2025, 22:38:44 »

I like it.
Posted by: Chandlermaki
« on: 11. January 2025, 18:45:57 »

Added a sound to trainers and OS upgrade stations opening. I can't decide if it sounds too low-tech compared to the other sound effects.


Sounds great to me!
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 11. January 2025, 16:41:43 »

Added a sound to trainers and OS upgrade stations opening. I can't decide if it sounds too low-tech compared to the other sound effects.

Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 07. January 2025, 18:08:43 »

It kind of is, because any mod that ancient was created without any awareness of SCP, NewDark, Dark Mod Manager, or current modding best practices. Truly a mod from the stone age.

It would be an interesting project to recreate the level selector in a modern, compatible way. Probably the best approach would be to teleport the player to a custom map with all the selector stuff instead of embedding it into earth.mis. Would still need to provide separate versions for SCP and SecMod since they use custom gamesyses and player scripts.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. January 2025, 17:43:22 »

it's not the 17 years, it's just that mods that replace maps are not compatible with SCP, as simple as that.
Posted by: vladdrak
« on: 07. January 2025, 17:12:11 »

So I can see how one might think that there could be a distinct possibility that you are not 100% wrong right there.  :thinking:
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 07. January 2025, 17:04:41 »

Well then, the warning is correct. By installing a 17-year-old mod that replaces earth.mis, you started your game with not-SCP. It's a good thing we added that check, because lord only knows how screwed up your game would have become.
Posted by: vladdrak
« on: 07. January 2025, 16:50:51 »

ZylonBanePredictable :D
If the scene didn't give it away for you, then here's a little heads-up: i did indeed start a new game. But anyway, I did some plug-n-pull and found the culprit, it's Zombe-LevelSelector3.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 07. January 2025, 16:42:43 »

Uh... I think your question is answered right there on the screen.
Posted by: vladdrak
« on: 07. January 2025, 16:24:45 »

Hey guys, I wish you all a very 2025! That outta the way, why is my game broken?
[ss2.jpg expired]
Posted by: JDoran
« on: 04. January 2025, 13:45:10 »

Okay, how about these. Note that I've deliberately tried to keep these as short as possible because HUD message text is only visible for a few seconds, and because the longer any text is, the more likely people won't even bother reading it.

Navy: "Enlist in the Navy to focus on technical skills."
Marines: "Enlist in the Marines to focus on weapon skills."
OSA: "Enlist in the OSA to focus on psionic skills. Not recommended for inexperienced players."

I think this is great. Regarding Sarge945's  worry that it will break immersion, I don't think that's a consideration, and even if it was, then this takes place before the game proper, so it won't effect the game experience, in my opinion.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 04. January 2025, 02:54:19 »

The career sequence on the space station pops up which stats you gain from each choice, so that immersion-breaking train left the station 25 years ago. The good news is that having text pop up when you approach a decision door is established UI precedent.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 04. January 2025, 02:19:41 »

I've seen more than a few first-time SS2 players pick OSA because of course psi powers are like so totally cool man, and subsequently have a terrible time. I wonder if it would be overkill to, when players approach the OSA tunnel, pop up an onscreen message something like "Warning, not recommended for inexperienced players."

Maybe even expand this to a popup for every service, since this area can be frustratingly cryptic for first-time players. Like if you approach the Navy tunnel, you'd get something like "Enlist in the Navy for a career focused on technical skills." Marines would get "Enlist in the Marines for a career focused on weapons." or whatever. Sure this sort of thing seems obvious to us, but at this point the game hasn't straight up said it, and character creation is the last place you want to be coy with the player.

I feel like the 3 preceeding training booths already explain in detail what each branch of service does, and having messages pop up in the middle of these hallways seems like it would be very intrusive.

If you REALLY want to do this, you can make it more immersive by putting one of the tutorial computers on the wall in the hallway leading to the career selection, with text like:

"Here, you will need to select a branch of service. This choice is permanent and cannot be undone.

Your branch of service will determine what choices you are offered over the next 4 years, however anyone is free to pursue any skills they wish once training is complete.

The Marines are focused on weapon skills, the Navy are focused on Technical skills, and the OSA is focused on psionics.

OSA is not recommended for first time players!"
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 03. January 2025, 20:09:07 »

Okay, how about these. Note that I've deliberately tried to keep these as short as possible because HUD message text is only visible for a few seconds, and because the longer any text is, the more likely people won't even bother reading it.

Navy: "Enlist in the Navy to focus on technical skills."
Marines: "Enlist in the Marines to focus on weapon skills."
OSA: "Enlist in the OSA to focus on psionic skills. Not recommended for inexperienced players."
Posted by: JDoran
« on: 02. January 2025, 18:35:57 »

That's a good idea, ZB.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 02. January 2025, 07:16:23 »

I'm in.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 02. January 2025, 06:28:33 »

I've seen more than a few first-time SS2 players pick OSA because of course psi powers are like so totally cool man, and subsequently have a terrible time. I wonder if it would be overkill to, when players approach the OSA tunnel, pop up an onscreen message something like "Warning, not recommended for inexperienced players."

Maybe even expand this to a popup for every service, since this area can be frustratingly cryptic for first-time players. Like if you approach the Navy tunnel, you'd get something like "Enlist in the Navy for a career focused on technical skills." Marines would get "Enlist in the Marines for a career focused on weapons." or whatever. Sure this sort of thing seems obvious to us, but at this point the game hasn't straight up said it, and character creation is the last place you want to be coy with the player.
Posted by: JhonnyG
« on: 27. December 2024, 17:46:26 »

just for fun, try to edit scpScript.nut, find !ShockGame.CheckLocked and delete the !, save and see whether that gets the hatch going again.
Yup. This make the hatch fully functional again. Also fixed a small bug with droids not popping out of their casket in eng2.

For the love of god.

There is no issue. The script sent was ONLY for testing the invisibility fix, not playing the entire game.
Well, I only did the Von Braun part. Wanted to test it against the most notorious stalkers in hydro and rec. At least now we know it works ^^
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 27. December 2024, 17:30:09 »

For the love of god.

There is no issue. The script sent was ONLY for testing the invisibility fix, not playing the entire game.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. December 2024, 14:48:52 »

ok, can reproduce the hatch issue from your save, I'm almost sure it's happening because you have what technically is SCPb7 script but your eng1 map is still SCPb6.

do not share that script for obvious reasons.

just for fun, try to edit scpScript.nut, find !ShockGame.CheckLocked and delete the !, save and see whether that gets the hatch going again.
Posted by: JhonnyG
« on: 27. December 2024, 12:33:17 »

sarge945Could it have something to do with Rebirth? I have noticed assassins can be very glitchy to hit in melee. Dunno if anyone else has experienced this issue.
Posted by: JhonnyG
« on: 27. December 2024, 12:21:04 »

None of the usual tricks worked. Got past the hatch by restoring the original file. Then reapplying the new one again afterward.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. December 2024, 12:06:49 »

Only bug I noticed is that the hatch leading to the core in eng1 doesn't work while running this new script? As in, the buttons does nothing and the hatch won't open.
unable to replicate. a save?
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 26. December 2024, 23:31:31 »

My experiences with the Randomiser have taught me that spawning an enemy in the ground will make them "pop out" into valid space in the map.

I'm very very surprised that didn't happen.
Posted by: JhonnyG
« on: 26. December 2024, 23:10:43 »

The new script package you sent over seem to have fixed the stalking issue. Enemies that tended to latch on, now properly ignore the player when under influence of psi invisibility or the security expert. Tried to provoke various enemies repeatedly by breaking invisibility, getting spotted, then turning invisible again, and didn't noticed any issues with their behavior. Every AI seem perfectly able to engage and disengage in a manner you would expect them to behave. Overall a vast gameplay improvement in my opinion.
Only bug I noticed is that the hatch leading to the core in eng1 doesn't work while running this new script? As in, the buttons does nothing and the hatch won't open.

Regarding ops4 red assassin 436 spawning halfway into the ground. I have tried to provoke and replicate this during many playthroughs since then, but have been unable to so. Can only assume it was a freak glitch like with the monkey. So sorry about the false report.
Posted by: JhonnyG
« on: 23. December 2024, 17:00:18 »

ZylonBane Sorry for the late reply, just discovered it in my mailbox. I'll do a proper test and report back.

Also, a marry christmas to you all =)
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 22. December 2024, 01:02:21 »

JhonnyG, a test script package has been sent to your email address to see if it resolves the issue with AIs following you around while invisible.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 19. December 2024, 16:15:14 »

well, we've been doing this for a while or two.
Posted by: JhonnyG
« on: 19. December 2024, 16:13:07 »

Dark, and not a SCP issue. Noted. I'm actually relieved you guys were able to debug this glitch. It was driving me insane trying to figure out how I could have f'ed up the installation in some way ^^
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 19. December 2024, 14:16:16 »

Yes, I've confirmed in game mode and DromEd that monkey 296 has no physics in that save, though it seems slightly random. Quicksaving and reloading restores its physics.

On initial load the monkey is hovering in midair near a wall, so this is indeed probably just a result of a glitchy pathfinding/physics interaction. The only odd thing I noticed in its physics props was that its Gravity % had somehow changed to 0.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 19. December 2024, 12:12:23 »

found it - it's the old "if a creature collides with the terrain in an unusual way, its physics might get deactivated" bug. it's rare, nothing can be done about it, and it should go away upon level reload (map change).

just for the record, this is Dark being Dark, not SCP uhh, SCPeeing.
Posted by: JhonnyG
« on: 19. December 2024, 10:19:10 »

voodoo47That's odd. I have tested the save in every single way I could think of.. Deleted all save files, disabled all mods but SCP6, restored my cam.cfg, tried updating SS2tool, launching through both Steam and mod manager etc. And no matter what, that monkey in ICU (the first irradiated area at the end of the hallway) has no collision detection. Can't hit it and is able to run right through it every time. It's only this once  I have encountered the bug over four games since installing SCP.
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