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Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. February 2025, 14:05:25 »

no need for anything fancy, so just the base with some of the stem, basically the curved part with the eye gets destroyed and the base with the stem and its leaves will remain.
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 26. February 2025, 13:59:11 »

attaching a corpse model suggestion.
Do you want the cut off part on the model or just the stem? Or do you want the cut off as a standalone model to be used as gibs?

@vurt , do you have a texture ready I can use for the cut part of the stem?
Posted by: vurt
« on: 25. February 2025, 23:44:45 »

i'll have to give it a skip for now, might look into it later. just got too much with Morrowind right now. sorry :/
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 25. February 2025, 21:38:55 »

Currently I'm using a fork of nemyax blender plugin which seems to work up to Blender 3.6. I believe after that it's broken again.
The original one works up to 2.79 if I remember correctly.

Here's my blender file. On export you need to set Origin to "Object origin" for it to be at the right position. Also you can remove the "Limit Rotation" from the Constraints as it shouldn't rotate anymore.
If that's too much of a hassle you can also just give me a Blender file with your edits and I do the export stuff.
Posted by: vurt
« on: 25. February 2025, 21:03:58 »

its for some older blender. i just removed all my old blender versions, because its so annoying and messy/confusing to have to rely on more than 1. if Olfred wants to do a model i can do something with the textures, if needed, eg. add blood to stem or eye etc.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 25. February 2025, 20:45:18 »

check this, but no idea how to set everything up, Olfred would know.

attaching a corpse model suggestion.

Posted by: vurt
« on: 25. February 2025, 20:42:34 »

i don't have a model for that.

.bin, is there an easy way to import to blender? i'm doing 3D modelling for Morrowind right now, so if it's easy to get the model into blender 4.1 i can take a look and do a "dead" model.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 25. February 2025, 18:49:29 »

I proclaim this model good to go - thanks as always.

buuuut.. just realized there needs to be a proper corpse model set up because the player can kill the plant, very sure @vurt does not have one, but lets find out before I bother you some more.
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 25. February 2025, 17:57:23 »

Try this one.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 25. February 2025, 10:18:26 »

ok, rotation looks good, but the model offset has changed, will now sink into ground by 0.6572 if trying to apply the model on the map concretes which already are floored. also offset to the side, but that's probably not a big deal (the last two models with the same position, the sunken one offset to the left is the latest model).
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 25. February 2025, 04:49:34 »

Please check if this is working.
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 24. February 2025, 22:52:21 »

I would be fine if it would just rotate constantly.

EDIT: I realised what ZylonBane wrote was exactly that.
Thanks for your help, both of you.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 24. February 2025, 19:00:12 »

But since the camera AI uses a joint to point itself, it's easier for testing purposes to just set up a joint tweq. Specifically:
  Halt: Continue
  Joint1AnimC: Wrap
    rate-low-high: 25, 0, 360
  AnimS: On
  Joint1AnimS: On

Although, just changing the model on a security camera to the plant model might work.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 24. February 2025, 18:28:58 »

it's controlled by camera params, actually.
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 24. February 2025, 16:50:21 »

Can you send me a screenshot how to set up a tweq, or something else so I can test it in ss2?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 24. February 2025, 16:34:08 »

oh right, this is the second model, lets see.. nope, the first one was also not centered (same thing, the point of rotation is not at the center of the stalk).
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 24. February 2025, 16:17:58 »

With properly I mean, is the stalk centered? I used a slightly different method for the first edit I did. If that is properly I can go from there.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 24. February 2025, 15:55:38 »

yes, it rotates fine, but as mentioned, the stalk is not centered, or rather, the point of rotation is not at the center of the stalk.
the extra stationary leaves are helping, but they are not covering the base of the stalk completely, so it's still visible.
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 24. February 2025, 15:38:07 »

I tried to set up a Tweq to have a better look at it, if it's really centered, but I couldn't figure out how to set it up.
Does the first one I edited rotate properly?
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 06. February 2025, 20:40:22 »

I thought I had it centered. Don't have like a really good way to test it out. I'll take another look at it.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. February 2025, 17:12:51 »

definitely better, but not 100% what I had in mind (masking the base of the stalk completely so it would look less weird when rotating). one can still see it going into the ground, and rotating oddly (not centered - maybe that is what's throwing me off).

but if this is what it is, then I would say it's ok, no such thing as perfection in this world.
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 06. February 2025, 16:57:46 »

I had to modify the leafes a bit for it to work properly without too much clipping. Also I made the plant a bit smaller so the eye position is more in line with the original one. It still looks bigger because of the leafes on the top.
[eyeplant_new2.bin expired]
Posted by: vurt
« on: 29. December 2024, 11:07:14 »

ok, i put up a small resource pack under General. 
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 29. December 2024, 09:02:07 »

mod/admin account does not have a limit, but I'm thinking if it's more than 200MB, then we probably should host it elsewhere - Nexus if you like that, and maybe a ModDB mirror for people who can't be bothered to create accounts.
Posted by: vurt
« on: 29. December 2024, 04:55:25 »

what's the file size limit on here btw?

I was messing around with some of my older AI models and one of them is really good at creating Sci-fi doors/walls/crates. I can do a SS2 inspired texture pack as a modder's resource and put it up here... but it's going to be big.. i can use nexus mods otherwise.
Posted by: vurt
« on: 29. December 2024, 01:43:46 »

it's great at very detailed stuff such as something broken, not so good at cleaner stuff.

buuut... you can obviously train a model on really clean stuff which has very little detail, that would've worked well for that clean valve door.
i don't have such a model though. my models are now very old, i made most of them last year and a few in early 2024. i'll get back to doing them at some point i guess, it's extremely time consuming.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 28. December 2024, 23:12:34 »

interesting - one would think the broken wall would be much more difficult to generate, but it came out pretty much perfect on the second try.

oh well, not going to look a gift horse in the mouth too much - thanks either way.
Posted by: vurt
« on: 28. December 2024, 22:43:59 »

...depends on how hard you go with the img-img generation. this is "tracing" the image to around 45%.. i can trace it to 60-70% and they will appear for sure, but the quality will be awful, much worse than the blurry version above.
AI is unfortunately tedious to work with, every image has to be generated usually 5-100 times, depending on what it is, usually one image comes out that looks decent. the prompt has to be descriptive enough, and this is perhaps where i am lacking the most since English isn't my first language.

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 28. December 2024, 21:49:59 »

wonder why it just deletes the few lines that are connecting the circle to the corners. ah well, this will have to do then, I guess - thanks.
Posted by: vurt
« on: 28. December 2024, 21:09:32 »

it was the best of around 40 images. but i can try to smooth the original image, maybe that gets rid of the pixelation artifacts. i'll do a test later.

since it's not a color texture you can always change saturation to get rid of the red/brown pixels btw.


way more blurry though.. i prefer the former personally. just make sure you reduce the saturation.
[DOORPD4-306.png expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 28. December 2024, 19:12:59 »

hmm.. that one will have to be adjusted, it somehow got brownish at certain places, and there is an extra thin grey line on the left and right side that shouldn't be there. few lines are missing in the corners if you check my screenshot, and those that are still there got curved.

maybe one more pass, and then we'll just pick one that's better, and maybe I can adjust it slightly myself (I actually can do a little bit of texture work if it's not too complicated).
Posted by: vurt
« on: 28. December 2024, 18:21:13 »

This is as close as i can get with that one.

well, i can get closer but the quality will suffer a lot, the metal will look pixelated etc. These textures are hard because of how it interprets the pixelated metal, so to get a smooth metal surface without it adding rivets and whatnot isn't easy. Low-res wood is much easier.
[DOORPD4-281.png expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 28. December 2024, 09:50:57 »

was just about to say this should be it for now, but yeah, the airlock texture, lets maybe get that one up to scratch too.
[RCK002.PCX expired]
[airlock.jpg expired]
Posted by: vurt
« on: 27. December 2024, 23:04:51 »

np, let me know if there's something else.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. December 2024, 19:37:12 »

yup, that will do just fine, thanks. I also extend my gratitude to our future AI overlords, good job, don't put my head into a jar when your time comes.
Posted by: vurt
« on: 27. December 2024, 18:52:54 »

ok, one more try.
[arbor03.png expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. December 2024, 18:30:55 »

almost - that one bit in the mid-left part of the texture got interpreted as pistons with some wiring underneath, ideally should not be that, this really is just an exploded wall. also, the largest round (bullet?) hole needs to go, the way the texture is wrapped around the objects cuts it in half and places it right at the edges.

so maybe one more pass, and I shall stop yanking you into the Shockverse.
Posted by: vurt
« on: 27. December 2024, 17:56:56 »

Like this?
[arbor03 copy.png expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. December 2024, 12:36:03 »

and since we are already pushing various odd bits around, I think I'm going to hijack this topic just a little - it's pretty safe to assume you have the texture tools ready to go, so, any chance you could try to upscale the original ARBOR03B texture and transplant the damage bit to the already existing hires arbor03 texture, please? attaching both.
[ARBOR03B.PCX expired]
[arbor03.png expired]
Posted by: vurt
« on: 24. December 2024, 09:39:27 »

I usually don't work on models if the original creator is still around. But if it's okay for vurt I can give it a go.

That would be great! Yeah i haven't messed with modelling for this game in a very long time.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 24. December 2024, 08:08:25 »

iirc he doesn't have the tools set up anymore, so figured it might be much easier just to have you perform a quick graft on the model.
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 23. December 2024, 18:06:38 »

I usually don't work on models if the original creator is still around. But if it's okay for vurt I can give it a go.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 19. December 2024, 10:15:54 »

I would suggest trying to add that fixed leaf ring at the base.

@Olfred a quick jab at this, maybe? something like cloning 4 of those leaves and making a solid base out of them? just to hide the stem that indeed looks weird when poking out of the ground just like that and rotating.
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 19. December 2024, 01:33:05 »

If you need anything else just ping me. Otherwise I will miss it as I'm not that active anymore and don't read all the threads.
Posted by: vurt
« on: 18. December 2024, 23:06:40 »

It's decent enough i guess, i'll set it up like an Optional download i think :)

Thanks for the video and thanks again Olfred, i'll make sure you're credited for the edit. 
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 18. December 2024, 15:22:46 »

Getting strong Wheatley vibes from that updated model.

"Tremble before my mighty crown of leaves, puny human!"
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 18. December 2024, 14:52:53 »

The way the model is made right now it's kind of the only way to animate it. If another result is desired one would need to change the model to two separate parts, one stationary one rotating.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 18. December 2024, 13:12:29 »

the way the new plant is constructed, this is probably unavoidable. it's also quite a bit taller than vanilla - either way, unless the model is redone from scratch, this is probably as good as it gets;
I'd consider this acceptable (nobody is claiming the flora part of the pack is true to vanilla). some kind of leaf ring at the base (that wouldn't move around) would make it infinitely better though.
Posted by: vurt
« on: 18. December 2024, 10:47:47 »

The the entire stalk rotates around, this is maybe the only way to animate this model though?
It looks odd. the original plant is stationary and only the eye rotates. ´

For me it didn't really track me at all though (the original mesh), maybe a bug or maybe its just how it works, but i think i remember it followed the player with its eye.

Thanks for giving it a shot!  Here's a save game at some eye plants.

[quick.7z expired]
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 18. December 2024, 03:30:23 »

Test if this one is working.
[eyeplant_new.bin expired]
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