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Posted by: icemann
« on: Today at 04:03:21 »

Its a great day for fans of the franchise. The remaster which covered C&C1 and Red Alert 1 (with all expansions included + heaps of bonus content) was excellent. Hope to see source ports for the entries that don't work well under modern Windows. Missing is source for Red Alert 2&3, C&C2 and 3, which really could use the same kind of love.

EA may not be the best, but where Command and Conquer is concerned its great to see stuff like this. Hope to see a proper new entry in the future someday. But not like C&C 4.

On the subject a new mod was released a short while ago, called "Command and Conquer: Combined Arms". Imcludes all factions from C&C and Red Alert (GDI, NOD, Allies, Soviets and Scrin. I had a play of it and really enjoyed it. Highly recommend it.

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: Yesterday at 10:43:34 »

so a bunch of C&C games got a source release. EA.. good now?
Posted by: icemann
« on: 25. February 2025, 05:40:58 »

Think Voltron or Power Rangers except Cats as the characters (rather than humans) and far more comedy.
Posted by: fox
« on: 24. February 2025, 18:31:36 »

I don't think this ever aired on any of our TV/cable channels at the time. Looks like something I could've liked.

Edit: Well, according to Wikipedia it actually did air but I don't recall this at all.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 24. February 2025, 07:17:50 »

And now for something a little different:


I've been a massive fan of Samurai Pizza Cats since I was a kid. To see a game for the series 30 years later is wonderous news. Count me in.
Posted by: Valet2
« on: 21. January 2025, 19:38:59 »

Some cool guys who started making videos involving people who are obsessed with retro computers, games, collecting and stuff paid me a visit again. This time we invited our forum member dp_flint from a small but cozy group in vk. During an hour-long conversation we talked things about System Shock as a phenomenon.

Russian only, but there are great intro and outro, so check it out :)

Posted by: fox
« on: 02. January 2025, 15:42:21 »

The trouble with tribbles. I guess with that many mouths to feed, you can completely forget about privacy. Just a hint, eh...
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 01. January 2025, 19:05:42 »

creepy facebook crap, 2025 edition - mentions the record number of babies one single woman had is above 50 during a RL discussion, fb 2 hours later "hey it's actually 69".

*paranoia intensifies*
[creep.JPG expired]
Posted by: icemann
« on: 15. December 2024, 02:37:44 »

For me the most interesting announcement was:


First new entry in this franchise in 20 years. Absolutely adored it on the PS2.
Posted by: fox
« on: 13. December 2024, 05:30:14 »

The Witcher 4 - Official Reveal Trailer | The Game Awards 2024

On another note: Youtube Ads are acting up real bad now.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. December 2024, 13:23:58 »

..haven't done the fb bs report in a while - so today we have fake AI generated move trailers (think LotR4, Titanic2), welding (ok fine, I'll watch it a bit, welding is ok) and a little surprise bonus at the end to play it up (probably also AI generated, sliiightly off but you almost cannot tell).
[surpsised.jpg expired]
Posted by: icemann
« on: 23. November 2024, 13:05:55 »

Absolutely. Played through that one back in the mid 90's I think. Not bad at all. The jump to Dune 2 though, was quite the change.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. November 2024, 12:46:31 »

well running around the first half a dozen levels with just the basic infantry isn't great either (yes, looking at you, Starcraft).

be prepared, things will get repetitive after a while, but that's kind of in line with the first two games (or second two games, depending whether Dune1 counts or not), so you know what you've signed up for.

still, Dune2/Dune2000/Battle for Dune is something I can recommend to a RTS fan (and if you also liked the books, then even better).

speaking of Dune1, I actually can recommend that one as well - it's unique weirdness is that it's an adventure game that kind of morphs into a proto-rts half the way.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 23. November 2024, 11:18:00 »

A negative to the game (for me) is that within a few missions you'll have everything unlocked. In Dune 2 + Dune 2k was far more gradual.

For example, I'm playing as Atreides and already got the Ixian stuff, sardaukar and fremen stuff + sonic tank (which I never use) after 5 missions not counting the defence ones.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. November 2024, 09:58:15 »

I'd guess as big as the energy source of the blast allows - physics still works in the Dune universe, so can't get extra boom from nothing.

but a shield generator does look like something that could produce a spectacular blast should the energy it's capable of storing/generating be released all at once, so a moab type explosion doesn't sound too far fetched.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 23. November 2024, 09:47:35 »

I was under the impression that in the lore, the laser hitting the shield would cause a massive explosion akin to a nuke.

I'm not an expert by any means but I know various online forums etc seem to suggest that it's basically a nuclear explosion.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. November 2024, 09:18:36 »

if the shielded thing is a nuke then yes, I would assume. iirc the lore says that whatever is generating the shields and also the laser beam will overload and go boom.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 23. November 2024, 09:10:18 »

Shouldn't it result in a nuclear explosion?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. November 2024, 07:51:31 »

I also liked the little touch of sardaukar elite (has a laser gun) attacking ordos laser tank (has shield) imploding both units the moment the first shot lands.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 23. November 2024, 05:11:11 »

Double post to add to my previous one, with a few days in between.

Played Emperor - Battle for Dune a fair bit over the past few days. Very fast game. Reminds me of the first Dawn of War game with it's Risk style of attack / defend / repeat cycles + the territory control aspect. Very good FMV. Feels quite different to Dune 2k, as lots less spice, which leads to being dead broke a lot. Especially in the defence missions, where you already used up all the spice in taking the region earlier. The reinforcements you get via allies is essential, I've found. Nice visuals for the time. If you take too long to attack your opponents base, it can be to your detriment also, as they'll often be more likely have their best structures, abilities and units by then. Save scumming also is of major benefit.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 20. November 2024, 06:52:59 »

you probably will need some early DX translator nowadays, like DGVoodoo.

I'll have to do some investigating, to see if that helps.

[edit from 4 hours of troubleshooting later]
Got it to work. Required A LOT of tinkering, and a lot of reading of forum posts to find the solution.

To save anyone who happens across this post who was unable to install the game due to a "Cannot read Game1.cab" error. You need to image mount the games first CD to your 1st available disc drive. If anything else is in it, or mounted to it then that error will result. Fix that, and you'll likely be able to install and run the game.

Incorrect inform. The D2 remaster is very bad for multiple reasons.

Also, why would you pay money for the WC1 remaster "for the control scheme" if the entire thing is a low-effort cash grab in the first place? This sort of behaviour goes away if we stop rewarding it.

It's more rewarding them for actually paying attention to their older retro classics that could use the attention and getting them to work on modern systems / allowing them to. If they were to do the same with the Lost Vikings, Rock'n'Roll racing, or Blackthorne that be awesome. Though no control scheme changes needed with those games.

Getting older games to work on modern systems be far more difficult than you'd think. Even if you have the source code, requires switching things over to more current libraries, extensive testing to make sure they actually work without crashing, adding in new screen resolutions, allowing for borderless fullscreen mode etc etc.

I have the exact same respect for Night Dive Studios (despite my annoyances over the SS remake) for doing that exact same thing with numerous other games, getting them to work properly on modern systems. Need more companies doing that IMO. Absolute sea of games that could do with that kind of attention + easy money to be made.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 20. November 2024, 03:18:12 »

Considering how good D2 Resurrected was

Incorrect inform. The D2 remaster is very bad for multiple reasons.

Also, why would you pay money for the WC1 remaster "for the control scheme" if the entire thing is a low-effort cash grab in the first place? This sort of behaviour goes away if we stop rewarding it.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 19. November 2024, 17:35:52 »

you probably will need some early DX translator nowadays, like DGVoodoo.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 19. November 2024, 17:13:08 »

I do know of it. Tried playing it last year after Dune 2k. Could never get it working unfortunately. Has no good fan remakes or mods that I could find. Sucks as really wanted to play it.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 19. November 2024, 14:05:12 »

iirc OpenRA can play Dune2000 without much trouble. yaay to regenerating infantry.

also, remember Emperor: Battle for Dune? seems like nobody does, even though it was pretty good, maybe the best Dune rts that's out there.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 19. November 2024, 13:53:33 »

Dune Legacy hits the spot as far as I'm concerned, they did exactly what needed to be done - fixed not just the control scheme, but also AI bugs and a few other problems (saboteurs and fremen are now normal units, not useless mindless kamikaze drones, for example). this is how it's done - don't be afraid to fix the original devs mistake or bad decision.

Stratagus and Wargus for the first two Warcraft games, last time I've checked they worked ok, but that has been a while. //looks like they are starting to poke into Starcraft too. I don't mind.

Dune 2000 has a few similar remakes out there. Quite the variance. Some more just get the game to work in modern systems, and others change the AI and functionality a bit, and are missing the original missions. Had a long look around, back when I was streaming a play through of the game last year.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 16. November 2024, 14:08:17 »

they are targeting the hurr-durr, me wants the official stuff, me pay extra crowd. they deserve one another.
Posted by: fox
« on: 16. November 2024, 13:17:05 »

Quite sad to me, how much the industry (games and movies alike) is going for rehashes these days - no matter the quality.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 16. November 2024, 09:14:00 »

Dune Legacy hits the spot as far as I'm concerned, they did exactly what needed to be done - fixed not just the control scheme, but also AI bugs and a few other problems (saboteurs and fremen are now normal units, not useless mindless kamikaze drones, for example). this is how it's done - don't be afraid to fix the original devs mistake or bad decision.

Stratagus and Wargus for the first two Warcraft games, last time I've checked they worked ok, but that has been a while. //looks like they are starting to poke into Starcraft too. I don't mind.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 16. November 2024, 07:27:51 »

On one hand the new gfx look meh. On the other just as with the recent Diablo 2 Remaster (Diablo 2 Resurrected) you can change back to the OG gfx whenever you want, which wasn't even a choice when Warcraft 3 Reforged came out.

Add to that more modern control schemes added to Warcraft 1 (which plays like Dune 2) which gets a hell yeah from me. Replayed that game earlier this year and the controls have not aged well.

Considering how good D2 Resurrected was, and the fact that it's good to be seeing Blizzard actually pay attention to their long forgotten RTS games for a change, and I'm willing to give it a go.

Blizz needs to hurry the fuck up and get started on Warcraft 4 and Starcraft 3 already. The lack of good RTS games nowadays really sucks.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 15. November 2024, 19:13:31 »

so the first two Warcraft games are now remastered too, apparently very much in tune with the mediocrity and low-effortness of the W3 remaster.

but whatever, if this makes it to GOG and is 50% off..
Posted by: fox
« on: 15. November 2024, 19:03:22 »

Your Gear is Poisoning You! (Not Clickbait)
Posted by: fox
« on: 11. November 2024, 04:49:00 »

Sophos Pacific Rim
Inside the counter-offensive tactics, techniques, and procedures used to neutralize China-based threats

heise.de: "Analysis and opinion: Sophos and the broken vow"
(...) a manufacturer has collected data from its customers' IT systems that was not used to improve them, but explicitly to detect suspicious activity. The collection of necessary telemetry data to improve the systems only served as a front for mass surveillance without cause. In specific cases of suspicion, the manufacturer then even installed special surveillance software without the knowledge of the customers and against their presumed will, which is also capable of exfiltrating any files. This is normally called malware, the hotfixes were Trojans, the kernel implanted a rootkit and the procedure corresponds to that of cybercrime gangs and state attackers.
Posted by: fox
« on: 06. November 2024, 15:53:25 »

Yeah, we're fucked.
Posted by: fox
« on: 02. November 2024, 22:42:00 »

Red Dead Redemption - Bird People Glitch
Posted by: fox
« on: 01. November 2024, 22:36:37 »

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night - Official Trailer
Looked it up after someone commented "A Vampire Spaghetti-Western filmed in black and white, set in Iran, filmed in the US, all dialogue being in Farsi, subtitled in English."

A GIRL WALKS HOME ALONE AT NIGHT - Director Ana-Lily Amirpour Interview
Posted by: Nameless Voice
« on: 31. October 2024, 03:04:15 »

I could almost be convinced that they added that slight colour gradient specifically to make us all think our hardware was failing.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 31. October 2024, 00:23:25 »

ooh that's the reason - my brain is thinking this is a hw failure. it is however, youtube failure.
Posted by: Nameless Voice
« on: 30. October 2024, 22:35:12 »

It's been doing that for a while, it kept making me think my monitor's colours were breaking.

Spreaking of monitors and colours, I recently bought an Alienware 32" 4k OLED monitor.  I was looking forward to playing Thief and other dark games with the kind of true blacks we haven't seen since CRTs.
Turns out, the one thing is can't display consistently is properly dark scenes.
The brightness of dark colours shifts signifying depending on if the image is moving or still (oddly, it only happens in SDR mode.)
Not a single review of the monitor mentioned this, people I asked on the internet said they'd never seen anything like it.
I contacted Dell technical support and they told me it sounded like it was "working as designed".  I got them to exchange it as faulty, the replacement arrived and had the exact same problem.

The whole thing was overall very disappointing, and now I'm paranoid that any other OLED monitor I buy might just have the same issue, since I clearly can't trust any reviews as they all missed the issue.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 28. October 2024, 19:52:25 »

also the youtube video progress bar that pops up when you hover your mouse arrow above the video now has a slight purple hue on the right end.

this annoys me greatly.
Posted by: Nameless Voice
« on: 28. October 2024, 14:15:20 »

A lot of corporate and university computers probably come with Google Chrome and won't let you install another browser, sadly.

So I guess those people won't be able to avoid ads any more.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 28. October 2024, 07:47:18 »

99% of what I get is gambling commercials. This is largely as the display of those types of ads is completely unregulated in my country. Hate it.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. October 2024, 17:32:52 »

and it's not like they don't know I'm mostly interested in food and (real) games. well, at least they did sod off with the infected hooves in the video feed. for now.
Posted by: fox
« on: 26. October 2024, 17:26:58 »

The ad-situation is off the rails without a blocker.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. October 2024, 17:22:59 »

..so I was without an adblocker for a couple of days - holy crap, I don't think I have seen so many feminine hygiene products in my entire life. and I was signed in, youtube knows there is absolutely no situation where I would potentially be buying those - of all the products I'm never going to buy in my life, tampons are exactly what I'm never going to buy the most.

the rest about 50% of ads consisted of (fake) mobile games (that's a thing, apparently), an app you can use to sell your junk, and some dishwashing liquid. amazing.

and I'm a guy, who hoards junk, does zero mobile gaming, and never washes dishes by hand. it's like they are living in some anti-reality.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 23. October 2024, 12:01:22 »

This statistic can be explained completely by the number of mobile devices.

More people than ever before are using ad blockers on desktops/laptops, but the increase is absolutely dwarfed by the number of people getting 2,3,4 mobile devices, Smart TV's, and other locked-down proprietary garbage that doesn't allow ad blockers.

Honestly, Smartphones and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Amen to all of that. It absolutely sucks that we can't install an ad-blocker on our Smart TV + mobile phone. The amount of ads + length of them (many up to 50 seconds unskippable now) is just horrible.

Lots of things adding to the downward spiral of humanity these days. Mobiles, Chat GPT, Uber Eats. List goes on and on.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 21. October 2024, 02:32:09 »

The 2001: A Space Odyssey music video 56 years in the making.

Posted by: sarge945
« on: 19. October 2024, 15:47:00 »

Yeah that's fair.
Posted by: fox
« on: 19. October 2024, 15:34:08 »

And if you think 2024 is a concerted effort against ad blocking and privacy, my response is, where have you been the last decade? Every year is the worst year for privacy, and every year is the worst year for intrusive advertisements.

I'm not disputing that. It comes in waves. It's just that I feel that the push is particularly strong this year.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 19. October 2024, 05:49:34 »

This statistic can be explained completely by the number of mobile devices.

More people than ever before are using ad blockers on desktops/laptops, but the increase is absolutely dwarfed by the number of people getting 2,3,4 mobile devices, Smart TV's, and other locked-down proprietary garbage that doesn't allow ad blockers.

Honestly, Smartphones and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

And if you think 2024 is a concerted effort against ad blocking and privacy, my response is, where have you been the last decade? Every year is the worst year for privacy, and every year is the worst year for intrusive advertisements.

The only winning move is not to play, unfortunately. I don't have any streaming service accounts, I don't use predatory privacy-invading websites or software, and generally I don't miss out on much. The few good things that are worth my time, I pirate.
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