Whaaaaaa? No mohawks, afros, shaved heads or props? No cybernetic implants or thief saps? Where's the legendary Looking Glass creativity? Why *are* there only a few accessories? No girl'd be caught dead in autumn with just these accessories. Curse you, Bowbie! I demand mods!
Jokes aside, I was truly sad to see a lack of stuff with which to punk out Sabine, here. Charlotte is definitely the coolest chick in town, and Elizabeth has a flair for style in my eyes - Sabine's claim to fame is an unquenchable rage, excellent taste in music, and a taste for tattoos (imagine them, they're definitely there. Just... Hidden.) Oh, annd the fact that in this photo she seems to tower above the airmen of Elmendorf Base - Notice how small they are! It's almost like whomever shopped - er, took - this photo had no knowledge of perspective!
Image: http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/3743/sabine.pngGreat job, guys! This was way more fun than it should have been. And I can vouch for the temps in North Carolina; my best friend hails from Charleston, S.C, and we took a ride out through Rocky Mount this June. It was pretty awesome.