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Posted by: Wenck
« on: 03. April 2013, 19:54:35 »

Hi, I have updated the translation. I have corrected some typos, and improved a bit the translation. Now the file is an installer (no reg edit, uninstaller, etc) with the option to install only the translation or the translation and the config files for those who don't need/want them.  :P

In spanish: Hola, he actualizado la traducción. He corregido algunas erratas, y mejorado un poco la traducción. Ahora el archivo es un instalador (sin que toque el registro ni hacer nada raro) con la opción de instalar solamente los archivos de la traducción o la traducción y los archivos de configuración.
Posted by: carlos
« on: 10. March 2013, 22:40:25 »

Thanks for transalation, is full ok, i only used the translation archive cause the dosbox config and the key ramap wasnt good for me, mouse was too fast and make puzzles unplayable. Thanks a lot. Muchisimas Gracias por la traduccion!

Yo tambien recomendaria que pongas solo la traduccion, no todos los mouses tienen la misma sensibilidad, a mi con tu config me hacia el juego injugable. demasiado rapida y en los puzzles era imposible.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 05. January 2013, 16:37:16 »

I understand where you're coming from, but I would suggest to place these files in a separate archive then with an explanation of what they do. It would be nice to give people that choice, because they are coming here for a Spanish translation and may already be happy with their settings.

I have given you upload permission so you can manage attachments in your posts.
Posted by: Wenck
« on: 05. January 2013, 15:35:21 »

Oh, i have included my own controls and dosbox configuration so people don't have to mess tweaking them. I spent a lot of time trying to configure mouse sensitivity with mouselook mod. Just want to save time for them.  :P
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 05. January 2013, 15:09:02 »

Nice, I'll move this thread into the SS1 archive then. One question though: Why does the mod contain dosbox.conf files and an XCYB.CFG file?
Posted by: Wenck
« on: 05. January 2013, 14:58:44 »

Hi, here's the translation i've been working. Finally, SS1 for all spanish speakers. It's compatible with floppy version (and therefore i think it will work with CD version), but it was made for SSP.


Code: [Select]
1)Es necesario tener la versión System Shock Portable instalada en el disco duro. Si quieres usar
los mods de mouselook, alta resolución, textos y texturas que tiene SSP, debes instalarlos (en el
menú de opciones de SSP.exe) ANTES de instalar la traducción.

2)Instala la traducción en la carpeta donde está System Shock Portable (donde se encuentre el
archivo SSP.exe).

Some images and a video with a few minutes of gameplay in spanish...

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3

-03/Jan/2013 - Beta Version Uploaded
-03/Apr/2013 - Version 1.0 Uploaded

Traducción System Shock (SPA) 1.0 - Mediafire
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