This is export script written in Python for Blender.
It exports mesh and material data from Blender to specifically formatted text file. This text file has .E file extension and it can be converted to Dark Engine's object file format by using Nameless Voice's conversion tools.
Install instructions:
- Extract file from attached .ZIP-file to yourblendlerinstallationdirectory\.blender\script directory.
- Open .blender\bpymenus file in your favourite text editor and locate Export section.
- Add this line before closing parenthesis :
'Dark Engine .E-file (.e)...' 240 'Export to Dark Engine's E file format...'
- Start Blender and check if there is new menu option under File->Export menu. There should be option named 'Dark Engine .E-file (.e)...'.
Usage instructions:
- Select scene or object(s) in active scene which you want to export and go to File->Export->'Dark Engine .E-file (.e)...' .
If conversion is completed successfully, you should see file save dialog. Choose name to your file. Remember to add .e file extension, script won't do this for you (for now, at least).
If there is no file save dialog, check Blender's console window for error messages and post them to here.
Script is released under GPL-license, which is included in script file.
You can get Blender from here: Voice's toolkit lies here: or here:,387.0.htmlInstallation of Python isn't required, but if you are interested to do some Python scripting, you can find it here:
0.6.1 First public release.
*No known bugs.
0.6.2 Fixed bsp-error "add_pgon, pgon X accesses NULL material Y" when you had over 10 materials
in your model and you tried to compile .e file to .bin file.
0.6.5 * Added few lines of code to detect which version of Blender is used.
* Added detection of smoothed faces.
* Minor changes made to code.
0.6.6 * Added detection of shadeless materials.
See included CHANGE.LOG-file in .zip for more details.