Some screenshots without color changing mods would have been nice. I can always try them myself I guess. Anyway, from what I see they look sexxxay. I'll have to see the animation.
This is a test of Icenine's new models with some new high-res animated Targa textures I cobbled together applied to them. I'm not sure I'm satisfied with the animation. Anyone who tries this out please let me know what you think.
I'd be honoured ! Consider them yours. After all, without your discovery they were supposed to be 3d in the first place, it never would have occurred to me to remodel them. :-)
IceNine released models of this goo with higher resolution. Any chance these will be included in the next SHTUP update or are you still not convinced ZB? I have to say I like the 3d goo.
Yeah, they're a bit angular, aren't they? Like I said, it was probably for the best that the "bumpy" parts of those models didn't show. With this mod installed you can even see that some of them are placed backwards, with the bumpy part facing the wall or floor.
For the record, the only thing I did to these models was convert them to E files, add the "DBL" material flag to make every face render double-sided, then converted back to BIN.
In the next SHTUP release I'll be replacing these models with plain flat ones.
QUICK GUIDE:Don't use this. It was an experimental version. The final and better version of the fixed goo has been integrated with SHTUP.As discussed on ttlg.
FIXED GOO MODELS by ZylonBane June 04, 2006
ABOUT This archive contains fixed versions of the model files for the "biomatter" seen growing on the floors and walls throughout SS2.
It turns out these models are supposed to be somewhat bumpy instead of perfectly flat, but some flipped surface normals on the models rendered the bumps invisible from normal viewing angles.
As the fixed models show, this may have been a good thing. These models are presented more as a historical curiosity than as an improvement.
TO INSTALL UnZIP into the root of your mod-ready SS2 install directory, using folder names. The files should all end up in OBJ.