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Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 12. June 2015, 10:41:22 »

Is there a 3DFX/Glide version of System Shock?
Posted by: andwan0
« on: 12. June 2015, 10:00:57 »

What kind of fps are you getting?
On my Samsung Galaxy S5, it's not as smooth as I hoped it to be (on DOSBox Turbo).
Is there a 3DFX/Glide version of System Shock? Or how to get filtering? (because the SSP-normal has dgvesa/dgvoodoo/glide files).... Any other ways to make System Shock run smoother in DOSBox Turbo. I mean, more accurate/smoother mouse control, especially for navigating the GUI/HUD, picking up stuff, and shooting.

From a folder binary compare with SSP-normal, the CYBSTRNG.RES file is different. What was changed? (same goes for CDSHOCK.EXE).

Also, I would like to use the virtual joystick as my WASD keys. Would I need to remap the XCYB.CFG to use up, left, right, down keys? Probably use joystick button 1 to fire (right-mouse), and button 0 to pick up (double-left click). That gives us the top 4 buttons for switching weapons, etc.

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. August 2014, 09:34:42 »

seems like DOSBox Turbo is also capable of emulating win9x+3dfx glide. wonder if it would run Incubation.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 23. August 2014, 09:03:31 »

Haha, yes you are.  :)  I figured that someone must have tried this before, but I couldn't find anything.

I should add that the setup with those 4 buttons that I described above works on a small phone screen, but if you can have a keyboard AND the game on screen in a comfortable way, you're certainly better off.
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 23. August 2014, 06:17:12 »

Pshhhh...  I did this years ago and everybody is just catching up now?  I'm too advanced for all of you  :cyborg:

Posted by: Kolya
« on: 23. August 2014, 00:19:34 »

Installation instructions
  • Install DOSBox Turbo (2.99 €) as well as the accompanying DOSBox Manager (free) which is useful for saving profiles of games
  • Download the attached archive SSM.7z to your desktop and unpack it there
  • Move the unpacked folder dos to /storage/sdcard0/Download
  • Move the remaining 2 files to /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.fishstix.dosbox/files/

  • Start the DOSBox Manager and add a new profile from the menu
  • Hold this profile and Edit the config
  • Scroll down and check Overlay Buttons
  • Set Button Location to Top
  • Select Button/Controller Maps
  • Select Add Button Mapping, Press Btn A, Select DOS Keymap: w, Press OK
  • Select Add Button Mapping again and repeat the process, now mapping Btn B=>s, Btn C=>BACKSPACE, Btn D=>e
  • Gesture MappingSingle Tap => LMB, Double Tap => Double LMB, Two finger action => RMB, Uncheck Enable Long Press
  • Go back and scroll to the top to DOSBox Settings
  • Memory size: 16MB
  • MT-32 Midi Emulation: Check
  • Autoexec:
    Code: [Select]
    mount c: /storage/sdcard0/Download/dos/ssp

    Notes on playing the game
  • In the game settings choose your name, then set COMBAT: 0-1, CYBER: 0
  • To get past the initial Help screen, bring up the keyboard and press space
  • To get to the game options move the cursor to the top left corner and tap
  • Audio->Audio Options->Channels: 8, Messages: Both
  • Now save your game, you will need the keyboard again
  • Btn A and Btn B move you forward and backward. Btn C clears the interface. Btn D switches between looking around and use mode.
  • You can move and turn if you press Btn A first, before you steer into a direction

You can download French and German language packs from the SYSTEMSHOCK-Portable thread.

Note that there are now warranties here. You are using your phone to emulate a PC that's running System Shock. This is an experimental and very resource intensive process, even if it is an old game. So stay with a low resolution. If your phone gets hot, use the DOSBox Turbo menu to quit and give it a rest. If your phone dies, throw it on the floor and start cursing. But don't expect me to pay for it. You have been warned.
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