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Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 25. April 2021, 20:05:50 »

you know what would be even better? to finally get a native speaking SS2 veteran to point a finger at the one translation that sucks the least.

because I have an inkling we are hosting some truly awful stuff here.
Posted by: Galeb_G4M
« on: 25. April 2021, 19:01:40 »

Yeah, it's definitely better than the previous ones! But in any case, it's great to have Russian translations of the game, they may look and sound amateurish, but it beats not having any translation at all for those who don't speak English.
Posted by: unn_atropos
« on: 30. March 2021, 20:37:52 »


A new (joke?) translation? "не большие забавные косяки озвучки System Shock 2 =))".

I like the voices, as they seem to be a bit more lively then the rather monotonous older translations. But I don't understand why they had to add reverb to everything. And if they get rid of the outtakes and giggles, maybe this could be good?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Posted by: easy peasy
« on: 02. October 2018, 17:59:39 »

Fargus (on level 1C) in fact, this translation tried to make quality and largely succeeded! (not a joke) :) Yes, of course he does not claim to be the original, but believe me it is better than this nobody will. It is clear that you are not accustomed to other voices, but it is very close even in intonation and meaning. At the time, it's really good. There are really poor quality translations and it's not him.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 02. October 2018, 16:44:03 »

not sure which one is this:


but I give it four batons wrapped in barbed wire being rammed into your ears out of five. fondly reminds me of the socialist era bootleg kung-fu movies with bad german voiceovers.

I guess it's better than nothing if you absolutely can't understand EN or DE, but I agree with Valet - they are not/don't sound exactly nice. anyway, pretty sure if he helps BroFox out, they can put together a translation pack that would be at least accurate, if nothing else.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 01. October 2018, 11:21:58 »

talked to Valet, and it seems like the BroFox86/ss2-rus pack is indeed the most accurate and up to date translation - added to the first post.
Posted by: fascinate4
« on: 29. September 2018, 18:50:11 »

I told him about this message. He said that he will text you on Discord channel
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 29. September 2018, 18:39:32 »

Yeah, a while ago. I'm sure he'll come back and reclaim it eventually.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 29. September 2018, 14:46:11 »

we really should find someone who could quality check all these translations and point a finger at the least cringy one.

on a related note, looks like Valet's account has expired.
Posted by: easy peasy
« on: 28. September 2018, 19:33:37 »

Hey guys! Really good translate (Fargus) + corrections: https://github.com/BroFox86/ss2-rus
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 28. January 2018, 10:11:56 »

and apparently, there is a translation out there made with SCP in mind, as I'm pretty sure the unpowered power armor icon is not part of the vanilla resources.

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 02. January 2018, 13:12:13 »

I'm kind of confused here - anyone who has basic english reading skills and has played the original game once or twice must be able to assess the quality level of a translation (assuming he's fluent or a native) right away, just like when I loaded the original CZ translation and after three minutes I was going full "dude just NO".

so it should be pretty easy to see which one is the most accurate.
Posted by: System
« on: 01. January 2018, 22:12:27 »

Russian subtitles
Posted by: System
« on: 01. January 2018, 21:08:10 »

unn_atropos смешивать озвучку нет смысла, лучше отдельно озвучки разделить на выбор, и все проблемы решены.
Posted by: unn_atropos
« on: 01. January 2018, 20:55:34 »

There are no strings just audio. And really? This is supposed to be the best translation there is? Obviously can't judge the accuracy of the translation.
But; midwife is terrible, grunts sounds like robots, and the Shodan voice: really? REALLY??
Only two voices for every character, no background/ambient noise like in the original but a lot of reverb making everything sound like recorded through a tin can.
Of course I appreciate the effort that was needed to record this, but is that all they could come up with? If I was to release a voiced translation for a game I would make sure that it matches the style and atmosphere of the original as close as humanly possible. I don'te see that here. I'm sorry.
I like the bitchingbetty though :)

Do you happen to have the Fargus (Fagus?) version as well. It seems to have decent voice acting with some effect in.

Maybe we can get a satisfying translation by combining Fargus, Webcall and 7 Wolf.

And are there other translations we are not aware of? Maybe you could list them all?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 01. January 2018, 20:31:40 »

also, updated the CZ translation while at it - will fit the latest SCP properly now, plus added the translated textures and icons from the original two anus translation as a separate download, all gunk removed.

btw, that means I had to plow through some 2k+ files. why am I doing this to myself.
Posted by: System
« on: 01. January 2018, 17:06:54 »

Does someone have a clean version?
SS2 Russian translation by 7 Wolf Studio download
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 01. January 2018, 16:50:59 »

they do, but that doesn't apply here - if a translation is bad/inaccurate, then it's just bad/inaccurate. and while you might find the notion of a shotgun hybrid with two loose anuses hilarious, such things have no place in a serious translation project(s).
Posted by: System
« on: 01. January 2018, 16:38:32 »

also;so yeah, there needs to be a clear consensus about what is what before we do anything.
О вкусах не спорят
Tastes differ
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 01. January 2018, 13:48:14 »

I would also be fine with hosting multiple translations as long as the archives are clean and ready to be used with the manager.
This might give people a better chance to figure out what is the best version.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 01. January 2018, 12:27:45 »

I think System took the "stitch together" idea a bit too literally with that mediafire download. shydro would indicate some Secmod files?

Quote by Valet2 at TTLG:
so yeah, there needs to be a clear consensus about what is what before we do anything.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 01. January 2018, 11:26:39 »

A quick look reveals that this archive contains large amounts of language independent textures, sound files, BIN files. None of which should be in a translation.
I also found my own crosshair mod in there, as well as files apparently belonging to a GUI mod. And some obviously misnamed files and folders ("SHYDRO2").

I cannot vouch for the quality of the translation, although Polito being spoken by a guy in CS2.avi seems like an odd choice. But if there's a good translation in this archive, it's buried in bunches of crap.

Does someone have a clean version? 
Posted by: System
« on: 01. January 2018, 07:42:29 »

perhaps one complete translation could be stitched together from everything that's currently available? also, did someone actually download that DarkFate translation Aquilifer posted? and is it any good?

SS2 Russian translation by 7wolf Studio 8)
Posted by: Brother Lee
« on: 01. January 2018, 02:24:56 »

NOP/ 7 Wolf is complete and correct translation.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 31. December 2017, 23:56:22 »

It is really revolting translation, I was trying to forget ugly and inappropriate voices of drunk students last weeks but I couldn't.  For almighty God sake,  Kolya, remove this ....

Understood. However this is the closest to a complete Russian translation that we have. And I don't think it's the job of not-russian-speaking shock fans to fix it. I'd love to see a  good translation that more than one Russian agrees on, but that's up to the Russian fans to find, create or cobble together.
Posted by: unn_atropos
« on: 31. December 2017, 20:43:46 »

I downloaded it. Don't know if it's any good.

@Brother Lee: Could you upload the "7 Wolf" translation somewhere? It would be nice to finally have a definite russian version, even if we have to stitch it together like voodoo47 suggested.
[RUSSIC.7z expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 31. December 2017, 19:49:04 »

perhaps one complete translation could be stitched together from everything that's currently available? also, did someone actually download that DarkFate translation Aquilifer posted? and is it any good?
Posted by: Brother Lee
« on: 31. December 2017, 19:45:09 »

The most usable Russian translation was created by "7 Wolf". There are nice voices, like in original English version. But 5-10 logs werent translated. That's pity.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 31. December 2017, 19:38:16 »

so.. which one is the most usable again?
Posted by: Brother Lee
« on: 31. December 2017, 19:33:50 »

It is really revolting translation, I was trying to forget ugly and inappropriate voices of drunk students last weeks but I couldn't.  For almighty God sake,  Kolya, remove this .... horror and do not lose your time for this cheap .... horror having been made by teenagers for 20 minutes. This  ... horror repels fans and creates toxic image for one of the best cyberpank games ever.
P.S. This is not translation, simple words were translated incorrectly. Atmosphere of game was killed. I feel sick...
Posted by: System
« on: 30. December 2017, 04:33:36 »

Мой любимый перевод "7 Wolf"  :D :happyjoy: :happyjoy: :happyjoy: :happyjoy: :happyjoy:

SS2 Russian translation by 7 Wolf Studio love
Posted by: Valet2
« on: 29. July 2017, 22:38:04 »

okay, give me a day or two..
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 24. July 2017, 12:41:16 »

Valet, can you quality check this please?
Posted by: Aquilifer
« on: 24. July 2017, 12:32:36 »

Hi! I have the best (in my opinion) translation from russian site Zone of Games, I unpacked it, so now it can be installed with BlueModManager. Tested with latest GOG version of the game and it works fine. All credits to Dark Fate Team.
[RUSSIC.7z expired]
Posted by: Valet2
« on: 27. May 2017, 12:57:30 »

А ты кто такой? Не в свои ворота лезешь, пончик.
Posted by: Pierr Dunn
« on: 27. May 2017, 12:16:46 »

> Valet2
> человек не в состоянии выучить английский язык
> на котором говорит весь мир
При этом ты сам пост на русском написал. Катись отсюда, пирожок.
>мне не хочется тратить силы
Хватило силёнки на ~870 знаков? Ты жалок.
Posted by: code371
« on: 25. May 2017, 17:04:53 »

I guess you better close this topic   XD
Posted by: Valet2
« on: 25. May 2017, 14:20:34 »

Я за много лет пришёл к мысли, что если человек не в состоянии выучить английский язык до среднего необходимого уровня, который наверняка преподавался у него в школе, на котором говорит весь мир, и без знания которого трудно вообще представить себе полноценную жизнь современного человека в городе с интернетом, то это его проблема, и пусть жрёт то, что дают.

Насчёт переводчиков - да, им совершенно по барабану, как переводить. Это коммерческий пиратский перевод, которые делаются промтом как только игра вышла, чтобы снять сливок с первого бума продаж, а затем допиливается и снова издаётся, если игра пользуется популярностью.

Если хочешь нормальный перевод - собирай людей, собирай донаты, запускай проект по грамотной русификации, оплачивай работу художникам-фрилансерам, аудиоинженеру, режиссёру по озвучке и актёрам, покупай студийное время. Всё это возможно. Только опять-таки возвращаясь к цели: ну лично мне не хочется тратить силы ради неблагодарного стада, у которых не хватает мозгов играть на языке оригинала.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 19. May 2017, 19:44:58 »

Hello Yorbihtter. If you can provide a better translation, please do so. Thanks.
Posted by: code371
« on: 19. May 2017, 12:01:18 »

Авторы - петухи. Русификация на ужаснейшем уровне - как будто играю в San Andreas с пиратским переводом. Всё переведено ужасно [например - Wrench (от англ. - гаечный ключ) переводят как искажение], прочтение текстов выполнено на ужаснейшем уровне: без интонации, без какой-либо аккуратности, всё это в спешке и всё заляпано довольно громкими и мешающими звуковыми эффектами из-за которых речь крайне невнятная, возникает ощущение что авторам было на столько пофиг, что они ели прямо во время озвучки.

Русификация отвратна, хотя и постарались перевести всё до последнего, но сделали это крайне некачественно. И если бы был ещё какой-нибудь русификатор который бы не конфликтовал с SS2Tool, всё бы было куда лучше...
Своё нытьё оставь при себе, скажи спасибо что я вообще выложил сюда этот русификатор а Kolya сделал из него мод. Твое мнение на счёт перевода тут никого не интересует. Это вообще пиратский перевод с моего старого диска. И да, перевод хоть и не без изъянов, но уж точно лучше а главное атмосфернее чем у Фаргуса. Не нравится перевод - играй в Фаргус, чего ты тут пыжишься!?
Posted by: Yorbihtter
« on: 19. May 2017, 09:52:17 »

Авторы - петухи. Русификация на ужаснейшем уровне - как будто играю в San Andreas с пиратским переводом. Всё переведено ужасно [например - Wrench (от англ. - гаечный ключ) переводят как искажение], прочтение текстов выполнено на ужаснейшем уровне: без интонации, без какой-либо аккуратности, всё это в спешке и всё заляпано довольно громкими и мешающими звуковыми эффектами из-за которых речь крайне невнятная, возникает ощущение что авторам было на столько пофиг, что они ели прямо во время озвучки.

Русификация отвратна, хотя и постарались перевести всё до последнего, но сделали это крайне некачественно. И если бы был ещё какой-нибудь русификатор который бы не конфликтовал с SS2Tool, всё бы было куда лучше...
Posted by: AlVch
« on: 23. June 2016, 09:02:58 »

Hi, Kolya.
There's another fan-maded Russian translation by DarkFate Team that far better than Webcall.
Here's it:
For game with SS2Tool
For vanilla
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 12. March 2016, 23:53:45 »

The most up to date and accurate RU translation at the moment should be the BroFox86 SS2-RUS pack.

Attached is an unofficial Russian translation by Webcall Studio, repacked as a mod. It includes videos, sounds, graphics, strings and fonts. Load with top priority in Blue Mod Manager. Other translations are linked in the posts below, feel free to try them out.

(Related thread)

- all pirated translations currently available are pretty bad (both textwise, textures and sound)
- one guy under the project DarkFate created his own version of russian text strings based on fargus translation (fargus was a famous pirate localiser in the past)
- another guy BroFox86 adapted this translation making it a mod. he combined voices from the two pirate localisations (both are awful), added some new lines from SCP (although some are still missing), replaced some textures in mdf and removed all russian world textures, because they were really bad and glitchy. also he hardcoded subtitles into video cutscenes.
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