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Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 21. January 2021, 17:45:01 »

I'll do that then, as for following I can totally understand the argument of robots being too good (even if their movements would be limited since they can't travel between loadings and can't use gravlifts), though I wish a middleground could exist.
I'll try to mod it out from the files though, just to see if it would be interesting.

-> damn I looked at the files, but reading them I can get a vague idea what is going on in there but I have 0 clue on how to script on SS2 :D I was expecting something like "FollowPlayer=FALSE" in the entity's parameters lol.
The cost values can be modified easily indeed though.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 21. January 2021, 09:08:45 »

I decided against follow as I think it would be too good (right now, they should just patrol their area). prices can be changed easily by literally anyone who can edit the dml with a text editor.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 21. January 2021, 02:51:49 »

Yo, I've been digging this mod and it's really cool! However I may have one complain, could it be possible that the robots you repaired follow you a bit? They are kind of static otherwise.
Another minor thing, but while not everything requires the same skill level, everything costs 50 nanites to repair, could it be slightly less expensive for low tier, this for mid tier, and slightly more expensive for high tier? (something along those lines).
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 09. July 2019, 10:47:33 »

updated to 1.01, the mod is now no longer SCP exclusive. requires a game patched with SS2tool (NewDark v2.48+, NVscript loaded), should work with SCP, vanilla, Secmod, Alyamod etc.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 13. July 2018, 20:16:49 »

it  certainly would be possible to make all AIs ignore how much light is on other AIs. will maybe have a look once I have more time.
Posted by: GuyFawkesGaming
« on: 13. July 2018, 06:38:27 »

After observing the hacked droids more, I've noticed one extremely annoying issue. There are times when a droid is being attacked but it will just sit there frozen and not attack it's enemy until it's finally destroyed. Not sure what causes this and it doesn't always happen, but wow. I'd also suggest making the droids able to see in the dark. It makes no scene that turrets can activate and attack you in dark places but droids can't, in addition to all the "infrared" messages in the security monitors. I still think making them modifiable would be a good idea but I can wait on that.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 24. May 2018, 21:51:52 »

Hello world!
Posted by: GuyFawkesGaming
« on: 24. May 2018, 19:55:44 »

Considering the game didn't crash from my method, I'd say it's more like someone trying to cook an egg but not knowing what a spatula is and using their hands instead (imagine the screaming).  :P
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 20. May 2018, 19:57:13 »

Hey, I said I've done programming before. Never said I was a pro.
This is like someone trying to make toast, burning their house down, then claiming "I never said I was a pro!" Booleans in conditionals are barely one step up from HELLO WORLD. If you actually have Python experience, you should already know how to do this.

else if (Object.InheritsFrom(fixObj, "Turrets") || Object.InheritsFrom(fixObj, "Maintenance") || Object.InheritsFrom(fixObj, "Security") || Object.InheritsFrom(fixObj, "Assault")) {

There. Just modify one line of code from the original script.
Posted by: JML
« on: 20. May 2018, 19:23:54 »

All that duplicated code because you don't know how to do OR in an if statement. Sigh.
What about quickly simplifying the code so people in this forum can actually learn something by it? Having a code that works and having a simplified code that also works is super easy to learn from. :thumb:
Posted by: GuyFawkesGaming
« on: 19. May 2018, 18:53:50 »

Hey, I said I've done programming before. Never said I was a pro.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 19. May 2018, 17:53:09 »

All that duplicated code because you don't know how to do OR in an if statement. Sigh.
Posted by: GuyFawkesGaming
« on: 19. May 2018, 17:45:50 »

I've managed to hack the repairman mod's 'turretheal.nut' script to allow droids to be repaired. It was pretty simple actually; their was a short "list" with only 2 entries; allow turrets to be repaired and allow guns. Adding the proper entries for the droids allowed them to be repairable:
Code: [Select]
                // maintenance droids
else if (Object.InheritsFrom(fixObj, "Maintenance")) {
hp = Property.Get(fixObj, "HitPoints");
maxHP = Property.Get(fixObj, "MAX_HP");
if (playerMaintSkill < objSkillRequired) {
addMiscText("WrenchierSkillReq", "Maintaining this device requires a skill of %d.", objSkillRequired);
else if (hp >= maxHP) {
addMiscText("WrenchierUnused", "Device already in good condition.");
else {
// repair droid 5 HP per point of maint skill (default droids have a max HP of 100)
hp += playerMaintSkill * 5;
if (hp > maxHP) {
hp = maxHP;
Property.SetSimple(fixObj, "HitPoints", hp);
// security droids
else if (Object.InheritsFrom(fixObj, "Security")) {
hp = Property.Get(fixObj, "HitPoints");
maxHP = Property.Get(fixObj, "MAX_HP");
if (playerMaintSkill < objSkillRequired) {
addMiscText("WrenchierSkillReq", "Maintaining this device requires a skill of %d.", objSkillRequired);
else if (hp >= maxHP) {
addMiscText("WrenchierUnused", "Device already in good condition.");
else {
// repair droid 5 HP per point of maint skill (default droids have a max HP of 160)
hp += playerMaintSkill * 5;
if (hp > maxHP) {
hp = maxHP;
Property.SetSimple(fixObj, "HitPoints", hp);
// assault droids
else if (Object.InheritsFrom(fixObj, "Assault")) {
hp = Property.Get(fixObj, "HitPoints");
maxHP = Property.Get(fixObj, "MAX_HP");
if (playerMaintSkill < objSkillRequired) {
addMiscText("WrenchierSkillReq", "Maintaining this device requires a skill of %d.", objSkillRequired);
else if (hp >= maxHP) {
addMiscText("WrenchierUnused", "Device already in good condition.");
else {
// repair droid 5 HP per point of maint skill (default droids have a max HP of 200)
hp += playerMaintSkill * 5;
if (hp > maxHP) {
hp = maxHP;
Property.SetSimple(fixObj, "HitPoints", hp);
Don't know if it has any negative side effects or if I made any mistakes so you may want to check it.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. May 2018, 20:07:51 »

I have no idea whether it's more difficult - as I don't know any coding language, I don't have anything I could compare it to.

I actually have no idea why the rim on the repair interface says "container", will investigate a bit. //not fixable by simple means.
Posted by: GuyFawkesGaming
« on: 08. May 2018, 19:53:27 »

Ok, so it is modifiable, just complex. I'm no expert programmer, but I was wondering why you didn't just make npcs modifiable/hackable, then 'tag' turrets and droids so only they can be modified, and hacked ones at that. Never touched squirrel, I'm more into Python and HTML, but if it's more complex then it sounds I understand.

For the turrets, I was actually referring to the window that pops up when you select the upper half to repair it; the side says "container" rather than "security".
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. May 2018, 19:00:50 »

it's just the original script, which only handles weapons - so to be able to modify other objects, you would have to write a custom squirrel script that would do whatever you want to do with the droid or any other target object. not sure what do you mean by those broken turrets - they are containers (with loot), so they should be registered as such.

anyway, no extended functionality from my side anytime soon, as it will be years before I'll be able to do anything more complex in squirrel - I have no coding background, so trying to learn these things takes immense amount of time and effort.
Posted by: GuyFawkesGaming
« on: 08. May 2018, 18:09:09 »

So I take the dark scripting engine restricts the modifiable "tag" to weapon objects only. I see now why the repairman mod lists broken turrets as containers.
Anyways, not too bad voodoo. I was expecting much worse. Regardless, what if instead of guns attached to it's hands it had a discrete "access panel" dummy gun on it's back?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. May 2018, 21:20:28 »

they are dummy guns, just to see how they would look attached to the droid. also, looks like I had some youtube vid playing in the background when recording.
Posted by: unn_atropos
« on: 06. May 2018, 21:17:54 »

Looks cool.  :)
Can the droid fire it? Can you exchange them when they are broken? Different ammunition types?  :lordy:
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 06. May 2018, 17:46:11 »

Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 01. May 2018, 17:16:21 »

I can't imagine that not looking very silly.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 01. May 2018, 16:51:09 »

yes, most likely. not easily done though.
Posted by: unn_atropos
« on: 01. May 2018, 16:40:38 »

Would it be possible to let the player mount guns to the droids?: Assault rifles on every arm!
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 01. May 2018, 07:04:26 »

yeah, the droids are not maintainable at this point. should be possible to add it though - same goes for modify, but no idea whether it can be done in some clean way (meaning without a trillion of extra metaprops).
Posted by: GuyFawkesGaming
« on: 01. May 2018, 04:30:35 »

Is it normal for disposable maintenance tools to not work on the droids? Also I've progressed much further in the game, I really do like that the droids and turrets can now be repaired but feel that their damage output and resistance become negligible in later stages of the game that repairing them becomes a chore.

I do have an idea but not sure if NewDark scripting will allow it. In Bioshock 2, your hacked security can be upgraded by getting a "blue zone" during hacking. While System Shock 2 obviously doesn't have "blue zones" you could allow security devices to be modified much the same as weapons. In fact, since the Modification skill isn't very useful in it's self this could be a good way to increase it's use as well; kill to birds with one stone (assuming NewDarks script engine allows this).
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 25. April 2018, 06:50:37 »

I'll tell you once your alpha-beta-epsilon is released. or you can post the unmodified SS2 beta files and I'll make the mod for you.
Posted by: System
« on: 25. April 2018, 06:32:41 »

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 25. April 2018, 05:40:28 »

no, but it would be very easy to make.
Posted by: System
« on: 25. April 2018, 01:12:43 »

Is there a version of Secmod 3?
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 04. April 2018, 01:49:22 »

but maybe I'll make the bot hackablility into another minimod - I'm thinking bots hackable but only if immobilized by the stasis field generator first. should be interesting enough.

Stasis field generator usefulness mini-mod :P
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 03. April 2018, 18:35:57 »

I understand - what I'm saying here is that hack is not part of the equation on purpose, as the aim of this mod is to make repair more useful.

but maybe I'll make the bot hackablility into another minimod - I'm thinking bots hackable but only if immobilized by the stasis field generator first. should be interesting enough.
Posted by: GuyFawkesGaming
« on: 03. April 2018, 18:19:31 »

I think you're misunderstanding, the Hack skill can be used to avoid destroying the droids first. Just sneak up on them and you're golden. However if they do get destroyed then the Repair is employed. The droids are not immortal if just hack is used, much like the turrets with the Repairman mod.

The idea for the Protocol Droid was the it can only be hacked and isn't immortal due to it's attack method; there's nothing left to repair afterwards. This makes this particular droid arguably less useful which is why I mentioned that if done the hack skill requirement should be low. Even so I can see a Protocol Droid suicide bombing some Hybrids useful in certain situations.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 03. April 2018, 08:22:54 »

the idea of this mod is to give more value to the repair skill
anyway, as mentioned earlier, changing the requirements is laughably easy, so whoever feels like they need to be bumped up, can grab a text editor and change them as deemed fit.
Code: [Select]
"Hack" 0
"Repair" 0
"Modify" 0
"Maintain" 0
"Research" 0
Posted by: JML
« on: 03. April 2018, 08:15:06 »

I still think, as this is repair+rewire+rewrite, it should also require a minimal Hacking skill alongside the Repair skill.
For example:
Mainenance droid:  Repair 3 & Hacking 1
Security droid:          Repair 4 & Hacking 2
Assault droid:           Repair 5 & Hacking 3
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 03. April 2018, 08:06:18 »

doable, but the idea of this mod is to give more value to the repair skill - if they were hackable, nobody would bother (again).
Posted by: GuyFawkesGaming
« on: 02. April 2018, 23:07:03 »

Pretty cool, you brought one of my favorite things about BioShock (more things to hack) to System Shock 2. I feel it would be cooler though if you were able to hack them without blowing them up first, via Hack skill, as an option as well.

I also think I would be a cool concept if you could hack Protocol Droids too, though given their method of attack it should only work with the Hack skill and not the Repair skill after the fact. This should also mean they'd require a lower Hack skill (3 sounds fair) given they wouldn't be immortal like the other droids.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 19. March 2018, 09:22:41 »

it's trivial to change the requirements - edit the dml and search for ReqTechDesc (there will be three instances, one for each droid), and set it to whatever you like.

that's one of the beauties of dml mods - you can tweak them with very little editor knowledge, in this case, almost none at all.

Fantastic! It might be a good idea to put that information in the OP in case anyone else finds it interesting. Thanks for the info!
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 13. March 2018, 08:55:16 »

it's trivial to change the requirements - edit the dml and search for ReqTechDesc (there will be three instances, one for each droid), and set it to whatever you like.

that's one of the beauties of dml mods - you can tweak them with very little editor knowledge, in this case, almost none at all.
Posted by: sarge945
« on: 13. March 2018, 00:51:33 »

Can we get a version requiring 4,5 and 6 repair instead of 3, 4 and 5?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 12. March 2018, 21:15:25 »

balance stuff, most likely.
Posted by: tiphares
« on: 12. March 2018, 20:47:20 »

i justed wanted to say thank you for this mod.. back in 1998 when i've played system shock 2 for the first time i expected those security-droids to be hackable/repairable, i always wondered why it wasn't implemented.. was it due to time constraints or didn't they plan that at all?
 thank you very much anyways, it feels much much more complete now   :)
Posted by: JDoran
« on: 09. October 2017, 13:05:56 »

Thanks (and I didn't know that Turret Fixer is unnecessary when running Repairman v1.01, so thanks for telling me that, too).
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. October 2017, 20:14:20 »

it actually doesn't matter, all that needs to be avoided are crazy ideas like sticking it lower than SCP. also, turret fixer is now included in the Repairman (1.01+), if you still have the standalone test version, you should get rid of it.
Posted by: JDoran
« on: 08. October 2017, 20:10:40 »

Thanks for this, mate. When you say "assign it the highest priority.", you mean of course that it must be above both Repairman and Turret Fixer?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 08. October 2017, 19:03:40 »

Tags: °SS2 °dml

Upon destruction, a droid will not explode completely, but create a wreck that will persist in the world for another 20 seconds, and then blow up normally. During this timeframe, you can repair it to convert it to your side - and do this infinite amount of times, technically making the droid immortal. Repair 3 for Maintenance droid, 4 for Security Droid, and 5 for Assault droid (and 50 nanites) required at the moment, the repairs should be reasonably difficult.

requires SS2tool patched install of SS2 (NewDark v2.48+, NVscript loaded), can be activated/deactivated mid game, load with the highest priority.
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