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Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. August 2024, 10:11:02 »

ok, bit the bullet and redid the last few very lowres textures, so everything that's translated should have either normal or high resolution now. 0.99beta reuploaded and 0.98beta removed, 1440 downloads total.

I've had my fill of this for the time being, so unless something really bad is found, 0.99beta should be the final SCPb6 release.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 20. August 2024, 19:08:21 »

well that was a pain in the neck and half, but 0.99beta is now attached to the first post, SCPb6 compatible (hopefully).

would be great if a native CZ speaker could run through the game, pretty sure there are issues to be found, like deformed or untranslated textures (note - I'm willing to edit and translate additional quest or other important textures, I however do not plan to translate the entire SHTUP - I don't have 25 years of free time, so all the background stuff will remain untranslated). as always, when taking screenshots of the issue, make sure to first open the console SHIFT+; type in show_stats and hit enter.

also after hammering on this for the last few days I can safely say that any translation that hasn't been updated to be b6 compatible doesn't have the slightest hope of not being completely broken.

let's maybe ping @miracle.flame
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 30. March 2019, 15:25:23 »

ah, right. ok, description modified, and the archive is now attached to the first post (set the download count to 434 to incorporate the old download counts). the version is 0.98beta. and I took the liberty of removing all three instances of Shodan "animal" background noise from the subs.

also yeah, as the translation now requires SHTUP, we can ditch crfs completely, and leave all files uncompressed.

one note - the rick maps will not work completely with SCP b4, this is normal.

//I see the prekladyeu place is up to date as well - now lets see how long will it take for the translation to make it into one of those horribly butchered SS2 warez compilations.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 30. March 2019, 14:08:33 »

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 30. March 2019, 13:51:38 »

yeah, but can you pull the entire package from git and post it here?
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 30. March 2019, 13:42:38 »

I thought you are going to handle the first post including attachments. I am not a fan of crf, you know better why it has to be that way.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 30. March 2019, 13:24:59 »

yeah, good change. soo.. you gonna post the compiled package or something?
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 30. March 2019, 12:47:58 »

Attaching one missed detail. Changed the vertical STATISTIKA to TĚLO.Goes to iface folder.

[Stats.pcx expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 29. March 2019, 10:30:47 »

I'll kill the old downloads completely (maybe keeping the text only version, but renaming it to have no version number), so 0.98beta is ok.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 29. March 2019, 10:29:10 »

The numbering is something I was wondering about giving that the current package is 1.0 while being far from complete. If down counting at this phase is okay I'd opt for 0.98beta to give more room for further releases, possibly 0.99beta being more bug fixes + more but not all texture translations.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 29. March 2019, 10:09:25 »

yes, that sounds good - I'll attach the completed package to the first post and modify the instructions accordingly.

what about version numbering? are we calling the first release 0.99beta or do you have something else in mind?
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 29. March 2019, 09:58:31 »

Repository has ar_sick reverted, OBRANA changed to DEF, P0049_.pcx removed. What are the next steps? I'd propose proper description including step-by-step installation instructions for public on prekladyeu with the download button redirecting to the first post of this thread.. which should have the package prepared for easy installation.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. March 2019, 08:37:08 »

yeah, the one you've attached is ok (same as the one in my previous post), in the sense that it isn't broken completely and will do ok for the first release.

for the next release, I will have to dig up my notes on proper transparency, and fix the entire set. //ok, this is what needs to be done, but as mentioned, no time to dig around all the obj textures trying to find all that are affected.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 27. March 2019, 07:50:53 »

ar_sick came from this post (was not low-res actually) and replaced texture which was already in repo. Size differs. May reverting to the previous version help? Attached, would you test?
[ar_sick.pcx expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. March 2019, 16:35:43 »

also, P0049_.pcx still needs to be kicked out of the translation (\obj.crf\txt16\) as it's interfering with the way SHTUP loads the hires reactor active texture.

this was the last thing I've checked (almost forgot), so yeah, once these two problems are fixed, it's release time.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. March 2019, 14:35:07 »

ah, I see, it's ok then. anyway, checked things out, one texture needs to be refixed, attaching (the transparency was messed up, I've tried to fix it but made it worse, so this is the original texture that looks almost ok. more of these textures will have to be fixed up properly, but lets leave that for the second release, this should be good enough for the time being).

overwrite the current texture, mark the release 0.99beta, and let it rip.
[ar_sick.7z expired]
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 26. March 2019, 13:07:26 »


The Rick deck schemas I have translated were gif, the real maps you provided are png.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. March 2019, 11:13:23 »

can you post the compiled pack here? also, what do you mean by both gif and png? if their content is identical, only one set should be present.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 26. March 2019, 11:11:40 »

Rick maps translated, now there are both gif and png files with the same name.
A few MFD textures updated as well. I'm done.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 25. March 2019, 13:10:50 »

Applied corrections, translated textures of station postings (corrected few suggested translations) and tomorrow I'd hopefully translate Rick maps.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 21. March 2019, 17:11:27 »

downloaded the previous attachment to check and everything looks/works fine, but attaching as zip anyway and adding the plain text as well.

[code]Annelid_Medpatch:"Souhrn:  Tuto tkáň lze použít k léčení fyzických zranění.

Analýza:  Tato žláza produkuje vydatnou směs hormonů a stimulačních enzymů, a také rychle se dělící vrstvu buněk, které vytváří kmenové oběhové buňky.  Tyto buňky vyhledávají poškozená místa tkáně kde se uchytí, přičemž během krátké doby přebírají charakteristické znaky okolní hostitelské tkáně.

Závěr:  Díky kompatibilitě mezi lidskou a annelidskou tkání je možné použít tuto žlázu pro léčení, i když efekt bude slabší, než jaký by byl při čistě annelidském hostiteli.  Jakmile je vyjmuta z hostitelského těla, je možné ji použít jen jednou."
Annelid_Psipatch:"Souhrn:  Tuto tkáň lze použít k doplnění PSI bodů.

Analýza:  Tato žláza vylučuje účinný koktejl psychoaktivních a povzbuzujících hormonů, které způsobují posílení a obnovení nervové tkáně.  Navíc se zdá, že ke standardním (a poněkud neobvyklým) biologickým složkám tato žláza vyzařuje malé množství polo-hmotné psychokreativní energie.

Závěr:  Ačkoliv lze tuto žlázu použít k obnovení psionického potenciálu, nebezpečí spočívající v absorbování mimozemské psychokreativní energie ukazuje, že by se měla používat jen výjimečně."
AntiAnnelid_Toxin:"Souhrn:  Umístění tohoto toxinu do klimatizační jednotky potlačí místní bujení annelidské tkáně.

Analýza:  Toto je experimentální toxin, vysoce zhoubný, vyvinutý speciálně k devastaci a rozkladu annelidské tkáně.  Nádoba je pod velmi vysokým tlakem, protože v běžném prostředí by se kapalný toxin velmi rychle odpařil.

Závěr:  Pro maximální účinek je třeba tento toxin zavést do vzduchové cirkulace okamžitě po otevření nádoby."
AP_Clip:"Průrazné střelivo má pouze omezený účinek proti měkkým cílům, ale je vynikající proti mechanizovaným nepřátelům.  Uranový hrot dodává těmto nábojům vynikající průraznou schopnost a to dokonce i v relativně nevýkonných zbraních, jako je Talon M2A3 a útočná puška M-22.  Tento náboj je malým bratrem průrazného střeliva, používaného tanky 21. století.  Neuvěřitelně tvrdý uranový hrot doplňuje plášť projektilu, který je zhotoven z pokročilého balistického materiálu, který snižuje tření, což má za následek ještě lepší průraznost."
Arach_Organ:"Souhrn:  Naučil jsi se, jak nejúčinněji zasáhnout Arachnida.  Všechna zranění, která mu způsobíš, budou o 25% vyšší.  Arachnidé, jako všichni čistokrevní annelidé, jsou odolní vůči energetickým zbraním.

Analýza:  Vnitřní systémy tohoto tvora jsou zdvojené, což by mohlo ukazovat buď na záměr, anebo na vývoj a utváření ve velmi nebezpečném okolním prostředí.  To co slouží jako nervová soustava přenáší mnohem vyšší množství energie než u lidí, díky čemuž jsou tkáně tohoto tvora úměrně více energeticky odolnější.  Metabolismus tohoto tvora mu umožňuje silnou hyperkinetic
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 21. March 2019, 16:46:30 »

The characters are irreversibly messed up in the .str file if downloaded from the attachemnt. Try attaching as zip if the file breaks up during uploading process.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 21. March 2019, 15:35:11 »

ok, done - again, quite a bit of stuff that had to be fixed (but really simple, so no need to grammar check, I think, but feel free to do a dif if interested). mostly extra spaces, or missing spaces, a few obvious typos, but also swapped some words, deleted duplicate words and things like that, but found one instance of a broken string as well - hope more aren't lurking around.

ok, so once you compile the release, post it here, I'll give it one last very quick check, and then off it goes.

note - I think using the fixed translation from 2010 as base caused more harm than good in the end. we should have wiped the table clean and started from scratch - the result would have been much more accurate. ah well.
[objlooks.str expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 20. March 2019, 20:56:45 »

ok, two more additions to objname.str:

Mess_Hall_Table:"jidelni stul"
Store_Counter:"prodejni pult"

and misc.str:
MedBedUnused:"Pacient je nyní v dobré kondici." => MedBedUnused:"Pacient je v dobré kondici."

objlooks tomorrow and we are done.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 20. March 2019, 10:10:00 »

it's glued together from various bits, even the warez guy who is circulating the current full CZ modpack SS2 release (which does contain some unique higher res textures) contributed (unwillingly). a lot of stuff should be redone properly, but there is no time/manpower, so only the roughest of edges are getting smoothed out.

for now.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 20. March 2019, 00:55:48 »

Not just that, the blue sign too. Was all the signage in this mod localized without using the correct fonts?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 19. March 2019, 23:52:09 »

that is the original lowres texture on the screenshot, the new one is in the archive.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 19. March 2019, 23:30:54 »

quick fix for one of the remaining lowres screens. should be good enough. also fixed a few other textures.
For the love of god, Square721.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 19. March 2019, 23:27:31 »

ba dum tss.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 19. March 2019, 23:26:29 »

just the manual Czech of those few strings and this is done.

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 19. March 2019, 14:30:30 »

quick fix for one of the remaining lowres screens. should be good enough. also fixed a few other textures.

just the manual check of those few strings and this is done.
[tex.7z expired]
[launch.jpg expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 18. March 2019, 19:06:17 »

station stuff attached, translation suggestions included. not too excellent, as I have no idea how to accurately translate things like "ordnance master", but they should be understandable enough.
[station.7z expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 17. March 2019, 22:16:03 »

ok, I really, really have no time to be messing around git - I shouldn't even be doing this run, school stuff is drawing near and I need to save every bit of energy I have left to concentrate on that. so bear with me for just a little bit.

so here's the plan - I will finish the run, and post the last few things (should be just a few now, only rick, botm and shodan are remaining) here in a humanly readable format (edit this in this file), will also post the station screens with rough translation suggestions. once that is done, I will have a direct look at objlooks/objname, and once finished, you'll pack the release up, and post it as the first public beta. once I'm done with school, we'll hopefully have a bunch of user reports at hand, and I will go through everything and fix, this time doing it properly via git.

usemsg.str add QBRbroken:"Chybova tolerance prekrocena. Odpojeno."
vcs.sub: "Rebeko, jdeme pozdě!" => "Rebeko, nezbývá čas!"

HACKTEXT.STR (need to shorten some stuff):
TurretHack:"Hacknuté střelecké věže střílí po vašich nepřátelích." => TurretHack:"Hacknuté věže střílí po vašich nepřátelích."
ArchReplicator:"Hacknutí zpřístupní rozšířenou nabídku předmětů." => ArchReplicator:"Hacknutí zpřístupní lepší nabídku předmětů."
HackCrate:"Hacknutí otevře kontejner. Kritické selhání ho zničí." => HackCrate:"Hack otevře kontejner. Kritické selhání ho zničí."

modify2.str: (need to shorten some stuff):
EMP:"Sníží spotřebu a zvýší rychlost střely o 50%."
Viral_Prolif:"Sníží množství munice potřebné na výstřel."

also, forgot about the new rick maps, those need to be translated as well - attaching.
[intrface.7z expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 16. March 2019, 10:32:49 »

edit to my previous post. yeah, ZBRANĚ on vertical should be fine.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 16. March 2019, 10:29:15 »

19. you're absolutely right, I misunderstood the context
corrected to "Předtím než ten hacker zničil můj primární dataloop v explozi Citadely,"

comm6 fixed already

I am thinking about changing the vertical title BOJ on BOJ tab to ZBRANĚ keeping the horizontal title as is. What do you think?

I'll send you PM regarding Git.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 16. March 2019, 10:14:55 »

15. there is none, so no need to fix. OBRANA is really a bit on the edge - guess we could just use DEF again (defenzíva is a valid CZ word, right?)
19. "čímž" is exactly what I think is off - Citadel exploded, destroying the dataloop, not vice versa.

comm6 is the Command Deck, which we are translating as Veleni (Operations is Sprava). so currently, we have two Decks named "Sprava", both no. 4, and no. 6.

ok, I'll try to make it less annoying for you - any idea how to edit strings without git auto converting them to the improper format?

also, as you may have guessed, the release is not happening tomorrow.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 16. March 2019, 09:23:41 »

Eagle eye perk huh?  :thumb: Scary what Martin missed.
But damn, how am I supposed to refer to pictures as attachments??? I simply don't have that time. Please consider spending a few minutes to learn how to use very basic functions of Git like any sane person collaborating on file changing project with other people. Or figure it out yourself by guessing what I did exactly and what I refer to. So I am going to summarize it this way which still takes me like 100x more time than on Git because it's already all tracked in details automatically on Git.
1. fixed
2. fixed
3. not translating, little to no importance, easy to understand without translation
4. capitalized all SHEADs but I believe I've opted for lowercase for a good reason.. test yourself the other weapon modes
5. the same "discrepancy" exists in vanilla and I don't see slightest issue with it
6. translated as Tělo
7. fixed
8. I've no time for translating all those
9. fixed
10. fixed
11. not part of repository so nothing for me to fix
12. fixed
13. translated as "Tyto granáty jsou kompatibilní s granátometem TC-11."
14. fixed
15. where's the SHTUP version? By the way +20 OBRANA looks GORGEOUS now. Was ZBROJ really so unacceptable?
16. fixed
17. fixed
18. fixed
19. corrected to "čímž Citadela explodovala" to preserve some tense logic
20. corrected to "Bujeli a stali se neovladatelnými"
21. corrected to "Použili svou schopnost ovládnout mysl"
22. corrected to "Slyšíme tvé myšlenky, jak zuří za bratry, které považuješ za mrtvé."
23. corrected to "Pokud se rozhodneš ulehnout se strojem, odtrhneme vás"
24. corrected to "a oddelíme tě od rozkoše masy."
25. corrected to "Aktivován protokol Vzdáleného Přístupu ke Kybernetickému Rozhraní..."
26. fixed
27. fixed... funny I remember fixing this alredy in past
28. fixed
29. converted

FIXED in sett2.str Stasis_Field_Generátor => Stasis_Field_Generator

FIXED in usemsg.str:
Post17:"Zaměření mise: Výcvik přežití
(přidá: +2 Výdrž)"
Post2:"Zaměření mise: Trénink přežití
(přidá: +2 Výdrž)"
Post24:"Zaměření mise: Taktický PSI výcvik/Krytí
(přidá: +2 Výdrž)"
Slideshow1:"Protokol Vzdáleného Přístupu ke Kybernetickému Rozhraní aktivní..."
corrected to "Aktivován protokol Vzdáleného Přístupu ke Kybernetickému Rozhraní..."

FIXED in notes.str: Note_1_6:"Kód k Technickému Řízení je ve Skladišti č. 2."

FIXED in objname.str:
EndurBoost:"Implantát VýdržBoost™"
Shell_Casing:"Použitá nábojnice"

needs to be added:
ADDED objects but used pánev instead of panvice

in shead2.str: every description in capital letters (or every NOT, but no mixing)
CAPITALIZED (was not mixed in the first place)

FIXED in hrm.str: RepairText:"Navrácení předmětu do normální funkce."

FIXED in misc.str:
access14:"Skladiště 2A/2B"
access6:"Hydroponika A"
access7:"Hydroponika B"
access8:"Hydroponika D"

corrected "Vyplnili všechny dostupné zlomy a trhliny...  Protékají jimi..."

corrected "A navíc odebere část výkonu obvodům Xerxese, jež se tak stane méně odolným mému vlivu."
oba tvary sú správne http://prirucka.ujc.cas.cz/?id=je%C5%BE_1

corrected Zapomeňte na pozemské

comm6.gif needs to be changed from Sprava to Veleni
EDIT: OK I've got it. This is not meant to be Operations. Fixed.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 15. March 2019, 18:17:37 »

ok, rec:

"Vyplnili všechny dostupné zlomy a trhliny...  Podrobili si ji..." => "Vyplnili všechny dostupné zlomy a trhliny...  Protékají jimi..."

"A navíc odebírá část výkonu obvodům Xerxese, jež se tak stává méně odolným mému vlivu." => "A navíc odebere část výkonu obvodům Xerxese, jež se tak stane méně odolným mému vlivu." (btw, jež? maybe jenž?)

level05.str: "Zapomeňte na pozemské granty" => "Zapomeňte na pozemkové granty" (geez this one was bad, I surely hope nothing else like that is lurking about. I probably should go through all the email, description and subtitle strings word by word, but that's not going to happen before June, so this first release will have to do without it)

comm6.gif needs to be changed from Sprava to Veleni

objname.str: Mall_Signs:"Tabule"

[dump007.jpg expired]
[dump005.jpg expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 14. March 2019, 19:09:21 »

ok, so string wise - this should be everything so far:

in sett2.str Stasis_Field_Generátor => Stasis_Field_Generator

in usemsg.str:
Post17:"Zaměření mise: Výcvik přežití
(přidá: +2 Výdrž)"
Post2:"Zaměření mise: Trénink přežití
(přidá: +2 Výdrž)"
Post24:"Zaměření mise: Taktický PSI výcvik/Krytí
(přidá: +2 Výdrž)"
Slideshow1:"Protokol Vzdáleného Přístupu ke Kybernetickému Rozhraní aktivní..."

in notes.str: Note_1_6:"Kód k Technickému Řízení je ve Skladišti č. 2."

in objname.str:
EndurBoost:"Implantát VýdržBoost™"
Shell_Casing:"Použitá nábojnice"

needs to be added:

in shead2.str: every description in capital letters (or every NOT, but no mixing)

in hrm.str: RepairText:"Navrácení předmětu do normální funkce."

in misc.str:
access14:"Skladiště 2A/2B"
access6:"Hydroponika A"
access7:"Hydroponika B"
access8:"Hydroponika D"

what's left so far - texture stuff, ice-pick (decision needed whether to leave it as pick everywhere, or change to paklic everywhere), and what to do with Boj and Statistika on the MFD.

note to self - objname and objlooks still need a thorough check (as mentioned), but not today.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 14. March 2019, 18:35:03 »

ops time.

also, vcs.sub definitely needs tweaks;

"Předtím než ten hacker zničil můj primární dataloop, čímž vymýtil Citadelu" => "Předtím než ten hacker zničil můj primární dataloop, když Citadela explodovala"

"Bujeli a rostli v bezvládí" => "Bujeli a stali se neovladatelnými"

"Použili svou moc ovládaní mysli" => "Použili svou schopnost ovládnout mysle"

"Slyšíme tvé myšlenky a zlost za bratry, které považuješ za mrtvé." => "Slyšíme tvé myšlenky, které zuří za bratry, které považuješ za mrtvé." possibly "které zuří/vřou v pomyšlení na bratry"

"Pokud se rozhodneš sloučit se strojem, oddělíme vás" => "Pokud se rozhodneš ulehnout se strojem, roztrhneme/odtrhneme vás"

"a odepřeme ti rozkoš masy." => "a oddelíme tě od rozkoše masy."
[dump040.jpg expired]
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Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 14. March 2019, 10:11:12 »

hydro done. bit scared of how much stuff I'm still finding.
[dump020.jpg expired]
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Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 13. March 2019, 18:32:57 »

and eng. objlooks really needs to be triple checked.

//to fix the lowres reactor texture on the first picture, P0049_.pcx needs to be kicked out of the translation (\obj.crf\txt16\) as it's interfering with the way SHTUP loads the hires texture.
[dump009.jpg expired]
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Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 13. March 2019, 17:34:11 »

also "namocis se do hi-tech systemu"? uhh, I don't know, maybe "vyzkousis si hi-end systemy" or something.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 13. March 2019, 17:28:27 »

Note to self: Trenér
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 13. March 2019, 15:42:01 »

lets do medsci real quick.

note to self - go through objlooks manually really thoroughly.
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Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 13. March 2019, 14:52:27 »

yeah, too many distractions these days. anyway, I think I had enough of git for the moment - I'll run through the game in the next two days, and see whether I stumble upon something that would need immediate surgery. I suggest you do the same. once corrected/if nothing found, I'd say we call it good and post the first beta publicly this weekend.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 13. March 2019, 14:08:41 »

No big deal, I have reverted the commits with power of Git and then corrected the files appropriately.

If you wish to utilize the power of Git I strongly recommend you use the GitHub Desktop app and refer to the 10-minutes elementary tutorial for starters that I have referred already.

If you don't care then alter just and only the UTF8 files by whatever cumbersome means you did so far. I will handle the rest by preparing the files into codepage that accepts the accented characters in game.

The Spatially Aware OS maps were commited on March 5th. I did post about it.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 13. March 2019, 09:21:11 »

it's something github must be doing, I've just edited the 1250 files and saved.

have you managed to translate the Spatially Aware version of the maps? if so, then I'll give it a run, fix whatever I find (it would be great to hear from that rampa guy who is checking it in the meantime), and I guess we could mark it beta1 and ship.

I've made these four changes (Armor1:"+%.0f OBRANA" in misc.str, Shotgun_Casings:"Pár použitých patron" in objname.str, "Masalské univerzitě" in objlooks.str, "pusťtě mě odsud" in vcs.sub).
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 13. March 2019, 08:46:11 »

What's next step before releasing this finally?
By the way I've checked last four commits made by you and it's all wrong. You have converted 1250 codepage files to utf8 which not only breaks the files completely for font diplaying in game but breaks the whole idea of having separate utf8 folder for correct displaying of the diff in Git. Not to mention this way it's not even clear what actual changes you've made in the files besides converting all the characters.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. March 2019, 19:25:47 »

so yeah, the levelselector mod is not exactly compatible with SCP, that's why the medbed found in the levselect level is not displaying the nanite cost properly - basically, if a mod tries to use SCP strings (and other assets) without loading the SCP gamesys as well, issues will ensue (and this is exactly what's going on here).

so basically, everything is working as it should as far as SCP (and the translation) is concerned, and the issue could be resolved by updating the levelselector mod (though there is very little point in doing that, the problem is pretty much just cosmetic. and btw, if we are talking about cosmetic stuff, the lighting is screwed up in the earth level for some reason).
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