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Posted by: Vaxquis
« on: 09. August 2014, 18:01:07 »

IFTFY, RocketMan. The thread for the Vintage Song Remake is https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=6849 <- here.
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 08. August 2014, 21:57:44 »

The original source music is available.  Why don't you implement the fixes you're talking about and upload for comparision?
Posted by: Vaxquis
« on: 08. August 2014, 20:36:23 »

Sadly, after listening to SHMUP, I'm really disappointed... not only did Shatten forget about dynamics matching, resulting in much louder soundtrack with unequalized volume between songs, and with much dynamic lost due to acoustic compression with too high gain ratio on some songs; the main problem is that ADPCM 4-bit compression with 22kHz sampling gave most of the upbeat tracks a distinct, crispy EQ, which the "studio" soundtrack doesn't have (many oldschool DnB DJs downsample songs just to make them feel more vinyl-y). Also, changes made to some songs (Eng1, Command 1) seem just bad to me. Still, all ambient tracks gained much with hiss removal and, usually, no clipping occurring (there was mild clipping in original songs).

I suggest deleting the rest and leaving only those (namely 02-07 & Eng2) to everybody who wants a playing experience most consistent with original one (and with developer's intentions too - as far as my e-mail correspondence with RobotKid goes).

Shatten - as for Eng1, you should use resampled e1brk.wav & e1brkfil.wav from the original song instead of replacing it with cuts from EB soundtrack - the mix losses a lot with improper cuts used.
Also, the 08bells.wav & 08bellsr.wav *are* available in HQ from RobotKid's SS2 MedSci samplepack - it's medsci_150bpm/MEDSCI_ Mks-80.aif , played forward in the first & reversed mixed with forward in the latter, AFAIR.
Posted by: Simplex
« on: 19. February 2013, 15:22:14 »

Not likely. You can check by looking into data\snd.crf file (this is in fact a zip file).

EDIT: Directory "songs" in snd.crf is 77megs, the same directory in DataPermanentMods is 325 megs - so they did not change it.

Once again: SS2 version = vanilla + NewDark (2.4?) + SS2Tool 4.0. Nothing more, nothing less - no custom models, textures, sounds, etc.
Posted by: Xiphan
« on: 19. February 2013, 13:04:59 »

I'm curious about something regarding this mod. I notice that the GOG release includes the OST but I'm wondering if they included updated audio files in the game by default?
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 15. April 2012, 21:37:23 »

Six files hadn't downloaded correctly from the old server and were hence incomplete here. They have been fixed.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 15. April 2012, 10:22:05 »

Confirmed. I'll see into it. It's likely not the download itself but a PHP limit on our new server.
Posted by: Daveed93
« on: 15. April 2012, 07:05:53 »

Hey, I have problem with downloading this mod. It only downloads 150MB and it is damaged. Could anybody fix this? Thanks.
Posted by: Fironkkuify
« on: 23. August 2011, 02:18:14 »

now, to put in some alternate music into the game that fit the style and feel of the game, maybe some SPOR, like say cyberpunk, ultimate technology, some apex, or some other hot DnB that came out after game release.

What's wrong with the original OST?
Posted by: Faithless
« on: 22. August 2011, 23:33:59 »

now, to put in some alternate music into the game that fit the style and feel of the game, maybe some SPOR, like say cyberpunk, ultimate technology, some apex, or some other hot DnB that came out after game release.
Posted by: sparklingdark
« on: 03. July 2011, 12:53:55 »

That's it!

Because I compared the music in game, and the samples from the folder and I was like wait a minute...these sound a lot better.
So I wanted to make sure, thank you, you freak.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 03. July 2011, 12:37:23 »

no, don't try to look at it that way... consider Music as Data and put it in .\DataPermanentMods for example.. the game would find the data searching trough the pattern stated in install.cfg
Posted by: sparklingdark
« on: 03. July 2011, 12:29:35 »

The drum and bass in this game is actually pretty good.

I just want to make sure that I have it installed correctly. 
I used Kolya's installation tool.  Everything is mod ready, SHTUP and that fan patch are installed.

This is my question.  In the install.cfg,

cd_path .
install_path .+.\DataPermanentMods+.\Data
language english
resname_base .\+.\RES+.\DataPermanentMods\res+.\Data+.\Data\res
load_path .+.\DataPermanentMods+.\Data
script_module_path .+.\DataPermanentMods+.\Data
movie_path .\cutscenes+.\DataPermanentMods\cutscenes+.\Data\cutscenes

Shouldn't there be a music path or something?  Like this?  music_path \snd\songs

Thanks for your time.  Love your forum by the way :)
Posted by: Fironkkuify
« on: 20. March 2011, 11:39:27 »

No.  Thanks for the link -w-
Posted by: The Brain
« on: 20. March 2011, 11:26:45 »

Did you get your version of 7zip from here : http://www.7-zip.org/ ?
Posted by: Fironkkuify
« on: 20. March 2011, 10:52:45 »

Since 7zip is free...

Wait, 7zip is free?  Anytime I downloaded it, the only "free" part was a trial.  And once the trial was done, I couldn't open any 7zip files which forced me to uninstall it.
Posted by: Schatten
« on: 27. June 2010, 19:46:23 »

To clear things up, the source was the MP3 version, for the simple reason the lossless versions weren't available at the time I made the mod. As stated in the readme there are two snippets (MedSci 1) that weren't in the mix, at least not in a version that allowed for clean cutting. Fortunately, both did compress rather well to ADPCM so the hiss is at a minimum.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 24. June 2010, 20:59:26 »

We talked "MysteryDev" into releasing the OST in an uncompressed format. He eventually put up WAV files.
Posted by: LarkSS
« on: 24. June 2010, 19:09:57 »

I thought for sure I read from the original topic that Eric Brosius's arrangements were released in that it was passed out in MP3 format, and that I didn't see any WAV source files for the mod author of SHMUP to use, but if I am mistaken please disregard anything I've said previously.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 23. June 2010, 21:55:17 »

I'm not sure where LarkSS is getting his information from, on the MP3 release being the base of this mod. As I said, only Schatten, the author of the mod can answer this.

Regarding how to use the mod, see the QUICK GUIDE at the start of the first post. Generally mods don't overwrite files, but you need to have a mod-ready installation of the game first, to use mods.
Posted by: Drew
« on: 23. June 2010, 21:43:44 »

Didn't think that, so no worries, I just thought I should ask since I never saw the question addressed anywhere.

It doesn't matter to me as I'll be getting the mod either way, and thank you for doing this so we don't have to, but why MP3? I agree that it's not a difference anyone is going to notice, but on the other hand, you have to decompress to wave anyway so I don't see how it saves any space sourcing from a lossie codec VS. a lossless one. I'm not saying you should change it now, that would mean re-creating the whole thing from scratch for no quantifiable improvement, so it'd be kind of silly; I'm just curious if there's a reason to that I don't understand.

Oh, yeah--I assume this mod doesn't actually replace anything, just creates new content in its own folder. If I decide I don't want to keep the original music at all and feel like saving space, is it as simple as deleting the songs.crf files in the shock directory?
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 23. June 2010, 10:26:50 »

I think only Schatten knows whether he used the MP3 (CBR 320kps) release or the WAV files released shortly after as a base. Not that it would make a distinguishable difference in the end.

Regarding what Eric Brosius did: It's pretty clear that he didn't just burn the game files on a CD. For one thing they're different arrangements, but you can also hear the quality difference right away in this case, as miracle noted.

If you for whatever reason think we may be daftly creating and distributing a useless mod here, then the polite thing to do would be to do the analysis you require yourself.
Posted by: LarkSS
« on: 23. June 2010, 09:49:59 »

It is 320kbps MP3 to PCM, though I believe 99.9% of people wouldn't notice the difference if it was preserved from the original raw format. Just use it, it's worth every kilobyte. ;]
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 23. June 2010, 01:11:51 »

You don't need spectrogram or any other ridiculous proofs to hear that this mod is definitely better choice than orgininal in-game score.
Posted by: Drew
« on: 23. June 2010, 00:59:48 »

Is the source from these FLAC/PCM? Or are they MP3s being used, converted to PCM so the game will recognize them? Also just out of curiosity, how much if any of the soundtrack is not used, apart from the cutscene soundtracks obviously? Also has anyone ever done anything like a spectrogram from the songs on the soundtrack to prove that they are actually higher quality, and that Eric didn't just upsample and then burn the EMA ADPCM files before being cut up for the engine? If so that would make this mod rather useless, but it'd be good information to have.
Posted by: Ken
« on: 08. October 2009, 22:47:09 »

Double Post, can't edit as guest. Apologies. I should have looked for the last page. /facepalm
Posted by: Ken
« on: 08. October 2009, 22:45:13 »

Sure you can use it in Multiplayer!
Your buddies won't be hearing it anytime soon though. ^.~
They can't see, use, hear, or destroy anything they don't have in their Sshock2 (or whatever they named it) folder.
You gotta tell your chaps to DL the music pack themselves, or send them it.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 04. October 2008, 13:01:06 »

Yes, of course. It's just a music update. It doesn't actually change the game.
Now to keep you from having to ask these questions in each and every thread, let me explain this. If mods contain files with the extension MIS or GAM they are most likely not compatible with each other and everyone has to have the same mods of this type in a multiplayer game. MIS files are the mission (level) files, GAM files make up the gameplay.

All other mods, not containing files of these types, are considered "cosmetical" and can be mixed quite freely and used in MP games, regardless of who has what.
For in depth information see SS2 Modding mechanics & compatibilities.
Posted by: Barbach
« on: 04. October 2008, 12:30:47 »

Is it possible to use this mod in a multiplayer game even if the other players don't have it ?
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 21. March 2008, 13:27:07 »

Well it's a higher quality version of the original tracks. It's not supposed to be different.
Posted by: Silencer150
« on: 21. March 2008, 04:18:51 »

Yes, I followed Kolya's install instructions for SS2.  The other mods, such as SHTUP, ADaoB, Arcaniac's Models, and Pop's Difficulty are working fine.  For the last one I had to edit the install.cfg as miracle.freak suggested in another thread, so that it knows to use the STRINGS directory.  I already downloaded N.Wegner's install.cfg, but found it matched mine exactly regardless.

I've continued playing through the game.  The new sound packs work, so there's no reason the music shouldn't.  I admit that this could be the result of my simply being unable to distinguish between the old and new tracks, but I'm not far enough in the game to tell just yet.  I checked the discussion on TTLG and someone else alluded to there not being that much of a difference, so maybe it's just me.  :sweat:

Thanks for the help anyway.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 21. March 2008, 02:44:32 »

You might want to try N.Wegner's install.cfg which is also used by the SS2Tool.
Posted by: Schatten
« on: 21. March 2008, 00:54:08 »

Silencer, if the game uses the standard resources I'd say it has problems locating the new files. Check the steps to make SS2 mod-ready again. If you're using graphic updates (SHTUP), are these working?
Posted by: Silencer150
« on: 20. March 2008, 16:58:27 »

I just tried installing this mod using the mod manager.  Although it installed properly as far as I can tell, I don't hear the new music tracks at all (or any of the updated sounds from other mods for that matter).  I listened to the WAV files in the \snd\songs directory, and the game definitely isn't using them, because all I hear are the original tracks.  Has anyone else had this problem?  How do I get the new tracks to play properly?
Posted by: Simplex
« on: 25. December 2007, 22:53:25 »

Maybe I am stupid, but for me the tip about enabling it in the menu was very helpful one. I installed the firefox addon and thought it does not work. Only after I read your post, I figured what to do. So thank you, and Happy Holidays :)
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 16. December 2007, 09:06:30 »

1. This particular extension is disabled by default after installing
2. When it's disabled Megaupload still asks you for toolbar etc.
3. You didn't mention enabling it in your post
4. Therefore the only logical conclusion and idea to help you was to tell that it's gotta be enabled first
5. Otherwise I just don't see ANYTHING else why it shouldn't work for you as well
6. I'm sorry for you that it made you so upset just reading the tip and you're right... I should formulate the IF sentence in such cases for the touchy likes.

Update: Browser, understand that I cannot see how skilled and experienced you are and I'm quite often answering to much much more nooby "problems" and this one didn't seem so nooby to me because the extension didn't work for me too at first...but then I found out why. And I'm presuming that not everyone found it as well. Sorry to presume that with you without asking first. If you would mention enabling it in the first place there will be no need questioning it.
Posted by: Browser
« on: 16. December 2007, 02:20:27 »

Browser, you gotta go to menu and ENABLE it.

Ummmm no offence intended (truly, no sarcasm either) but, how STUPID do you think most people are, have I been typing as if I'm mentally challenged or something?

Next people will be telling my I have to turn on my computer to send emails. God I love how so many people are so condescending online, it really makes it a joy.

Sorry but I'm just so tired of it, perhaps in future try asking the person if they've tried something instead of presuming they have some mental deficiency based on the single fact something didn't work for them. Maybe you weren't patronising me, but maybe also try being a little tactful. The only way I can see one saying that to another is either as banter or an insult, since banter is far rarer between strangers,,,

(sorry if I seem aggressive, I really don't mean to attack you. I just wish people, especially on forums, would remember there are other people on other end. It's been a long day  :scratch:)
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 15. December 2007, 22:04:57 »

That extension for firefox works for me! Thanks Assassin.  :thumbwink:
Browser, you gotta go to menu and ENABLE it.
Posted by: Browser
« on: 15. December 2007, 21:47:26 »

Still can't download from Mega,,,,, it still wants me to install some toolbar, which I never will, and getting 0kbps on the torrent.

Posted by: Browser
« on: 15. December 2007, 17:57:26 »

Thanks Assassin, I'll give it a go.
Posted by: Assassin
« on: 15. December 2007, 16:15:52 »

If you are using Mozilla Firefox,download this extension.For me it works perfectly.
Posted by: Browser
« on: 15. December 2007, 13:40:17 »

Does anyone have any links that aren't torrents (they hardly ever work thanks to ISPs here) or Megashare/Rapidshare, things that limit downloads also don't work because 1000's of people from here go through the same IP (proxy, and it's not by choice)

It would be really appreciated because this sounds worth getting, thanks.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 22. October 2007, 09:19:13 »

Sure. Sorry for just updating it in your place. First I only wanted to add the additional download, then I thought, why not add that file, so one thing led to another...  Anyway, looking forward to your next version! :)
Posted by: Schatten
« on: 21. October 2007, 20:39:52 »

Thanks Kolya!

I'd wanted to do this myself, but got distracted by ideas for 1.1 - those can maybe get into 1.2
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 21. October 2007, 18:44:07 »

I updated SHMUP with the missing file, made it a 7z archive and added a download from megaupload.com.
See first post.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 06. October 2007, 23:54:35 »

Since 7zip is free and open source and packs much better than plain ZIP it's a good alternative. And the Modmanager can deal with it too, thanks to TheBrain.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 06. October 2007, 21:07:00 »

oh, in that case you did well, mine was not HQ...  :thumbwink:
Posted by: Schatten
« on: 06. October 2007, 21:00:54 »

If I understood you correctly, the file you attached was the original converted to 44kHz. The one I uploaded is an excerpt from the high quality soundtrack. Apologies if you used a HQ snippet, I didn't check- I just uploaded the one I had on my HD, which I forgot to include.
Posted by: miracle.flame
« on: 06. October 2007, 20:44:29 »

well... I've uploaded the file already but.. whatha.. I'll remove it so there are no confusions here okay?
Posted by: Schatten
« on: 06. October 2007, 19:52:21 »

You're correct, I simply missed to include the correct file into the zip somehow. I like 7z, but it's not as commonly in use as zip or rar- however, if people are cool with it, I'm going to use it.

Attached is the missing file. The archive includes the directories relative to the game root.

Thanks miracle.freak!

[KOLYA EDIT: The missing file has been integrated in version 1.1]
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