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Posted by: Yankee Clipper
« on: 08. August 2014, 02:27:50 »

Engineering is so tedious because of the backtracking that I just end up taking the route of least resistance. It gets to the point where I don't even visit the cargo bays anymore. Once I realized how many cyber modules were actually in there (not a lot) it doesn't feel worth exploring. You get the keycard...then run. No need to even check the other bay. In vanilla SS2, the droids don't pressure the player.

Did they turn up the droids in ADaOB? I usually play without ADaOB and the droids seem to love me. They just can't wait to come shake my hand. :)
There are 11 modules all together in the two cargo bays. Not a huge number, but still worth it, I think. Why are you bothering with the key card at all? If you are playing the game straight, you have to go to CB1 to get the card for CB2, and then CB2 to get the code for Fluidics Control. But if you aren't even going into CB2 to get the code, why bother getting the card in the first place?
Posted by: remyabel
« on: 08. August 2014, 00:38:43 »

Not sure if your time-experience correlation is valid dude.  I'm certainly not a noob but I would be in no rush to finish the game :P

The problem is meta-gaming. Engineering is so tedious because of the backtracking that I just end up taking the route of least resistance. It gets to the point where I don't even visit the cargo bays anymore. Once I realized how many cyber modules were actually in there (not a lot) it doesn't feel worth exploring. You get the keycard...then run. No need to even check the other bay. In vanilla SS2, the droids don't pressure the player. Hydroponics on the other hand is more fun because it "feels" less linear, even though you end up having to do things a certain way. You smash the glass, and run immediately to the chemical room. After that, the locations you need to place the toxins in are literally almost in a straight line.

That's why I look forward to mods like these. Even small changes increases the replayability significantly.
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 08. August 2014, 00:18:40 »

Not sure if your time-experience correlation is valid dude.  I'm certainly not a noob but I would be in no rush to finish the game :P
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 07. August 2014, 23:03:08 »

I'm pretty sure you would be able to complete an ADaoB run before SCP beta1 goes live - as ZB mentioned, SS2 is not a long game (~25 hrs newbie, ~10 hrs experienced, ~5 hrs veteran). but I'd say if you waited 'till now, then maybe hold off for just a liitle while longer, and enjoy the full taste later.
Posted by: Puggity
« on: 07. August 2014, 22:54:57 »

I agree with ZB in terms of game time and replayability(is that even a word?). I recommend completing a vanilla run at first, then giving ADaoB a try so you can assess the changes in gameplay.

I did a vanilla run years ago (before ADaoB). If I'm probably only going to do one more run (too many games to play, not enough time), should I wait for SCP? I bought the game when it was rereleased on GOG and have been holding off...
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 13. July 2014, 04:41:38 »

No, there has been no progress. We decided it would be fun to just stop working on it forever.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 13. July 2014, 04:03:05 »

Any progress on SCP ?
Posted by: This_is_Xerxes
« on: 28. June 2014, 06:50:29 »

I agree with ZB in terms of game time and replayability(is that even a word?). I recommend completing a vanilla run at first, then giving ADaoB a try so you can assess the changes in gameplay.
Posted by: Chandlermaki
« on: 28. June 2014, 02:32:20 »

Just bought SS2 - worth waiting for Soon™ to arrive, or should I go with AODB 0.3?

SCP will be much closer to the vanilla game than ADaoB (changes to skill requirements stuck out most to me, e.g. the Assault rifle requiring Standard 4 instead of 6), so if you're a purist you should wait. That being said, ADaoB does have a lot of meaningful fixes that I feel improve the base experience.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 28. June 2014, 02:29:01 »

Why not give the vanilla game a shot? That's how I always played it.

SS2 is a fairly short game (compared to, say, Deus Ex), and has great replayability, so no harm in giving it a run now, then again when SCP drops.
Posted by: Anonymous Coward
« on: 28. June 2014, 01:53:22 »

Just bought SS2 - worth waiting for Soon™ to arrive, or should I go with AODB 0.3?
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 11. June 2014, 20:28:34 »

Every material has a certain amount of permeability to radiation of different types.  There's no such thing as a radiation shield unless the radiation in question consists of macroscopic particles like alpha particles.  Then you could block them out but stuff like gamma rays, neutrinos, etc will penetrate anything so you just need to block as much as you can with thicker, denser materials.
Posted by: Primitive Primate
« on: 11. June 2014, 15:02:56 »

I see
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 11. June 2014, 15:01:20 »

they offer protection to a certain degree of radiation - crank it up and you are toast anyway.
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 11. June 2014, 14:59:17 »

They all died
Posted by: Primitive Primate
« on: 11. June 2014, 14:56:49 »

But about those suits they wear in Chernobyl and in nuclear facilities?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 11. June 2014, 13:20:58 »

no. it's pretty realistic - when wearing a hazard suit, you can swim in an ebola infested pool all day, but get close to corium lava and you will win a free ticket to afterlife no matter what you wear.
Posted by: Primitive Primate
« on: 11. June 2014, 12:54:29 »

   - Hazard suit now makes you completely immune to toxins from worm piles
But not radioactive materials?
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 28. May 2014, 16:17:08 »

The SHEMP monitor textures had to be included in mission files at the time of their creation. This has changed since and a standalone (or packaged with SHTUP) version of SHEMP is possible now, but has not been released yet.
Posted by: Primitive Primeape
« on: 28. May 2014, 15:02:04 »

Can I get SHEMP without this?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 14. May 2014, 22:32:13 »

read the first few sentences of the first post to find out.
Posted by: 00000
« on: 14. May 2014, 22:16:47 »

It's still being worked on, though?

I have so many speculations. Have the creators lost interest? Is real life getting in the way? Is perfect becoming the enemy of the good?
Posted by: Simplex
« on: 22. April 2014, 10:57:33 »

When it's done.
Posted by: Bruno
« on: 20. April 2014, 08:15:18 »

When? Oh When?  :ninja:
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 28. January 2014, 22:12:52 »

* Kolya puts on some Life of Agony and bangs his head softly
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 28. January 2014, 18:51:47 »

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
Posted by: Silver83
« on: 28. January 2014, 18:39:03 »

Then I'll hope for no more power shortages ;)
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 28. January 2014, 08:27:54 »

Posted by: Silver83
« on: 28. January 2014, 08:11:39 »

Any news on this mod? I remember sth about "soon" :D
Posted by: Join2
« on: 30. December 2013, 18:12:25 »

Except that voodoo isn't talking about exploits that are spoonfed to you.  Most players wouldn't be bothered.

Yes, but my point still stands.
The professionals in the industry on occassion get around to fixing obscure exploits, so they must feel the same way too. Fallout: New Vegas and Dark Souls are two recent reputable games that come to mind.
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 30. December 2013, 17:14:19 »

Except that voodoo isn't talking about exploits that are spoonfed to you.  Most players wouldn't be bothered.
Posted by: Join2
« on: 30. December 2013, 16:30:01 »

I hate cheating/exploiting, it's just temptation is a bitch.

as I've said, if the player is determined to exploit/cheat, there is little that can be done to stop him.

one can also just play the final cutscene with media player, and be done with the game.

It's not fair to say such things. If the devs laid ammo everywhere in the levels like Bioshock and then just said "Stop whining, you don't *have* to make use of it", then the game would suffer because of this.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 30. December 2013, 07:17:11 »

as I've said, if the player is determined to exploit/cheat, there is little that can be done to stop him.

one can also just play the final cutscene with media player, and be done with the game.
Posted by: unn_atropos
« on: 30. December 2013, 01:01:17 »

I brought my training laser! Pew pew!
Or skip that and bring the pistol with unlimited ammunition 
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 30. December 2013, 00:17:57 »

I'm not the one who discovered that. In fact I first heard about it when Nameless Voice wrote a script to prevent it (for ADaoB I think?). I personally think it's so obscure that anyone who knows this is perfectly entitled to exploit it. You're supposed to be a hacker after all!
Posted by: Join2
« on: 29. December 2013, 23:48:15 »

Next up:
I analysed stuff at an upgrade booth and then undid the necessary research skill!

Heh. Nice exploit discovery. That's going to annoy me now, exploiting it every playthrough. :)
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 29. December 2013, 23:32:44 »

It's an exploitable bug!  \:D/

Next up:
I analysed stuff at an upgrade booth and then undid the necessary research skill!
I brought my training laser! Pew pew!
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 29. December 2013, 22:55:49 »

"You must feel like human-laser-minigun!"

Ahahah exactly ! it was so funny that I did an entire playthrough on impossible without sleeping just to do that the entire game ! (aviable since the second laser pistol you can find, at level 3 (hydroptonics), assuming you choose Marines and energy weapons specialisation ofc)
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 29. December 2013, 21:13:15 »

I'd call it a bug, because cycling a laser pistol into inventory kills its cooldown delay, which shouldn't happen. An exploit is something more like farming hybrids for infinite nanites (which, granted, does take forever).
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 29. December 2013, 17:32:00 »

it's an exploit, not really a bug. ADaoB had a fix, but it had the potential to break the gun completely, so it has been removed for now. also, the game engine can be exploited in many ways, if the player is determined to do this, there is no real way of stopping him (just like there is no way of preventing the player from firing up the console and typing add_pool 999).
Posted by: Jack Ripper
« on: 29. December 2013, 17:28:12 »

Man ! hahahaha ! I always knew energy weapons were OP !!

if in your inventory, you have only energy pistols, you can set them all to 'over' and fire over charges as much as you want with the help of your mousewheel to switch between energy pistols, and the energy pistols doesn't have cooldown anymore !
You must feel like human-laser-minigun!
[minigun_maniac_by_axeman3d-d5rh9ap.jpg expired]
Posted by: Simplex
« on: 29. December 2013, 14:00:15 »

Will it be fixed in SCP?
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 29. December 2013, 12:05:32 »

That bug has been known for ages.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 29. December 2013, 11:47:17 »

But keep in mind that it works absolutely the same way even with only 2 energy pistols, switching breaks the cooldown ! (sorry for lots of posting)
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 29. December 2013, 11:44:03 »

Forget what i said, just cycle through your energy pistols, even if you have other weapons, it works too !

I have something like 5 energy pistols level 2, with a good timing of fire and cycling/switching bewteen them i can fire an over shot per second (more like per 700/800 ms actually), and that as much as my energy pistols can handle.
Posted by: Deu sex
« on: 29. December 2013, 06:46:36 »

Man ! hahahaha ! I always knew energy weapons were OP !!

if in your inventory, you have only energy pistols, you can set them all to 'over' and fire over charges as much as you want with the help of your mousewheel to switch between energy pistols, and the energy pistols doesn't have cooldown anymore !
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 24. December 2013, 23:23:28 »

Don't ask, you'll jinx it.
Posted by: System Shocked
« on: 24. December 2013, 23:08:20 »

Xmas time frame is really close. Is it going to happen or will it will in the new year ???
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 19. December 2013, 13:01:01 »

-10 years or +90, whatever comes first.
Posted by: Jack Ripper
« on: 19. December 2013, 09:12:58 »

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