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Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 11. November 2014, 03:33:23 »

Slightly improved ass and face.  Please attach to first post if nothing is broken.  Tested it myself and appears to be ok.

[attachment moved to first post]
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 11. March 2014, 00:47:06 »

Oh that's a lot o feedback there.  I'll see what I can muster but it won't be a Rembrandt.  Also why am I the only one who thinks he should look slightly forlorn, if not emotionless?  He never struck me as the aggressive or heroic type.

K:  Agreed about the arms.  They are actually quite difficult to pull in because I'm working with the scarecrow pose and have to keep the limit planes from crossing each other.  Because of this I may never get the perfect look but I may be able to suck them in a bit more.
Posted by: xdiesp
« on: 10. March 2014, 22:46:22 »

Those green armor plaques make me think of a Goggles Sayan. But yeah, it's objectively difficult to remake the original player model because the low-res masked some pretty akward design lol!

In my opinion, the skin should be strictly black and resemble a borg's costumes without any tubes and circuitry. Have no cap (hair instead), and feature a striking contrast between natural face\hands and the rest of the body, as to make it clear that Goggles isn't just wearing a sneaking suit.
Posted by: Jack Ripper
« on: 10. March 2014, 22:14:10 »

When I am looking at screenshot posted above, his lips in particular force that "I want to cry" feel. You could rework his facial expression, maybe not changing it for Duke Nukem's grin but for something slightly opposite "depression". Also for obvious reasons I was thinking about first RoboCop's unmasked face as a concept.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 10. March 2014, 21:42:56 »

The arms should grow naturally out of the torso. Right now they look like appendices.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 10. March 2014, 20:40:34 »

as I've said, a bit too much of his forehead is sticking out. try covering his head with the cap a bit more. maybe do something with the eyebrows to get rid of the "please don't hurt me" look.
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 10. March 2014, 20:08:51 »

I haven't gotten around to the model yet but from prior feedback I was going to give volume to his ass and girth to his arms.  As for the texturing I'm limited in what I can do because I'm not the right brain type but can you elaborate on the face being off?  Is it more off than before?
Posted by: Jack Ripper
« on: 10. March 2014, 18:02:36 »

You already pointed it out, his arms are kind of unproportionate, too thin and too long. Also for me something is off in his face.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 09. March 2014, 20:26:57 »

not bad, yet something feels out of place. hmmmmm. maybe less forehead? the texture is still slightly sterile.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 09. March 2014, 18:15:42 »

Thank you, R-Man. I have replaced "Goggles_by_Rocketman.rar" in the first post with this new version.
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 09. March 2014, 17:05:21 »

I made some small texture improvements.  I found the face too bright, monochromatic and generally cartoonish looking so I added a bit of texture, darkened the skin tone and added some wrinkles where there ought to be.  I think he looks slightly more adult now and a tad less fake.

Mods:  Need to throw this up on page 1 when you get a chance.  I don't have the access to do it.  Thanks.

[Goggles_by_Rocketman.rar expired]
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 25. September 2013, 01:14:42 »

Oh ok.  That's a relief. 

So it seems the model may be a tad conservative on polies around the ass area.  This isn't hard to fix.  The arms and legs are pretty much correct, depending on how muscular you think he should be.  Myself, I see him depicted more as a stealthy hacker than a beefy marine so while we don't want him to look like a little girl, he should be more athletic than muscular.  His hallmark strengths lie in his cybernetic abilities and psi powers.  Maybe I'll try darkening/roughening the face and adding some hips/butt cheeks.
Posted by: Jack Ripper
« on: 25. September 2013, 00:59:30 »

I've spawned him with command during single player, that's why his feet are stuck in the floor, leaf's model also appear like this.   
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 25. September 2013, 00:38:40 »

Something's wrong.  I shipped this in a working condition... at least on my computer.

Also, I don't recall Goggles ever looking angry.  His expression is always pretty neutral and those wide eyed goggles always make him look closer to forlorn than angry, if I had to pick.  Granted, he shouldn't look like a little boy but that's got more to do with skin tone than his expression.  I can always thicken the arms if they seem too thin but I have to believe that Ajare knows his anthropometrics, with all his experience.  It's probably the chunky sleeves we're used to that make other characters look thicker.  Still I'll have a look to see if anything's off.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 24. September 2013, 14:59:42 »

He's probably depressed because his feet got stuck in the ship's architecture.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 24. September 2013, 09:26:35 »

his arms seem to be too long and skinny. also, there is some sort of sad baby-face thing going on, not at all fitting for a badass cyber-enhanced killing machine.
Posted by: Jack Ripper
« on: 24. September 2013, 07:32:32 »

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 16. September 2013, 20:33:13 »

attached to the first post for now, but a separate topic would probably be better. and some screenshots.
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 16. September 2013, 18:12:00 »

NP and thank you for recovering it so fast. 

Kolya/ZB/Voodoo can one of you guys pin this to the first post or would you prefer a separate thread?  I don't care either way.  It is sort of different in the sense that it's different authors and different style but still relevant so whatever you prefer.  Thanks.
Posted by: Jack Ripper
« on: 16. September 2013, 16:32:43 »

Posted by: Jack Ripper
« on: 16. September 2013, 16:27:43 »

Does anyone have goggles.rar from post 76 by me?  I had a filesystem crash and now I can't get at it and this one expired.  Thanks.

Yeap, I've got it. I can reupload it on 4shared.
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 15. September 2013, 23:15:22 »

Does anyone have goggles.rar from post 76 by me?  I had a filesystem crash and now I can't get at it and this one expired.  Thanks.
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 21. August 2013, 23:32:33 »

Well, at least with photoshop (and probably also for gimp) there is some kind of trick where you take two images and make a comparison between them. Then you can put everything which was changed somewhere else on it's own layer, or merge the pieces with the apropriate one.

And there is no need to mention me, it was just some clicks ;)
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 21. August 2013, 22:19:34 »

I think it'll be a bit more complicated now since I made some edits to the textures outside of gimp so it's not as simple as editing the layer anymore :(

On the bright side I did some testing of my own on the weapons handling and most of them look reasonable in his hand now... except the laser pistol, which for some reason is way off the mark and looks like hell.

Thanks to Ajare who made the model, an unnamed texture artist who made the textures and Olfred for helping me import the file properly.

[Goggles.rar expired]
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 17. August 2013, 21:40:16 »

By Gimp file you mean an .xcf file. Just open it, open the layer manager and select the correct layers, then fiddle around with the Colourise option (in the colour menu). Should be very easy. O can take a look of course, if you want.
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 17. August 2013, 20:18:16 »

2 outstanding items are:

1) Try every weapon to see if any of them look stupid in his hand.  This will allow me to tweak the hand and/or joint boxes/planes to make it look right
2) Get the other team colours.  I have a gimp file, whatever that is, which apparently has all the layer info in it to change the colours without too much hassle.  If someone knows how to use that program it would be nice if they could make the other colours.
Posted by: Silver83
« on: 16. August 2013, 22:08:08 »

That's really making a difference! NICE!
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 15. August 2013, 03:29:39 »

Alright... moment of truth!

Somebody put a gun in his hand and get back to me!

EDIT:  He's got something of an ass now, broader nose, mouth and jaw, more forlorn look on his face, narrower resistor thing with accurate colours, closed hand for gripping weapons and narrower shoulders so he doesn't look so goddamn gorilla like.

[wip.jpg expired]

[Mesh.rar expired]
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 14. August 2013, 02:21:34 »

You beautiful piece of primate you!
Posted by: Olfred
« on: 13. August 2013, 18:54:27 »

I did the requested.
Made two versions of it. One with removed doubles and one with leaving the doubles as the were.
(Sometimes creating edges are done with doubles which aren't connected, so just make your pick)

[player model.zip expired]
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 13. August 2013, 15:24:46 »

Posted by: bluemess
« on: 13. August 2013, 15:14:35 »

I know, I will never catch up. But it looks like you cool kids are getting lost yourself on this information highway of yours :P
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 13. August 2013, 14:58:18 »

It's a code, a secret exchange, the slang of the information highway. All the cool kids speak tis way. You wouldn't understand. :awesome:
Posted by: bluemess
« on: 13. August 2013, 13:58:12 »

abbreviating "ok"
Yeah, that one obviously asked itself to be abbreviated, given the overall length of your post :P
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 13. August 2013, 13:31:08 »

My bad, I was abbreviating "ok".  But thank you for obliterating all hope.  I was worried I might have a chance for a minute there ;)
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 13. August 2013, 07:19:30 »

If you mean me, I barely understand the problem, but I am absolutely useless in 3D programs. I think they're a fad anyway, 2D is where it's at!
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 13. August 2013, 02:56:01 »

K I need a favour.  The guy I had create all the textures has done his own thing with the model and the materials and now I can't get it back the way it was when I was playing around with it.  When I import it into max and then put it in the game the polygons are all reversed and the materials are all screwed up because there are now sub-models where there was a single welded mesh before.  The renders I made were in Accutrans, viewing an obj file but in MAX, working with a 3ds version, everything goes haywire.

I need someone to import this model, weld everything together into a single mesh, make sure the poly normals are facing outward and then re-save it as 3ds without disturbing the material IDs and verify it looks the same in accutrans.  I've been trying to do it myself but I'm not particularly wise when it comes to how materials are handeled by modelling software.

[New Folder.rar expired]
Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 04. August 2013, 21:49:39 »

Adding an ass is within my capabilities to do.  Same with face adjustments.  It's all the texture work I can't do jack shit about... speaking of which, anyone who can volunteer to do the team colours?
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 04. August 2013, 20:30:02 »

"Sometimes doing nothing is the most violent thing to do." (Thanks, random quote machine!)

Ehm, I mean: Bring it on, fancypants, I've got a mean right hook!
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 04. August 2013, 19:49:59 »

Well Sigourney has curls! And she moves like a feline! I feel your comparison is badly misplaced and demand to meet you outside for fisticuffs. NAO.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 04. August 2013, 19:43:43 »

Sigourney Weaver has no ass and still looks sexy in Alien. :p
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 04. August 2013, 19:35:07 »

He's got no ass.  :(
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 04. August 2013, 18:59:26 »

THe model looks very good, as does the suit. Face and hands could use some work, though.
Posted by: Jack Ripper
« on: 04. August 2013, 18:18:18 »

Posted by: RocketMan
« on: 04. August 2013, 17:37:32 »

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. July 2013, 09:50:55 »

currently, there no model that would fit there exists.
Posted by: Jack Ripper
« on: 27. July 2013, 09:45:12 »

This ghost need to be improved with hi-res player model.
Image: http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/8455/gmh6.png

Posted by: Shinobi
« on: 18. February 2013, 11:13:42 »

Anyone got a screenshot of how this looks WITH goggles?

Posted by: Fironkkuify
« on: 03. April 2012, 20:30:19 »

Alright, thanks! Never tried the MP in all these years. (Never even clicked on it) It's LAN only I assume?

No, it's possible to play online with other players.  Check the multiplayer guide in MOTHER.
Posted by: Medevila
« on: 03. April 2012, 20:21:40 »

Alright, thanks! Never tried the MP in all these years. (Never even clicked on it) It's LAN only I assume?
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