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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8 [obsolete]
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66f91e9048ec3Mr Rayford

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I'm In the Body of the Many, after the second sphincter. I used the tacticool wrench patch and everything was working fine untill i got to the room after the jumpig section. Now, switching to the wrench causes the game to crash and I can't interact with anything. I tried to get a crash log of the problem, but the game won't even run in ShockEd. Here's what I got:

Set light_bright to 1
WARNING: No pathfinding database. AI will not run
Sphere (Player (890) - 0) starts out of world!
HEY! Used all available anim_txt frames, maybe more for blin (20)
HEY! Used all available anim_txt frames, maybe more for blout (20)
WARNING: Memory allocation suspiciously high (41966808 bytes)!
WARNING: Memory allocation suspiciously high (41957920 bytes)!
WARNING: Memory allocation suspiciously high (52530260 bytes)!
Sphere (A busted_bullet (2117) - 0) starts out of world!
Sphere (A busted_bullet (2116) - 0) starts out of world!
[objsys.cpp@393] Ran out of concrete obj ID's
Re-run with a larger obj_max.
Fatal exception occured; dumping crash info to log...


ShockEd caused a Breakpoint in module ntdll.dll at 001b:777a7dfe.
Exception handler called in _AppMain(): x:\prj\tech\libsrc\appcore\appcore.cpp.
Error occurred at 4/15/2009 17:49:34.
C:\Games\Sshock2\ShockEd.exe, run by Owner.
2 processor(s), type 586.
2046 MBytes physical memory.
« Last Edit: 16. April 2009, 06:52:32 by ThiefsieFool »


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Try making a new wrench with "summon_obj wrench" and see what happens.

66f91e904935dThe Black Devil

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
So is Version 2.8 gonna be compatible with Tacticool skins?

One more thing, you know that Alya mod makes the rooms darker,
will Version 2.8 have that in too?

And Random shock moments like maybe enemies jumping out at you from unusual places or something like that?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
1. It already should be, any problems?

2. No

3. Maybe

66f91e904978eThe Black Devil

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Okay, what about varied Hybrid and Midwife Cyborg skins?
Each one looking different from the other like different uniforms, hairs, faces, skin colours?

Hey. Could you make the melee weapons breakable and repairable? (Although the crystal shards wouldn't be fixable, maybe just become a few smaller shards as items).

And be able to wield guns as melee weapons for when you run out of ammo?

First one is technically doable, but it would be pretty ridiculous and I doubt even 20% of the fanbase would support me in that decision.

Calling all fans! Who WOULD support this idea?
« Last Edit: 29. April 2009, 00:13:04 by Nameless Voice »


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Calling all fans! Who WOULD support this idea?

You can club a loooooooot of hybrids with a wrench that size before its even going to think about breaking.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Good to see that you're went back to develop further.. !

Do you have any plans to make multiplayer with less bugs?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Yeah, starting with the crashing/desync, are there any other bugs beyond that?
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Nice ! The only real bug that i am aware of is the bug when you enter engeneering..

Oh and when i hit the modify button at Med/Sci the box underneath with the different modification types won't go away after i exit the enventory mode.. Any one else that has experienced this ? The only way to make it go away is if i enter a bulkhead or make the game load another level .. Hope you understand what i mean..

66f91e9049f18The Black Devil

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
So would who support an improved inventory system where the items sizes are changed and each stackable ones have a stack limit?

Pistol/AR Ammo= Up to 30 rounds per stack.
Shotgun Ammo= Up to 24 rounds per stack.
Hypos, Boosters and grenades=Up to 2 per stack... Or maybe just one!

While the pistol and Plasma pistol's sizes remain the same, shotguns and Assault Rifles sizes would be increased to 5 slots and
the Fusion Cannon would be 12 slots (2 rows of 6 slots).

Also be able to change the orientation of an item in your inventory. By that I mean when normally these items are in horizontal position,
in order to make some room for other stuff, you could flip it to be vertical and back again.

I'm a freak for realism!

66f91e904a06cNameless Voice

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Since when is being able to easily carry six guns realistic?
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
So would who support an improved inventory system where the items sizes are changed and each stackable ones have a stack limit?

Pistol/AR Ammo= Up to 30 rounds per stack.
Shotgun Ammo= Up to 24 rounds per stack.
Hypos, Boosters and grenades=Up to 2 per stack... Or maybe just one!

While the pistol and Plasma pistol's sizes remain the same, shotguns and Assault Rifles sizes would be increased to 5 slots and
the Fusion Cannon would be 12 slots (2 rows of 6 slots).

Also be able to change the orientation of an item in your inventory. By that I mean when normally these items are in horizontal position,
in order to make some room for other stuff, you could flip it to be vertical and back again.

I'm a freak for realism!

It is a good idea but in my opinion you would get you inventory filled up way to fast.. If this would be made i think that it would be a requirement also to implement the ability to put stuff in crates so that you could create caches of stuff around the ship ..

66f91e904aabeThe Black Devil

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
So would who support an improved inventory system where the items sizes are changed and each stackable ones have a stack limit?

Pistol/AR Ammo= Up to 30 rounds per stack.
Shotgun Ammo= Up to 24 rounds per stack.
Hypos, Boosters and grenades=Up to 2 per stack... Or maybe just one!

While the pistol and Plasma pistol's sizes remain the same, shotguns and Assault Rifles sizes would be increased to 5 slots and
the Fusion Cannon would be 12 slots (2 rows of 6 slots).

Also be able to change the orientation of an item in your inventory. By that I mean when normally these items are in horizontal position,
in order to make some room for other stuff, you could flip it to be vertical and back again.

I'm a freak for realism!

It is a good idea but in my opinion you would get you inventory filled up way to fast..

That is the point... In order for the player to make critical thinking about what you should take with you.

If this would be made i think that it would be a requirement also to implement the ability to put stuff in crates so that you could create caches of stuff around the ship ..

Good idea.

Also if you could somehow pick up items without putting them in your inventory. Lemme rephrase it in full detail.
You find an object or weapon, right click it and you automatically grab hold of it (Or it is automatically equipped) and if you like
you can put it into your inventory. Somewhat a little helpful when you want to make barricades. Speaking of which, if that can be implemented we'll need the enemies to have Anti-barricade behaviour though I can already tell its gonna be very tricky.

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Another idea just came to my head.. But first i do not hope that the creators if this awesome mod finds this stressing in any way..

I think it could be cool that when using the psi amp and you unlock a new tier the psi amp change somehow.. Could make the OSA character more interresting.. Like when you have tier 1 the psi amp will look like it used to, and when you unlock tier 2, the wire from the wrist to the amp is removed and when you get to unlock tier 3 the Psi amp is hovering above the hand and so on, so that you can see that each time you move op a tier you will be more in control of your brain if you understand me ..

Allthough i think this would take too much time and to much work ..

66f91e904ae4dThe Black Devil

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Not bad...

I'm personally more of a heavy metal kinda guy (Someone who loves his guns).
Though I'd love it if I can use Pyrokinesis because I'm a tranquil being with a flame which can bursts with explosive rage! It's part of my soul.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8

It is a good idea but in my opinion you would get you inventory filled up way to fast..

That is the point... In order for the player to make critical thinking about what you should take with you.

If this would be made i think that it would be a requirement also to implement the ability to put stuff in crates so that you could create caches of stuff around the ship ..

Good idea.

Also if you could somehow pick up items without putting them in your inventory. Lemme rephrase it in full detail.
You find an object or weapon, right click it and you automatically grab hold of it (Or it is automatically equipped) and if you like
you can put it into your inventory. Somewhat a little helpful when you want to make barricades. Speaking of which, if that can be implemented we'll need the enemies to have Anti-barricade behaviour though I can already tell its gonna be very tricky.


I already had that same idea, but posted it in another topic (I think the 'what would make a good remake' topic)

66f91e904b746The Black Devil

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Is it possible to make new NPC's to put in. The Fan Missions seem to have that pulled off, then again I never tried them myself.

-New Hybrid variations like female Hybrids and Hybrids that use pistols, Plasma pistols, Assault Rifles and etc.
(One more suggestion I could point out is have Hybrids search for weapons and pick up whatever they find!
-Dual-pistol wielding Cyborg assasins. (You'd loot a couple of pistols from them)
-Since Rumblers are evolved Annelid creatures, how about fast, crawling creatures similar to Lickers from Resident Evil.
 They'd be able to pounce at you very quick when they're far away.
-Giant annelid wasps. (They come in packs of two or three)

And anything else anyone here could imagine which would fit well into the System Shock Universe.

66f91e904b8b0Nameless Voice

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
That would all require making custom AI meshes, which is very difficult.
So, unless you're willing to supply the meshes, new creatures are very unlikely to happen.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
A simple request would be to let the player put stuff in crates.. I do not think that would be hard to implement or am i wrong?

Well ofcourse it would be more than just enabling it, as it would be stupid to let the player be able to put a shotgun in a small crate, so some limitations to the different crates would need to be made.. Oh dear..
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Another idea just came to my head.. But first i do not hope that the creators if this awesome mod finds this stressing in any way..

I think it could be cool that when using the psi amp and you unlock a new tier the psi amp change somehow.. Could make the OSA character more interresting.. Like when you have tier 1 the psi amp will look like it used to, and when you unlock tier 2, the wire from the wrist to the amp is removed and when you get to unlock tier 3 the Psi amp is hovering above the hand and so on, so that you can see that each time you move op a tier you will be more in control of your brain if you understand me ..

Allthough i think this would take too much time and to much work ..

Nameless voice.. This idea would require new meshes for weapons too wouldn't it ?

66f91e904c43dNameless Voice

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
A simple request would be to let the player put stuff in crates.. I do not think that would be hard to implement or am I wrong?

There's a buggy script floating around for doing just that but...  I think it had a habit of losing items if you stuffed too many into crates.  I may have fixed that but it was never really tested.

Nameless Voice.. This idea would require new meshes for weapons too wouldn't it ?

Yes, though non-mêlée weapon meshes are easier to make than AI meshes.
« Last Edit: 01. May 2009, 17:05:12 by Nameless Voice »
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
How to use that script ? i could propably give it a shot in testing ..

I wish i could make those mesches for the psi amp thingy.. But i am no modeller.. It could be cool though.. I only know how to use shocked..
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Thanks NV.. Any suggestions to what needs to be tested with the script ? Like putting certain items in cetain containers etc.. 

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