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Topic: SCP Issue Reporting
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6741dd3fc1841System Shocked

OKAY, okay, OK, Ohkay !

I "think" I've reached the end of my feedback critiques for SCP Beta 1 (until I fire up my next playtime with SS2 :D ). I recently buffed up and polished my "Sherlock Holmes Special HD Edition" magnifying glass in order to spot the last of the obvious (and not so obvious) SS2 deficiencies. I know I've found a few long-standing previously undiscovered issues that need correcting (a real perk, I'll have you know), but that's only a small part in the overall process towards improving SS2.

My FEEDBACK REPORT #16  -  'THE DEEP SCRUTINY EDITION'  -  DECK 5 RECREATION  .  .  .  & BEYOND, concludes my feedback reporting for SCP Beta 1 (Thank gawd, he's finally stopped ! ! ! ! ! .   .   .   MASSIVE cheering and jumping chest-bumps and high-fiving   .   .   .   jerseys tossed and hats lost) !

Besides highlighting legitimate errors, some of my suggestions, on common-sense changes, can't be accomplished, because certain levels have yet to be "stripped", which restricts the changes that can be made to those levels. 

My past experiences and monitoring of voodoo47's actions/comments has instilled the belief that he's an easy going, forthright/understanding individual. Whatever I submit towards improving SS2 through the SCP, I have every confidence that he, coupled with the ideals of the SCP team, will act in a manner that best serves and maximizes the overall SS2 experience.

I'll now await the release of SCP Beta 2, another highly anticipated milestone in the improvement of the SS2 experience ! . . . . .

NOT   .   .   .   As occurred in the TV series Dallas, I've dreamt all that's recently occurred, and my SCP Beta 1 feedback reports have not ceased to continue, as evidenced by the additional feedback submissions further along in this thread.

Rejoice SCP Devs and followers, the war on SS2's foibles and oversights has not ended. The battle to purify SS2 rages ON !
« Last Edit: 24. February 2015, 07:53:11 by System Shocked »


an easy going, forthright/understanding individual.
no - I've just ran out of f*cks to give. years ago.


I'm still trying to figure out who he's talking to. I suspect it's the other voices in his head.


with voices in your head, you never get to be bored or lonely! some sort of Deadpool reference or joke required here.

'nyway, now that he's done, I can finally start sifting through all that stuff. yaay.

6741dd3fc20caSystem Shocked

PLEASE take note that EDIT 4, which was placed on Sunday, February 15/15 at 1:25 am EST has been posted, which ADDS items #71, #72 and #73 to FEEDBACK REPORT #16  -  'THE DEEP SCRUTINY EDITION'  -  DECK 5 RECREATION  .  .  .  & BEYOND. Many thanks in advance for your added attention to these noticeable issues and additions, that will hopefully be corrected.
« Last Edit: 15. February 2015, 09:10:25 by System Shocked »


PLEASE take note
No. If you want to report something else, just post it, you self-aggrandizing lunatic.

Wait, hold on, let me rephrase that in a way you'll comprehend...

RESPONSE #572 TO SYSTEM SHOCKED POST - THE FED "UP WITH HIS" INSANE OCD EDITION - FIRST PARAGRAPH ((EDIT #2!!!) . . . . . . . Nay, it shall NOT be . . . done ! If thouest hastest some NEW INFORMATION to to to to to contribute, SUGGESTION: put 'that' INFORMATION in a new post:/ :paranoid: :headshot: :thumb:

6741dd3fc296fSystem Shocked

.  .  .  .  .  put 'that' INFORMATION in a new post:/ :paranoid: :headshot: :thumb:

Based on past negative experiences elsewhere, want to keep all submissions grouped together, so you Devs don't have to scroll through the forum thread searching for them - less likely that things get bypassed, missed, neglected, overlooked, etc.

Get my drift ZB ?   :heart:


it's all the same in the end.


« Last Edit: 23. February 2015, 12:43:52 by spyder256 »


Based on past negative experiences elsewhere, want to keep all submissions grouped together, so you Devs don't have to scroll through the forum thread searching for them - less likely that things get bypassed, missed, neglected, overlooked, etc.
Given your impeccably lucid posting style, I can't imagine how that might ever happen.

6741dd3fc2edaMr. Nice

One of the audio logs in Body of the Many seems to be AWOL! The first log,  "Stuck in here", which should be just before the first membrane after getting of the escape pod, wasn't there for me.


yes, already fixed in beta2 wip.

also, anyone submitting large, detailed reports in the future, do group the issues by map, would you kindly.
« Last Edit: 22. February 2015, 22:14:48 by voodoo47 »

6741dd3fc35a2System Shocked

I "thunk" wrong about reaching the end of my feedback reports for SCP Beta 1  -  found some more to heap onto the pile.


1. SUGGESTION - Change side texture on ramp so it matches wall - would look better/neater http://i.imgur.com/ff1RGkb.jpg
2. These railings have some problems http://i.imgur.com/R5099U1.jpg
a) The end of this railing doesn't contact the wall http://i.imgur.com/WxVLp4M.jpg
b) Sides aren't hidden http://i.imgur.com/OfbSiE0.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/HtoU5QR.jpg & http://i.imgur.com/ydEKxy5.jpg
3. SUGGESTION - Add a ceiling light here, to justify the illumination http://i.imgur.com/YnwYwCi.jpg
4. These 2 side textures match http://i.imgur.com/1tvX5mF.jpg but these 2 don't http://i.imgur.com/ZLyjEmk.jpg
5. Top of this sign http://i.imgur.com/tJqLkZH.jpg extends beyond edge of slanted surface http://i.imgur.com/ba22kto.jpg
6. Here http://i.imgur.com/ZwtnuIG.jpg one red light floats http://i.imgur.com/pfICY2s.jpg and the other one is set too deep into the wall http://i.imgur.com/aJX38qt.jpg
7. Here http://i.imgur.com/SEQahqr.jpg corner of the grate clips into the wall http://i.imgur.com/mjmilHC.jpg
8. Here http://i.imgur.com/EOlc7k1.jpg centering of light within its niche is slightly off http://i.imgur.com/FCgiUbh.jpg
9. In Auxiliary Storage Room 5, center this light http://i.imgur.com/PLV1vIi.jpg so it matches the other 3 in the room.
10. Both of these wall signs are floating http://i.imgur.com/saFNR84.jpg - one example http://i.imgur.com/scVqOYl.jpg
11. Like others, center this light http://i.imgur.com/mM1nY3B.jpg within its niche http://i.imgur.com/Yyf9pZU.jpg
12. Like others, also center this light http://i.imgur.com/8cltc7b.jpg within its niche http://i.imgur.com/hN0VZ6y.jpg
13. Beam textures are aligned here http://i.imgur.com/vOJt6BP.jpg but not even close here http://i.imgur.com/9PO3hEI.jpg
14. Onscreen description says "A grav lift", which is wrong. Isn't it raised/lowered by 2 rails? http://i.imgur.com/MdwgjV9.jpg
15. Speaking of which, here http://i.imgur.com/pXajBkH.jpg is a legitimate grav lift http://i.imgur.com/s1wGQb7.jpg so I think it needs this texture http://i.imgur.com/yNrALdA.jpg placed here http://i.imgur.com/qifE8nL.jpg
16. This platform, and 3 others in area, are described as grav lifts, which I think is incorrect http://i.imgur.com/frPSAqA.jpg

« Last Edit: 23. February 2015, 13:23:29 by System Shocked »


any other submissions planned? it's time to wrap things up.


I refuse to accept any reports in which less than 25% of the words are deliberately misspelled.

6741dd3fc38a7System Shocked

Nope. It's been getting to the point where I come across something and say to myself "Have I reported this already?"

Take it away my good man, and apply your talents !    :D
« Last Edit: 26. February 2015, 00:35:39 by System Shocked »

6741dd3fc3ce5System Shocked

I refuse to accept any reports in which less than 25% of the words are deliberately misspelled.

Yaeh, I gess I shuld yuse mi spelclhceker.

6741dd3fc3f63System Shocked

yes you did.

Yes, I'm sure I did, but given the shear number of items reported, I hope I'm forgiven.

6741dd3fc42d8System Shocked

You've heard of the Final Four   .   .   .   well here's the Final Five   .   .   .   for you Devs to fix and consider for SCP Beta 1.


1. At both ends of this upper platform, change the texture so that it matches its sides http://i.imgur.com/NW1y4iM.jpg
2. SUGGESTION - For these doors in Shuttle Bays A & B http://i.imgur.com/B2NmUVn.jpg add warning stripes to the side to fully finish off and complete the look http://i.imgur.com/S95z1vh.jpg
3. SUGGESTION - At the start of the game http://i.imgur.com/04tmX6r.jpg it would make design/safety sense to add a beefy/wide warning stripe here http://i.imgur.com/JZAALLG.jpg
4. SUGGESTION - Raise these 2 lights so that they aren't brutally crush-clipped into the concrete http://i.imgur.com/V6wDLnx.jpg. The lighting effect/mood is still maintained, but it looks far more normal and sensible.
5. In this area http://i.imgur.com/hkEfqW6.jpg use the same texture for these 2 locations http://i.imgur.com/kbCrhVF.jpg

That's it for my feedback on SCP Beta 1. I'll see you all in my feedbacks for SCP Beta 2  -  The "Down & Dirty BYOS" Edition !

Thanks once again SCP Devs. I think (know) "we  done  good". :thumb:  SCP Beta 2 is going to be MONUMENTALLY STELLAR  !  !  !

« Last Edit: 26. February 2015, 00:40:31 by System Shocked »

6741dd3fc44f1System Shocked

That made me actually laugh... :)

Belatedly, that actually gave me a belated headache.  :P
« Last Edit: 24. February 2015, 07:55:40 by System Shocked »


I'm just going to leave this here for anyone who tries to argue that any of the upgraded particle effects are too much.


6741dd3fc47a0System Shocked

In the Mess Hall Ladies washroom, monkeys & grunts can get hung up on these pipes, in a running motion, and can't pursue player further into the washroom. Monkey http://i.imgur.com/Ia6YCa0.jpg shotgun grunt http://i.imgur.com/7D9ka56.jpg.

This grunt kept tossing his grenades into the vertical pipe, eventually killing himself http://i.imgur.com/wxgJGvJ.jpg
« Last Edit: 03. March 2015, 07:12:17 by System Shocked »
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