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Topic: SS2 Christine Shocking Ruins v3 Read 23790 times  


Tags: °FM °multiplayer °SS2
This is a conversion of Bloody Ruins to System Shock 2. (As discussed on TTLG)

Quote by Commander Jeffrey Roberts:
You are now at the place where we lost contact with the researchers. Equip yourself, then climb down and search for them. Once you are down there, we won't be able to maintain radio contact. Don't make such a fuss! You will find another exit. And don't you dare come back until you've found all 7 researchers. There are further details in your notes. In the event that the researchers are dead, you need to secure their recordings. Now go!

Visit Christine's site for screenshots.

  • if you already know 'Bloody Ruins' then this is a must-play for you (and leave the loot alone, you can't pick it up anyway)
  • if you expect a mission like 'Ponterbee' with a lot of technic futuristic stuff, leave this mission alone. There are no upgrade terminals and such stuff in this mission. And this is only a mission, not a campaign - so it's much smaller
  • but if you are liberal-minded and always hungry to play an eye-teasing fun mission - why are you still reading this?
« Last Edit: 16. July 2020, 21:59:41 by Moderator »


Re: SS2 Christine Shocking Ruins
I made an update for Shocking Ruins. I didn't make many changes, but now it is multiplayer ready. Thanks to NamelessVoice for his custom scripts and to Greenhorn for the new loading screen. For downloads see the post above.  :)
« Last Edit: 26. March 2009, 12:02:13 by Kolya »
Re: SS2 Christine Shocking Ruins V2
Thank you Christine. I updated the first post accordingly.
Re: SS2 Christine Shocking Ruins V2
Hey Christine, I'm re-uploading your other missions but for some reasons I don't have "Shocking Ruins V2" anymore. I guess the version on thiefmissions.com is the older version before the multiplayer update?

So if you or anyone has the updated version, please upload it somewhere so we can stick it back into this thread. Muchas gracias.


Re: SS2 Christine Shocking Ruins V2
This is the old version, thiefmissions.com hasn't been updatet for a long time.
Re: SS2 Christine Shocking Ruins V2
Thanks Christine, I got it. Downloads are in the first post again now and several people are also torrenting it at the moment. Probably stirred to get the mysterious missing Fan Mission. :) (You know what to do once you got it guys.)


Re: SS2 Christine Shocking Ruins V2
Right after the intro sshock2 crashes. I have only that one mod running (no graphic- or gameupdates). Any idea?


Re: SS2 Christine Shocking Ruins V2
Yeah, I have problems with it,too.
After the promising video, the loading screen shows up and loads up to about 70 percent.And then:kabooomm :sweat:


Re: SS2 Christine Shocking Ruins V2
Make sure, that the new shock.cfg is in your SS2 directory (it's included in the zip file)


Re: SS2 Christine Shocking Ruins V2
Yes, that solved the problem. Thanks :thumbwink:
Although the mission is playing in the shock-universe, it is much different.
In contrast to sys2(after playing through it several times), there were some moments which were quite frightening(or shocking^^).
The logs are very well done and support the atmosphere very good.
It seems like I have to install Thief to go on playing your other fms, because all sys missions are finished :sweat:^^

Thanks for this great mission :thumbwink: :thumbwink:


Re: SS2 Christine Shocking Ruins V2
This mission was pretty fun.  The only issue I've encountered is that I got stuck and couldn't find a way out of the area.  It's an area that has a room full of water that seems to defy the laws of physics when the door's open.
Re: SS2 Christine Shocking Ruins V2
NewDark lightmaps, updated NVScript, stained glass material, and fm.cfg with "fm_no_shock_om_patching" preset.
Acknowledged by: Kolya


Re: SS2 Christine Shocking Ruins V2
While watching ZicShadows Let's Play, I noticed that I didn't make an Audiolog page for Shocking Ruins yet.
Here it is: https://www.systemshock.org/shocklogs/fm/ruins/index.html
And while I'm at it, here are the Blueprints for this FM.


I have updated Shocking Ruins for New Dark to V3, I hope you'll like it  :)

Kolya has updated the first post  :thumb:
Acknowledged by: hemebond
Well I'm playing the updated version 3 with latest scripts and when I put the 3 dragon rings in the well in the secret area that opens up with the switches in the mages rooms nothing happens? Yes I used system shock 2 tool. I have played other fan missions without issue. Any idea what's going on?

Edit: Replayed the mission and it worked. Not sure what messed it up the first time.  Maybe a save game after hitting first switch? Who knows but it works now. Great mission as it always was. Christine your still one of the best and I always love replaying your missions.
« Last Edit: 03. August 2020, 02:21:24 by Stingm »


a save in the broken state could help.
I appreciate it voodoo47 but I think I probably shouldn't have saved the game between buttons in the mages area.

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