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Topic: System Shock Chat Read 58803 times  


We have an IRC channel on starchat.net as well as a Mumble voice chat.
The easiest way to connect to the IRC channel is through the webchat window below. But you can use your own IRC client of course.

Webchat (connects to IRC channel)
This webchat window connects you to our IRC channel (Open in fullscreen mode)

Using your own IRC client
Hit our IRC channel here: #systemshock.
If this link doesn't work for you, type in your IRC client:
Code: [Select]
/server irc.starchat.netWait for the starchat.net server window to open and type there:
Code: [Select]
/join #systemshock
Do you need an IRC client?
If you're on Firefox you can install the ChatZilla extension. Or get the standalone ChatZilla client. Then try clicking the link above. This will start ChatZilla and connect you to our channel.
Alternatively you can use the small MuriChat IRC client attached to this post. Download it, extract it and run mchat.exe. When you click the Connect-Button (top left) you will be connected to our channel automatically. (MuriChat website [Japanese]: http://muri.tri6.net/irc)

Triop Theme for Chatzilla
If you use ChatZilla you might like my Trioptimum theme for it (Preview). Just [Drag This Link] into your ChatZilla window to use it.
« Last Edit: 19. November 2014, 23:27:49 by Kolya »
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