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Psi skill usage
F1 through F5 cycle all powers in that tier. F1 through F10 can be used to assign hotkeys for skills.
To assign hotkeys within the game, place the mouse pointer over the psi power you want to assign, hold down Shift and press the appropriate F-key.

Psi skill naming scheme: Official long name / Official short name (Commonly used name in the community)


First Tier Neural Capacity

This is required for First Tier psionic disciplines. It increases your maximum psi points by two. All First Tier disciplines cost 1 psi point per use.

Psycho-reflective Screen / Psi Shield (Small Psi Shield)

Protects you from 15% of all combat damage. Duration: 20 seconds + 30 seconds per PSI.

Neuro-reflex Dampening / Reflex (No Recoil)

Eliminates all weapon kickback. Duration: one minute + 20 seconds per PSI.

Kinetic Redirection / Psi Pull

Pulls an object toward you. Duration: one second per PSI.
Psychogenic Agility / Agility (Psi Agility)

Increases your Agility by two. Duration: two minutes + one minute per PSI

Psychogenic Cyber Affinity / Cyber

Increases your CYB by two. Duration: two minutes + one minute per PSI

Projected Cryokinesis / Cryokinesis

Launches a heat-draining projectile at a target. Higher PSI increases damage.
PSI 1: 4 points of Cold damage
PSI 2: 5 points of Cold damage
PSI 3: 6 points of Cold damage
PSI 4: 7 points of Cold damage
PSI 5: 8 points of Cold damage
PSI 6: 9 points of Cold damage
PSI 7: 10 points of Cold damage
PSI 8: 11 points of Cold damage

Remote Electron Tampering / Stop alarm (Alarm time out)

Makes active alarms time out faster. Time Reduction: 5 seconds + 5 seconds per PSI.


Second Tier Neural Capacity (Psi Tier 2)

This is required for Second Tier psionic disciplines. It increases your maximum psi points by four. All Second Tier disciplines cost two psi points per use.

Anti-entropic Field / Anti Entropy (Anti Weapon Degrading)

While this discipline is active, your ranged weapons cannot break, and their condition will not degrade. Duration: 10 seconds + 20 seconds per PSI

Adrenaline Overproduction / Adrenaline (Adrenaline Overproduction / Berserk)

Increases hand-to-hand damage by a factor equal to PSI. Duration: 10 seconds per PSI.

Neural Decontamination / Rad Shield

Neural Decontamination Shields you from 80% of radiation damage. Duration: 10 seconds + five seconds per PSI.

Cerebro-stimulated Regenerate / Regeneration (Small Psi Healing)

Regenerates lost hit points. Amount Healed: two hit points per PSI.

Psychogenic Strength / Strength (Psi Strength)

Increases your Strength by two. Duration: two minutes + one minute per PSI.

Recursive Psionic Amplification / Recursive Psi

Increases your Psionics by two. Psi point costs are doubled while active. Duration: 10 seconds + 10 seconds per PSI.

Localized Pyrokinesis / Pyro Field

Damages all creatures within a radius of ten feet. Duration: 15 seconds + 8 seconds per PSI. Damage: 5 points of Incendiary damage every two seconds.


Third Tier Neural Capacity (Psi Tier 3)

This is required for Third Tier psionic disciplines. It increases your maximum psi points by 6. All Third Tier disciplines cost three psi points per use.

Molecular Duplication / Duplicate (Molecular Duplication)

Use some Nanites to duplicate one ammo clip or hypo. Chance of Success: 30% + 10% per PSI

Electron Cascade / Electron (Psi Recharge)

Recharges a single charged item or weapon. Recharge amount: 20% per point of PSI, up to the maximum allowed by your Maintenance skill.

Energy Reflection / Reflect (Energy Shield)

Provides 50% immunity to all energy-based damage sources. Duration: 20 seconds per PSI

Neural Toxin-blocker / Toxin Shield

Shields you from 100% of toxin absorption. Duration: 10 seconds + five seconds per PSI.

Enhanced Motion Sensitivity / Sense Motion (Sense Motion)

Shows the location of all nearby creatures. Duration: 30 seconds per PSI.

Projected Pyrokinesis / Pyrokinesis (Pyrokinesis Attack)

Launches a fiery projectile at a target. Higher PSI increases damage.

Psionic Hypnogenesis / Hypnosis (Creature Freezing)

Target non-robotic creature will stand still and docile. If the creature takes damage, the effect ends. Duration: 20 seconds per PSI.


Fourth Tier Neural Capacity (Psi Tier 4)

This is required for Fourth Tier psionic disciplines. It increases your maximum psi points by 8. All Fourth Tier disciplines cost four psi points per use.

Photonic Redirection / Invisibility

Renders you invisible to all creatures. Firing a weapon will end the effect. Duration: five seconds + five seconds per PSI.

Remote Pattern Detection / Detect Items

Shows the location of many useful items, including nanites, ammo, hypos, implants and audio logs. Duration: one minute per PSI.

Electron Suppression / Suppression (Bot Freezing)

Immobilizes any robotic target. Duration: three seconds per PSI.

Psychogenic Endurance / Endurance (Psi Endurance)

Increases your Endurance by two. Duration: two minutes + one minute per PSI.

Molecular Transmutation / Transmute (Psi Recycler / Alchemy)

Turns ammunition and hypos into nanites.

Remote Circuitry Manipulation / Psi Hack

Allows you to hack psionically. Uses half your PSI stat (rounded up) in place of both Hacking skill and CYB stat, and costs psi points instead of nanites.

Cerebro-energetic Extension / Psi Weapon (Psi Sword)

Turns your Psi-Amp into a powerful melee weapon. Duration: 10 seconds per PSI.


Fifth Tier Neural Capacity (Psi Tier 5)

This is required for Fifth Tier psionic disciplines. It increases your maximum psi points by 10. All Fifth Tier disciplines cost five psi points per use.

Advanced Cerebro-stimulated Regeneration / Adv. Regen (Big Psi Healing)

Regenerates lost hit points. Amount Healed: five hit points + five hit points per PSI.

Soma Transference / Transfer (Health Drain)

Drains target non-robotic creature of hit points, and adds those hit points to your total.

Instantaneous Quantum Relocation / Relocation (Teleport)

Teleports you to a marked location. If there is no marked location, this will set a marker at your current position. You can clear an obsolete teleport marker by hitting Alt-T.

Imposed Neural Restructuring / Restructure (Charm)

Causes a non-robotic target to become hostile toward all non-human creatures. Duration: 10 seconds per PSI, or until damaged by a human.

Metacreative Barrier / Barrier (Psi Wall)

Creates a wall of psionic force directly in front of you. Wall's Hit Points: 150 + 50 per PSI over five. Duration: four minutes.

External Psionic Detonation / Detonation (Psi Mine)

Drops a psionic proximity mine. Does no damage to robots, and double damage to psionically sensitive creatures. Duration: four minutes.

Psycho-reflective Aura / Aura (Big Psi Shield)

Protects you from 60% of all combat damage. Duration: 10 seconds + 20 seconds per PSI.

Thanks to Hemebond!
« Last Edit: 23. November 2014, 00:29:53 by Kolya »
Acknowledged by: knifeandko
Secondary psi skill names (in parenthesis)
Looking at these psi skills you may notice that some of the names are terribly obscure. It doesn't help the psi career branch. And it's odd, considering that LGS/Irrational have a knack for easy and self explanatory names usually.

These obscure psi skill names have led to fan translations into common speak for many skill names (which obscures things even more for newbies). I'll add fan translations next to the official names in parenthesis. Your help is welcome. In the interest of finding better names you can also make up names if there is no common name. Or you can suggest alternative names.
In the end there might be need for something like an Easy Psi Names mod.

Some thoughts about secondary psi skill names/renaming:
- Some of the fan names have "Psi" in it and some don't. Usually "Psi" was added to distinguish from existing non-psi skills. (Exception: "Psi Pull". It probably got the prefix because it's the first standout psi skill the player will use. And the name's still short.) As a matter of linguistic efficiency "Psi" doesn't get prefixed to genuine psi skills.

(This may not strike you as a great, systematic renaming scheme. Well, I don't think imposing some new naming scheme on players will work at this point anyway. So wherever possible I'm looking at what players actually use and only complement this if necessary. Besides, there are underlying language rules that are logical and intuitive.)

- In two cases I added the identifiers "Big" and "Small". The cases being "Small Psi Shield" vs. "Big Psi Shield" and "Small Psi Healing" vs. "Big Psi Healing".
I know that these don't sound terribly intelligent, but then that's not the intention of these names. In fact over-"intelligent" wording is being consciously dropped in favor of usability here.

- In a few cases I have added the same name in parenthesis again. This means that the official name has been adopted and seen widespread use in the community. Localized Pyrokinesis and Adrenaline Overproduction are such cases.
EDIT: Turns out that "Pyro Field" is also being used and "Berserk" is just a brilliant suggestion for AO which explains itself and ties in with the shock lore (Berserk Patch in SS1).

- Note that there is a "Pyrokinesis Attack" but no "Cryokinesis Attack". The latter is usually just called "Cryokinesis" because there exists no "Localized Cryokinesis" from which it would have to be distinguished.

Problematic cases:

- [SOLVED] Psionic Hypnogenesis: I first called this one simply "Freezing". It fits the effect but the problem is that this skill only applies to "non-robotic" targets as the description so inelegantly puts it. In my experience no one uses negative-including identifiers like "non-robotic".
Simply naming it "Freezing" may have worked because there also is "Bot Freezing". But that's a weak differentiation.
For a while I called it "Hypnotic Freezing". But now I finally settled with "Creature Freezing". It's simple, it matches "Bot Freezing" and it explains itself sufficiently. Sometimes one just needs a while to find those. :)

- [SOLVED] Enhanced Motion Sensitivity + Remote Pattern Detection: I renamed these to "Foe Radar" + "Loot Radar". One might argue to replace "Radar" with "Detection" because it's not really a radar. I chose the former for the radar-like display this skill shows. So despite being technically imprecise it's very mnemonic. Besides, I look forward to see these merge into "Foedar" and "Lootar" respectively.
EDIT: After finding the Official shorts I went for those: Sense Motion & Detect Items.

- Psychogenic Cyber Affinity: I have no idea for this one. It's a skill that modifies your ability to hack. "Psi Hackability"? But is "Hackability" the ability to hack or the ability to get hacked? A quick look at Google reveals it's used as the latter usually.

- Molecular Duplication: Probably just "Duplication". But I'm not sure what's being used. Could be the full thing actually.
« Last Edit: 20. July 2007, 00:22:36 by Kolya »

67d31b42749abNameless Voice

- Changed the secondary name of "Imposed Neural Restructuring (Neural Reprogramming)" to "Charm", which is short, simple, meaningful, and also the internal name of the power in ShockEd.
- Added "Alchemy" as an alternate second name for "Molecular Transmutation (Psi Recycler)", since that what I call it (reference to an obscure old game), and also the internal name of the power in ShockEd.
- Added damage table to Cryokinesis
- Fixed totally inaccurate description of Pyro Field.
« Last Edit: 19. July 2007, 12:05:44 by Nameless Voice »
@Nameless Voice: Wouldn't that "obscure old game" be Master of Magic? :P I suddenly felt like playing it. :)

67d31b4274bbeNameless Voice

For "Neuro-reflex Dampening" I had made up "Anti Weapon Kickback".
Changed that to "No Recoil".
As NV noted there are actually short names in the game. They turn up in the ammo slot and in the upper right display when the skill is being used. These names will be added to the list following this scheme: Official long name / Official short name (Commonly used name or suggestion)
EDIT: Done.
« Last Edit: 20. July 2007, 00:15:02 by Kolya »

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