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Topic: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V5 Read 415746 times  


Tags: °FM °multiplayer °SS2 °ponterbee
This is Christine's stunning FM-Campaign Ponterbee Station (as announced on TTLG, version 2, version 3).

The 3rd version adds a new earth level, new areas in the existing levels of the FM, new custom objects, NPCs and a new player model for multiplayer. Multiplayer was also worked over and should be fully functional.

In this 4th version Christine has reworked all levels based on NewDark, made some extensions and changes to the levels, added many new objects and also a few features from SCP. The object-shrink-mod was also integrated. This version requires NewDark 2.48 and SHTUP-ND.

The 5th version brings some smaller updates here and there, including a few SCP features, but mainly enemy respawning has been fixed and finally works as intended.

You can now download new Shodan VOs for this mission, recorded by Terri Brosius, the original Shodan VA. Ponterbee_Nightwalker_VO_Terri_Dark zip contains ready to install files, extract (each snd2 folder) to the respective fan mission root folder and overwrite to get the new voiceovers.

Visit Christine's site for lots of screenshots.
Listen to the audiologs from this mission.
« Last Edit: 17. February 2023, 20:30:38 by Moderator »
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Updated to version 2. See first post.
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
I did some audio logs for this fan mission and I'm very proud to be part of it. :proud:
I wore the helmet to create the logs via it's integrated microphone. Talk about authentic props... I replaced the original mic and earphones from 1967 though. Anyway, these are the logs I did.

1. "Ok Jack, the access code for Medical Storage 1A is ..."
2. "Until last week, Ponterbee station was the most boring space station you can imagine. Nothing happened here, absolutely nothing. ... "
3. "Damn, all the doors are locked... I have to get to Engineering! ... "
4. "Congratulations on completing your training..."
5. "We've been expecting you soldier..."
« Last Edit: 23. October 2008, 00:19:51 by Kolya »


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
just got to command, nice work on the logs kolya :thumbwink:

by the way, i want that helmet :bluegrin:
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
This mod looks great.  I can't figure out what to do with the 230/SYT though.  A hint would be appreciated!



Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3

Hi Hobie,

you need to place the 230/SYT into the systems monitoring unit which is in the Research section on the Med/Science level. You need to travel through some air ducts which begin in the Cryo Recovery section. There is a large room with a smaller side room to the right which contains a couple of large terminals and an open air duct. Go through the air duct to another large room filled with water. Below the platform that you will be standing on is a tunnel. Go through here, up the ladder, through some more ducting and you will appear in the Research department. Follow the corridors, go down the stairs and into the large windowed room almost opposite the stairs. As you enter look to your right and you will see the systems monitoring unit on the wall. Drag the 230/SYT from your inventory to the unit and it will unlock the double doors further down the corridor. Then you can enter the elevator and explore the rest of the station....

I'm also stuck. I can't find the Crew Quarters access card. I've been to every level, but I can't get in to the barricaded room in the Mall. I guess I've missed something along the way. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
@ killseeker - there is a small room with some pipes near the barricade, where you can crunch to the donut shop. Now you are behind the barricade. If you explore this area, you'll find the access card for the crew quarters.  ;)
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Hi everyone,
i played the game several hours in line and I have to say that "Ponterbee Station" is awesome,  more like an unofficial    Part 3 of SS2.   :thumb:
But I'm stuck and don't know how to solve it before I'm going nutts because I just ran the sixth time through the whole station and can't find the silly cargo bay card, either 1 nor 2.   :sweat:
I have the engine core control card and the three reactor codes and all the  other access cards. I only need a battery and the access cards to the cargo bays.
I think I can remember that the battery for the door is in  one of the cargo bay.
I'm quite despaired   :dropsdead:

Can you help me, please.

Many greetings  :)


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Hi Sjork, thank you, I'm glad that you like it :)
You'll find one of the access cards for the cargo bays in the Chemical Storeroom on the engineering deck.
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Oh Man, it was the whole time there in the middle of my way. I ran five times over it and did not see the damn corpes.  :dropsdead: :dropsdead:
Well, ähmm..... :scratch: thanks for helping me out although it is a bit embarrassing.   :bluegrin:


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
My friend and I just played coop throughout your entire campaign and were surpised by the talent but into this one. After just finishing System Shock 2 for the first time we didn't expect much from a FM but this really surpised us. So thanks for all the work Christine that you and your voice actors put into this one it helped us kill time this summer. Thanks again!

Also if anyone could suggest any equally amazing FMs I'd like to hear it right now working on the Return to the UNN
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Well... I downloaded that FM juste two days ago and whew ! Impressed ^^ Never imagined to find that. It's very cleverly designed, the levels are well done, and overall, it's juste nice et so on ^^ Just not as intense as was SS2, far too many ammo and stuff around, but it might as well be only my point of view  :bluegrin: Really liked the mall, and in some aspects, some things were more detailled all around the station than was the Von Braun =) Can't wait to swith to the Nigthwalker  :thumbwink:

But i'm stuck ! It's that acces code to the Shuttle Bay... i've been roaming all around the station to find something, Unloading quatities of shotguns just to keep a pace to shoot at those respawning creatures  :bluegrin: Please, help ^^
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Hi Eawyne, AudioCra-Z explained this here. (Mark the spoilered blue text with the mouse pointer.)
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Oh god ^^ The corpse was just hidden in the larvas  :bluegrin: Thanks a lot  ;)

67d33eb864e0aCap. John Matrix

Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
This PS seemed very very dark to me, I can't see anything in there. Well, I have only started the game e received the "Welcome" from Shodan; could the game to be more visible after the entrance?


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Help! ! !   :weird:
I was sceptic about FMs but 'TPS'  is relly great, I can't wait to see
The Nightwalker;) but unfortunatly I'm stuck:(
Please help me to find [The core control card]  :borg:
I've probably run over it couple of times but it seems invisible for me... :p
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Check this post by Christine.


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Hi, I just downloaded this mod, but I can't get to the actual gameplay.  I'm running the mod with Mod Manager, and everything works fine through the intro movie.  After the movie is over all I get is a little flashing and then a black screen.  The game will still go to the menus, will save, and will load, but the level itself never shows up.  The regular game runs fine though.  Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

67d33eb86545fThe Brain

Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Are you using my version of mod manager?

I just tested and this mod does work with it. And I can play this mod, too. No black screens at all.

Try to rename lgvid.ax to different filename, for example to lgvid.ax.bak. You need to disable hidden file extension option  to see that .ax bit in Explorer.

Did you use SS2 Kolya Tool v2.1 on your game?


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
I did use SS2 Koyla Tool v2.1.  I'm using SS2 Mod Manager v1.10.  I tried running the game with and without the Rebirth Beta 01 mod.  Should I have anything else running like shtup or Anomalies, Discrepancies, and outright Bugs? I also tried tried disabling lgvid.ax, but that just skips the movies and goes straight to the black screen.  I do momentarily see the loading screen before the blackness, but it is very short.
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Sounds like something went awry while making the game mod ready. Try reinstalling the game and following the Mod User FAQ by the word.
What version of the game do you have (original/HOTU/other)?


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Thanks for the feedback.  I'll try reinstalling the game next chance I get.  I am using the HOTU version.
Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Then don't patch it, it is patched already. See the "typical procedures" for the SS2Tool.
« Last Edit: 05. October 2008, 20:55:08 by Kolya »


Re: SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V3
Really looking forward to Polaris! Any news?

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