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This is a modified version of the earth.mis file. It basically contains the usual first "level" in which you start any new game in System Shock 2. Likewise you can use this level and play SS2 just as usual without any drawbacks.

If you take a good look around you will find a new and very impressive part of the level.
Some of this was already a part of the original earth-level but wasn't accessible before Zombe laid his hands on it.  thumb

Here Zombe created a levelselector for all levels of the game which lets you pick up some necessities like guns, cyber modules, etc. first before you jump into the action.  It's all done very nicely with booths to get your needed stuff that match the theme of the according level. Unfortunately Zombe never finished it though and it might happen that you get stuck on a level when using the levelselector.

Revisited v3 by miracle.freak

Keycode to level selector door is 00000 (punch it on your numpad since you don't have HUD at that time)

  • reverted needed skills so training is working now... made new level using ChooseService script as intended..with cutscene involved. But as you enter level selector you have PSI tier 1 enabled (but no disciplines though).
  • lowered stack of CM by 10 CM to conpensate already upgraded PSI tier 1
  • added Quest Bits traps for Exotic weapon upgrade slot, Elevator power, Shodan visited...
  • compatibile with Ultimate Spawn mod and in Unified & Revamped .mis mods too. There are buttons in level selector activating particular spawn mode. You must have Ultimate Spawn mod or U&RMM activated beforehand otherwise the buttons won't do anything. WormOnly mode will work only with U&RMM.
  • resized some pipes so they don't stick out on the other side
  • slightly changed architecture..I've played with the light a lot

- added signs so it's clear you're entering Level selector
- added one-person mini shuttle
- added OS Upgrade Units
- added Chemicals
- added Organs
- added Recharge station if you run out of energy while researching
- added Surgery bed so you can heal if you didn't at trainings
- added PIG and games
- added Basketball just in case since it's another level
- added elevator muzak (add-on will make it original stripped from SS1..which is more uuh..musical than the simple one in ss2..)
- added little secret

About compatibility:
Don't even try to use them together. It won't work.

You may get a warning from Mod manager that this mod is not compatibile with ADaoB or some other mods. The only thing conflicting is a single earth.mis file which can be safely used without losing any benefits of other mod. So in other words it is not really a compatibility conflict. Just make sure you activate this mod (level selector) AFTER the others.
« Last Edit: 07. January 2025, 17:16:48 by Moderator »


SS2 miracle.freak LevelSelector
Made v3 that's compatibile with Ultimate spawn in U&RMM with WormOnly button.
I've also made the shuttle slightly bigger so it looks better now.
Oh and there's security door on keypad now... the code is five zeros (00000), you have to enter it with your numpad.


SS2 miracle.freak LevelSelector
Good work :thumbwink:
SS2 miracle.freak LevelSelector
I had a look at the new levelselector today and first of all I want to say that it's a great improvement. Much needed additions have been made (upgrade stations) and some details are just great, like the elevator muzak which gives this out-of-story environment an appropriate playful and detached atmosphere. I was extremely pleased with the way the gamemode buttons get shut off after you made a choice. A good feedback device for the player. In fact I'd love to see the exits get shut of by a force door too. Because the way they sneakily close with psi barriers hasn't stumped only me when I used this selector the first time.
I noticed a problem with keypad to get into the selector area: I have movement commands bound to keypad keys. So after I had entered the keys and the door had opened, I still couldn't move as using my keypad keys just added more numbers. In other words: The keypad interface should close after successfully entering the correct combination. And if you dropped a log somewhere on earth that explains the background of these rooms and names the combination (possibly a less simple one then) that would make this part complete.
Now I don't claim to get what's up with shuttle. Where do I fly off to? Why do I end up in a setting that looks exactly like the place where I was, except for the fact there's no door anymore? It felt nice to have that little cutscene there but at the same time it didn't make much sense to me.


SS2 miracle.freak LevelSelector
In fact I'd love to see the exits get shut of by a force door too. Because the way they sneakily close with psi barriers hasn't stumped only me when I used this selector the first time.
You know, there is this little secret that destroys all the psi barriers. It would be quite complicated to reset all the traps not to teleport barriers but shut some doors and then the secret not detroying them but opening them... In other words I'm lazy to bother with that. But anyone feel free to make an update if you mind.

I noticed a problem with keypad to get into the selector area: I have movement commands bound to keypad keys. So after I had entered the keys and the door had opened, I still couldn't move as using my keypad keys just added more numbers. In other words: The keypad interface should close after successfully entering the correct combination.
Hmmm I knew there will be problems with this. I've found another way to fix it. A tripwire that would temporarily grant you normal interface when you are near keypad. And it works nicely... maybe in v4.

And if you dropped a log somewhere on earth that explains the background of these rooms and names the combination (possibly a less simple one then) that would make this part complete.
That would demand altering one of the deck string files thus causing incompatibility issues with other mods that alter level strings... And that I don't want.

Now I don't claim to get what's up with shuttle. Where do I fly off to? Why do I end up in a setting that looks exactly like the place where I was, except for the fact there's no door anymore? It felt nice to have that little cutscene there but at the same time it didn't make much sense to me.
Let me explain. My priority was to make earth.mis as much original as possible...I mean absolutely unobtrusive to intended storyline etc. So when you as a recruit arrive at the Ramsey Center you should have no access to some level selector. That's why there is door on keylock... let's say you don't have a clue what's the combination so you don't care..you are meant to complete trainings and choose your career. To complete the training you have to have some skills from the start. The only way (at least the only I am aware of) to remove those skills (for level selector) once the player is created is to use ChooseService script that will automatically play the shuttle cutscene, revert the skills to zero and add you some that are fit for your career. I've chosen O.S.A. for that will not enable Standard weapons but only Psi Tier 1 which is unusable as it is without disciplines - lesser evil. Thus I've lowered the stack od CM at first booth to compensate this tier. The cutscene is there and the only thing I could do about it was to add a shuttle in the let's-call-it hangar. So I've meant it that way you enter the hangar, fly with the shuttle to another planet where is the level selector station - again lesser evil. Cheap solution but better than nothing. The cutscene is not intended but it has to be there..as well as Psi tier 1... otherwise the trainings won't work as they don't in first version of level selector.

The level selector is still buggy as it is because you can always use the elevator to go back to lower levels and there will be some events untriggered that would cause anomalies not to mention all the goodies and CMs you can gather. Also if you are using Ultimate Spawn and go down to medsi the cubes selection would pop-up and cause even more troubles if you choose other mode than you've chosen at level selector. But this one can be fixed so the cubes won't appear anymore once you've chosen your mode at level selector. Sadly it has to be fixed in Ultimate Spawn mod medsci1.mis itself. I've implemented this fix in U&RMM but only at the starting point...forgot that you can enter this level via elevator and via maintenance shaft from engineering deck.  :nono: I'm not fixing it because it still won't make sense for other anomalies so consider lower levels forbidden once you use level selector.
SS2 miracle.freak LevelSelector
How about you just close that door behind the player? The levelselector is a cheat by itself. If anyone wants to go through the training and then return to the levelselector to cheat even more... well that's their problem and not yours. Make a note in the readme and leave it at that. It would make a whole lot more sense overall.


SS2 miracle.freak LevelSelector
Which door? I'm afraid I don't understand now. You won't get any benefits at the trainings...besides the one you can heal a bit which you can at the level selector too. If you mean the skills those are present from the very beginning and you'll lose them as soon as you board the shuttle...that's what ChooseService script is about along with its cutscene.
SS2 miracle.freak LevelSelector
My mistake then. I thought the skills were added as necessary when entering the training booths. I didn't know you start the game with these skills. I guess only a custom version of the ChooseService-script could solve this.


SS2 miracle.freak LevelSelector
I don't see the door with the numpad


SS2 miracle.freak LevelSelector
in an alley behind gravshafts


SS2 miracle.freak LevelSelector
i know but i dont see it
do you know why


SS2 miracle.freak LevelSelector
maybe you're not using earth.mis from this mod but another one.
SS2 miracle.freak LevelSelector
If you activate eg ADaoB after this mod (and ignore the conflict message) the earth mission file will get overwritten, hence no dirty back alleys for you to hang around.


btw the elevator music add-on one doesn't work.

also if you want to use ADaoB, just activate this mod, go to the level you want, and then save when you arrive.  quit, then activate the ADaob mod.


What do you mean by "doesn't work"? 223 downloads and you are the first to figure that out? Well thanks heaven for your perception.

if you want to use ADaoB...
About compatibility:
You may get a warning from Mod manager that this mod is not compatibile with ADaoB or some other mods. The only thing conflicting is a single earth.mis file which can be safely use without losing any benefits of other mod. So in other words it is not really a compatibility conflict. Just make sure you activate this mod AFTER the others.


What do you mean by "doesn't work"? 223 downloads and you are the first to figure that out? Well thanks heaven for your perception.

js the original works, the alley shows up, but with the elevator music addon one the back alley just doesn't appear

you don't gotta get raged dude


I've tried to sweep the two misinformations you were able to produce in single post.

The add-on is just wav which quite logically cannot have absolutely no impact on how the map looks.

If you've read.... you'll know that this mod is in fact not really conflicting any changes and fixes from ADaoB

If you've read more.... you'll know that saving a game creates its own maps which will be then loaded thus ignoring any maps from any other mod.... But with that idea of yours there's absolutely no difference,  gain or loss anyway.


If you've read.... you'll know that this mod is in fact not really conflicting any changes and fixes from ADaoB

uhh i read Kolya's post, which says it does.  i haven't actually checked myself.

"If you activate eg ADaoB after this mod (and ignore the conflict message) the earth mission file will get overwritten, hence no dirty back alleys for you to hang around."

If you've read more.... you'll know that saving a game creates its own maps which will be then loaded thus ignoring any maps from any other mod.... But with that idea of yours there's absolutely no difference,  gain or loss anyway.

uhh yeah i knew that, i don't know what it has anything to do with what we're talking about though.


uhh i read Kolya's post, which says it does.  i haven't actually checked myself.
"If you activate eg ADaoB after this mod (and ignore the conflict message) the earth mission file will get overwritten, hence no dirty back alleys for you to hang around."
Exactly. That's why you have to activate your mods FIRST and level selector AFTER. How many times is it necessary to repeat? You have to sorta think and judge which way is it supposed to work..looking inside the archive to see of which files it consists of helps very much.

If you've read more.... you'll know that saving a game creates its own maps which will be then loaded thus ignoring any maps from any other mod.... But with that idea of yours there's absolutely no difference,  gain or loss anyway.
uhh yeah i knew that, i don't know what it has anything to do with what we're talking about though.
You've advised to use level selector to enter a level, save and activate ADaoB afterwards. IF level selector had its own maps (which it doesn't except for earth.mis) this method of yours would be of no avail because the saves will be made from level selector maps and ADaoB one will be pretty ignored anyway. That's what it has to do with what we're talking about.


Hi - I'm trying to use this mod in 2016, and Blue mod manager tells me that it's an "Unrecognized mod type. Make sure that mod is extracted and placed properly."

I swear I extracted it to the DMM folder, same as any other mod.
This mod needs to be repacked.
For now just take the "mod" folder from it and drop it into DMM. 


Worked like a charm! Just had a blast blazing through the BotM using Tier 4 and 5 Psi Powers!
I have repacked both mods in the first post.

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