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Topic: Another broken use/shoot mode problem Read 1521 times  


hi there.
is it possible that the mods screw with the key binding?
i installed the mods - went smooth everything, no problems there - and started the game. changed the bindings.
that's broken my ability to drag and drop items in the inventory hud. the avatar just keeps using his weapon (ie shooting, swining, loading his psi-amp).
if i use the default bindings, i can use the left click in the inventory hud again, replace stuff, use it with right clicks.
but as soon as i only re-bind one. single. button., ie ctrl for crouching, nothing else!, the inventory hud is broken again and can only be restored by restoring one of the two default bindings. ie default or fps-default.

what the hell? that's some weird behavoir...



Very common. Next time you should read through Helpdesk at least a bit before posting your request into totally wrong forum and thread... (split and moved)
« Last Edit: 06. April 2008, 13:36:37 by miracle.freak »
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