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Topic: SS1src: Welcome hacker! Read 4109 times  



Hello there, hacker :)

This sub-forum is dedicated on hacking on the source of System Shock 1 (1994), based on the source releases from Nightdive Studios.
The intention of this sub-forum is to focus any modding work at one place, and to avoid having ten different attempts at a port.

At the moment (2018-04-05) this is what we know:

* Original source for Mac released on GitHub
This source was published "for historical/preservation reasons" (source). While it appears to be not the actual DOS release, it still contains the core game logic.
A port based on this release could be made, yet Nightdive Studios themselves already did this work to port it to modern systems.

* Source port by Nightdive Studios
Nightdive Studios want to release a source port that they worked on, which will also replace the current "Enhanced Edition" (source)
This port will most likely be the basis for an actual community-based effort for modding or extending the game.

* Planning the future engine
We're in pre-planning on what to do when we want to build "the one" engine. First sketches and ideas here.

* Instant messaging
On Discord server from NightDive studios: Channel named "ss-source-code-chat" (Invite link). Note, this is not a channel under public community control, it is under control and moderation of NDS. Concrete information should rather be on this forum here.

* Documentation of data files / engine capabilities
Project InkyBlackness  hosts the "ss-specs" documentation, which aims to document the capabilities of the engine, based on the data files. Although only considering the DOS-release, many of the internals can also be deducted from the mac-release. There are still some things missing or unclear, so you might also want to help there.

* Level / Game editor
InkyBlackness also provides an editor that allows both level-editing (i.e., fan missions), as well as some game-data editing (such as object properties).
While the editor is still in development, it can already produce playable levels.
Release thread here.
Example mod that showcases engine capabilities (including a make-of YouTube playlist) here.

« Last Edit: 20. November 2019, 22:26:25 by Moderator »
Acknowledged by: Briareos H
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