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Topic: is system shock 3 out yet?
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Yeah, I'm not defending these suckers. But the American government is clearly using data privacy as a fig leaf for their trade war.
The "great powers" are all rotten in one way or and another, aren't they? Still, despite Trump most likely doing it for the wrong reasons and in a way that's potentially leading to more damage than good, Chinas' aggressive economic expansion strategy needs to be countered.

The equilibrium of powers has been seriously upset again (from multiple angles, "America first", "Fortress Europe", "Krim Crisis", "War on Terror" and recent Hong Kong events to name just a few) and it actually worries me.
« Last Edit: 19. September 2020, 14:00:31 by fox »


it's human nature. can't fight it.


Yup their all rotten for sure. The Chinese government just does it more subtle, via taking over companies, buying up houses in foreign countries, and using trade as a weapon for getting what they want.

Over here in Aus, our government called for an investigation into how COVID started (in order to prevent such things happening again), and got a response from the Chinese ambassador, that if we proceeded along that path then the Chinese people would think twice about buying Australian wine, beef etc etc.

Soon after a ban on the import of many of the goods we exported there came into effect. Lovely. So there is a master plan behind it all.

Meanwhile Trump is a complete brainless idiot, and turned democracy into a complete laughing stock. Interesting times we live in now.

67cfc1f638490nil imagination

America doesn't exactly represent democracy. Never has.
Acknowledged by: datiswous


Nobody can't do many ingame thin-scripted things: hero's improvement based on xperience (cyber-bonuses), items manipulations, hacking everything, AI, investigating of unknown gore, chemicals and comestibles. This made game become masterpiece. Not improved graphics by Unity like stupid and plastic Duke Forever. Imagine! Duke Forever and SS3 will be the same. Or simple and linear Singularity, The Metro. We need some powerful engine like X-Ray (Stalker for example). It is a very big job. SS2 was not completed completely because it is a commercial project. The idea is very deep, but the money was only enough for the beginnings of the concept. SS3 will be nice long and empty. Why I think so? Because trailer consist of new graphics and had no item manipulating and comestibles!
Not improved graphics by Unity like stupid and plastic Duke Forever.

DNF uses Unreal Engine 2.5.
It seems  like Otherside twitter account was either hacked or sold, it posts irrelevant fundraisers and referal links now.
I think SS3 is dead.
This is troubling and distressing.

That said. I would rather NO shock 3 than a shitty one. Either it is done right... or just give the community heavy hitters (christine, zylon, etc etc) assets and told to go nuts.


Valet2 IIRC DNF uses modified Unreal Engine 1.


I did notice that odd KS update that went out yesterday. Was essentially a long list of links. Very unlike their past updates.
That said. I would rather NO shock 3 than a shitty one. Either it is done right... or just give the community heavy hitters (christine, zylon, etc etc) assets and told to go nuts.

Yes and no, but mainly yes, depending on how bad System Shock 3. If it's awful, then yes, it's better not to bother, and not to sully the System Shock name. If it's OK but still very inferior, such as Deus Ex: Invisible War, or Thief 2014, so that it's nothing compared to the originals but is still enjoyed by some people, then I think it still should be released. Those who like it and see it as a fairly enjoyable standalone game can play it, those of us who can only see in it a terrible sequel can avoid it, and it will at least give the System Shock name a (weak) spotlight, in a gaming world where System Shock is largely forgotten or unknown.

Plus of course it's not impossible that a weak or generic System Shock 3 could inspire a good System Shock 4, or that other companies might be inspired by a weak System Shock 3 to create their own System Shock style game but with different I.P. and much better quality than the lacklustre SS3.

That said, I would love to see the truly fanatical (yes they are!) and fortunately evidently very talented fans have a go at making their own System Shock game. I know that's not too realistic, since we're either looking a gestation time similar to that of Black Mesa's, or else NDS would have to pay Zonkity and co. enough for them to pack in their day jobs and devote most of their waking hours to the game, but never say never. I've often thought that if I were rich, I would get a talented team of professionals together, and get them to make the ultimate (in my opinion, at least) first person shooter. It would be a lot like Timesplitters 2 and 3 (Timesplitters; Future Perfect), in that it would be a single player campaign, with the option of two players playing co-operatively though the single player campaign, a fantastic and very user-configurable multiplayer (and with bots and a level creator), lots of preset challenges, tons of user unlockables. and everything would be really high quality, including the humour in the game. And then I'd release it for free, including the source code, so that anyone can mod or port or improve it how they like.

Surely some very rich people who sometimes play video games have paid to have their ideal games made, but I've never heard of any.


I'd actually be alright with just an ok game, it doesn't have to be amazing - as long as it wraps up everything nicely so I can finally get on with my life, I'm good.

just kidding, I have no life to get on with.
« Last Edit: 06. May 2021, 17:46:13 by voodoo47 »


I'd rather no SS3 to a bad one. Last you want is the 3rd and final entry to a series that ends on a low note.

Take Command and Conquer 4 for example. Horrible game to end it all with. Sure it still had the cheesy FMVs, but it bore no resemblance to the games before. I'd hate for a similar fate to befall SS3. Do it right or not at all. There is no try.

I do wonder what a "done right" example of SS3 would be.


listen to the lesson the first two games teach as far as the mechanics go, wrap the story up nicely, and you are good.

so simple, yet difficult at the same time.


Give me more SS2 mechanics, throw in the addon tech and cyberspace from SS1 and I'm happy.
Acknowledged by: Hikari


Or in other words, the news is that there is no news.


  • Company: N/A
Sucks that this game is in limbo, I hope it eventually gets made but it looked promised, so it is disappointing to see.

Edit: BTW, anyone that needs any resources here you go:

Trailers (everything I could find):

Wiki page (with all info I could find):
« Last Edit: 02. October 2022, 02:54:08 by Xkilljoy98 »
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