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Topic: Hires resource request - SS2 cutscenes Read 4284 times  


Tags: °SS2 °request

no reason to not post this as a regular request, so here goes - it should be possible to recreate at least some SS2 cutscenes in higher resolution and with mods loaded. basically, the cutscene needs to be set up in the editor (some of the vanilla setups are still in place, the waypoints for the shuttle on the station map, for example), then played ingame and recorded. landing, starport, shuttle1 and shuttle2 should be fairly easy as they do not require anything else, the rest will need heavy editing because of all the extra effects.

once set up in the editor, they should be recorded in the 640*480 resolution (max the engine supports for cutscenes), 4:3 with letterboxing (mirroring the original files). SCP, Rebirth, SHTUP and 400 mod should be loaded before recording.

quick mockup attached.

67b5093c2eaedGeorge Lebron

What model of a female employee should be used in the shuttle2.avi, or the best solution is to create a new?
« Last Edit: 26. August 2018, 13:28:56 by George Lebron »


shuttle1.avi would be fairly easy to reproduce. The shuttle animation would need improving though.

shuttle2.avi would require reconstructing some deleted station geometry, but other than that, also easy.

shuttle3.avi isn't in-engine footage. It would require the efforts of a 3D animator.

I think it might be a bad idea to only upgrade two of the three shuttle cutscenes. The higher quality would make the third look even worse by comparison.


that's already happening as the first cutscene is available in hires quality, so tipping the scales towards more upgraded stuff would only make things better, I'd say.
What model of a female employee should be used in the shuttle2.avi, or the best solution is to create a new?
the Rebirth model would do just fine (especially because it's turned around).
humm.. there was this thing that you can export an entire level to another format, right?


yes, the level geometry, it's possible to load it into Blender or similar as an object, afaik.


I've used this ability for a few object requests, most notably to make the object version of the Valu-Rep.
I've used this ability for a few object requests, most notably to make the object version of the Valu-Rep.
I remember that, just wasn't sure if you can do it with the whole map or not.


IIRC it only works for terrain brushes, not objects.


I guess he wanted it to look like a miniature? For some reason?


It's not a bad attempt, given the stock material he's competing with.
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