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I re-bought the game on GOG Galaxy just to try out the rollback method myself, and it does work!
I made a video to help everybody here!

You must use the game version: 1e.16


 :heart: Lazarus Decλy has been released!  :heart:

It can be downloaded on Mod DB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/lazarus-decy-a-story-driven-system-shock-modification

or directly from my Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ju27_qSepPfFgeQXpyo9cpsxUik58fxF/view

This mod is compatible with the System Shock Enhanced Edition Ver. 1e.16 and System Shock Classic Edition with use of the SSP Tool!

* You can rollback your version on GOG:

* You can rollback your Steam version:

I packaged in a few extra goodies into the download.

Thank you for all the support you've given me over the course of this project, I am eternally grateful!

Please enjoy Lazarus Decλy

- Tommy Laszlo

Original post to follow                                                                                                                                                                 *

Hello all!

My name is Tommy Laszlo, and I am here to announce my in development SS1 mod 'Project Lazarus.'

What is 'Project Lazarus,' Mr. Laszlo?

PJ Lazarus is a story driven mod and will include:

  • New and completely original story with no relation to the SS universe.
  • New fully voice acted and professionally engineered audio data logs, including text replacement.
  • New map layout.
  • Some new textures.

What tools are you using?

InkyBlackness - HackEd/deck, SS Player, MidiForm,  Logic Pro X, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Audition, Various Microphones, and a PSR-S970 Workstation

Why are you doing this?

This project is apart of my university Capstone project, I chose it because it gives me an opportunity to show how capable I am working on a large audio/visual project.

When will it be done?

6 months, give or take a month. I am juggling this project with many others alongside it.

Where can I find updates to 'Project Lazarus'?

What does it look like so far?

This and This
« Last Edit: 22. October 2022, 12:24:59 by Moderator »


Re: Project Lazarus - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
NICE :).

Now these are my favorite kinds of mods. One's which deviate from the traditional gameplay. Best of luck to you. Hope this gets done. I'll definitely play it.


Re: Project Lazarus - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
Digging that music.  Looks like a good start.
Re: Project Lazarus - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
ShockLog #1: 9/12/2018

Hey guys and gals, just a little update! I have a few things I'd like to share  :cyborg:.

First off...

This is my project timeline as of now:

    • By the end of September - Finish proposal, have original narrative with audio log scripts close to/ if not entirely complete.
    • By the end of October - Finish original map layout, finish custom level textures where needed, begin occupying map with game objects (items, scenery, corpses, logos, etc.)
    • By the end of November - Finish Audio Log recordings, have music near completion.
    • By the end of December - Occupy map with Audio logs, remaining items, scenery, corpses, and logos. If any puzzles need to be finished, this is where I'll do it. Make adjustments if necessary.
    • By the end of January - Finish custom Title Screen images, Music must be complete by this point.
    • By the end of February - Gameplay & Bug testing month! I'll send out the beta to a few different individuals for feedback, fixing any bugs and gameplay issues along the way. This month is for any last-minute additions if needed.
    • By the end of March - Refine anything that I feel a need to refine. Making sure the fries are salted.
    • By the end of April - Have PowerPoint presentation complete, which will include a basic project overview and an old Pentium PC play-test station live on stage, for a random audience member to play, with a screen splitter going to a projector.

This is a test title screen I'm currently working on getting implemented.

Has been implemented!

This relates to the image! This project has an official name now, instead of just 'Project Lazarus.'

 The official name of this mod will be: 'Lazarus Decay: Aftermath' or simply, 'Lazarus Decay.'


I am nearing the completion of Lazarus Decays' title theme, 'Grey Goo.'
This is waaaay ahead of schedule, but it will only serve to help me focus on other aspects of the project in the future.

I have attached the MP3 to this post.

Thanks for the kind words and support. This modding community is easily the best I've ever taken part in, and the amount of support I've received has been tremendous. Thank you all for your support, and interest in seeing this project become a reality.
- Tom
« Last Edit: 14. September 2018, 01:46:46 by Laszlo »
Acknowledged by: 3RDplayer


Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
Lazarus Decay I like more.


Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
no relation to the SS universe
not sure about that - if there is no relation, why even bother with SS1 engine and resources?
Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
not sure about that - if there is no relation, why even bother with SS1 engine and resources?

Why use ketchup if you're not putting it on french fries, but instead on toast?

Why make pancakes using potatoes instead of traditional batter?

It's because I like the engine, it's ability to handle audio logs, midi, straight forward level design, and the retro PC game aesthetic it brings with it.

For the assets, it's because they already line up with what I'm creating to a point.

I am bringing in my own assets as well, I'm not relying exclusively on SS assets.

It's a base to build upon in order to tell my own story, and deliver a mini-expansion pack like experience, as if I were a third-party developer back in the 90s.


Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
from a purely marketing point of view, a SS1 related fan mission will probably attract more potential players than one that is completely unrelated.
Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
from a purely marketing point of view, a SS1 related fan mission will probably attract more potential players than one that is completely unrelated.

I think you're misunderstanding what I'm doing.

I'm doing way more than just a basic fan mission, I'm creating a full on modification: Entirely new narrative from scratch, new music from scratch, I am recording audio logs with voice actors and actresses from scratch, on top of an original map design.

I am creating my own interactive audio/visual experience with Shock-like qualities, utilizing various toolkits.

Whether Lazarus Decay will appeal to everybody isn't necessarily my goal. My goal is to create an experience that I myself would enjoy playing, if others enjoy it that'd be cool too.


Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
right - but still, I see no point in making the FM not related to the SS1 universe on purpose. I'm assuming that would mean no references to TriOp, UNN, Shodan, Citadel etc.. why? you'll probably end up with some sort of semi-tyrannical military force, some sort of evil corporation, and some sort of evil AI anyway.

would make much more sense to just say hey, we are on palladium mines on Titan, TriOp and cyber rigs are still a thing, a meteorite has just hit the place, and heeere we go again!


Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
I personally have no problem with it being unrelated.
And I am happy that the engine is used for something completely different for once.
Everyone knows System Shock, but having a whole different experience to what the original game and my in-universe ReWired/TauCeti fanmissions provide is a good way to draw attention to System Shock from people that never heard of it. And I welcome everyone that tries to do something different, outstanding and even unrelated.

When your mod is finished, let me know so I can help you out with making it Nightdive SourcePort compatible if it isnt already when you are done.
Keep up the good work!
Acknowledged by 2 members: Kolya, Laszlo


Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
not saying I have a problem with it, just that it seems like a rather odd choice.
Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
right - but still, I see no point in making the FM not related to the SS1 universe on purpose. I'm assuming that would mean no references to TriOp, UNN, Shodan, Citadel etc.. why? you'll probably end up with some sort of semi-tyrannical military force, some sort of evil corporation, and some sort of evil AI anyway.

would make much more sense to just say hey, we are on palladium mines on Titan, TriOp and cyber rigs are still a thing, a meteorite has just hit the place, and heeere we go again!

I see your point, but then again if I did that it'd defeat the whole purpose of my project, and honestly it wouldn't seem very original now would it? I didn't wanna limit my creativity by the boundaries of the SS universe, and wanted to see if I can craft my own world, environments, and believable characters, each with their own motives, beliefs, etc. etc.

It forces me to focus on aspects of design I've never really thought about before. I don't have much experience in story writing, character development, or creating wacky twists, so this is an opportunity to really slim down my focus to a laser point, and learn how to make those things believable.

When your mod is finished, let me know so I can help you out with making it Nightdive SourcePort compatible if it isnt already when you are done.
Keep up the good work!

Hey Mr. 3RD! Yes of course! Thank you for the kind words! From what I tested of an earlier build, it worked for the most part except for audio log character portraits, but I'm not gonna worry about that until after the project is finished and I graduate lol.


Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
well, not trying to bite off more than you can chew would really make sense if you are not too experienced in the field.

a good example of a simple SS2 FM would be RttUNN, it doesn't stray away from the classic SS2 formula, but is its own thing at the same time - no Shodan, unique setting and levels, characters etc. would recommend a similar approach, especially if this is to be your first attempt at a FM.


Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
Or for the other end of the scale, my FM Ancient which completely ditches standard SS2 gameplay and goes for a more "Doom-like" approach. Several other FMs went with this approach afterward like Blind Disposition and several of the 2 hour maps (maps which people were restricted to a 2 hour time limit in which to make them).

Shocking Ruins by Christine completely ditches the System Shock universe and goes for something else entirely. Zombe's FM goes for a 100% stealth with no weapons approach for a large portion of it. Great FM that one.

I COMPLETELY disagree with voodoo47 on this. The game engine, is just that an engine. Make whatever in the hell you want in it, in whatever style. Be limited only by what you can come up with. Just because it's in a particular game's engine does not mean that you must stick with it's gameplay or plot setting.

If you look to the Doom 1 & 2 (90s Doom) mod scene, it has THRIVED off this premise for decades. Practically from day 1 modders were making TCs (total conversion) mods set in completely different universes. Majority of these were FANTASTIC. Batman Doom, Aliens TC, the Wolfendoom series etc etc. Make what you want, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

For me, I make games and mods that I myself would enjoy, first and foremost. If others don't enjoy them then that's their loss not mine.
« Last Edit: 14. September 2018, 07:16:36 by icemann »
Acknowledged by 3 members: Kolya, 3RDplayer, Laszlo
Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
Update 10/6/2018

Shock Log #6 was just uploaded.

The script is complete, which means...
Major milestone completed!

The video can be found here:
Acknowledged by 2 members: icemann, 3RDplayer
Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
Shock Log #7

Hello all!

I know it's been quite awhile since the last update, but that's because I've been hard at work,
chipping away at not only the level design for 'Lazarus Decay,' but the in-game music, puzzles, gameplay, and basic object placement as well.

Making sure each object, body, weapon, med patch, cabinet is placed with care, assuring they make sense within the world, and have a reason to be there.

The new video update can be found here:

And here:  https://www.facebook.com/LaszloProductions/videos/1357761384358852/

Also I have uploaded a Youtube playlist, containing all the video updates!

I've attached a preview of the map layout so far.

[Map Preview.JPG expired]
« Last Edit: 14. November 2018, 22:49:14 by Laszlo »
Acknowledged by 2 members: dertseha, 3RDplayer
Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
Shock Log #8

Quick little update!

Shock Log #8

The in-game music is nearing completion!

Please enjoy a short demo of System Shock's adaptive music system :cyborg: and my original composition, 'Grey Goo' work together beautifully!

Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
Shock Log #8.1

Hello all, just a quick little update!

I have gotten my in-game midi music to work with various soundfonts through Virtual Midi Synth, allowing the player to use their own soundfonts with the game, with little to no hiccups.

Here is a live demo, I've recorded using a Roland SC-55 soundfont, it adds just that extra bit of DOS goodness!  :heart:

 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/tommy_laszlo/lazarus-decay-grey-goo-demo-overworld-theme SPAM!
« Last Edit: 29. November 2018, 21:34:17 by Laszlo »
Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
Laser us, DK! 

Acknowledged by: Laszlo
Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
Shock Log 8.5

Hello all!

Just a quick update of what I've been working on as of late  :aii:

Event programming, map design, gameplay loop/progression, game difficulty, dynamic lighting, sprite design, etc..

Acknowledged by 2 members: TaxAkla, 3RDplayer
Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
Shock Log #10

Hello all!

I have made significant progress on Lazarus Decay.

So much so that I have launched a private alpha test way ahead of schedule!

Let's see where I am now, compared to September...

ShockLog #1: 9/12/2018

    • By the end of September - Finish proposal, have original narrative with audio log scripts close to/ if not entirely complete.
    • By the end of October - Finish original map layout, finish custom level textures where needed, begin occupying map with game objects (items, scenery, corpses, logos, etc.)
    • By the end of November - have music near completion.
    • By the end of December - Occupy map with Audio logs, remaining items, scenery, corpses, and logos. If any puzzles need to be finished, this is where I'll do it. Make adjustments if necessary.
    • By the end of January - Finish custom Title Screen images, Music must be complete by this point.
    • By the end of February - Gameplay & Bug testing month! I'll send out the beta to a few different individuals for feedback, fixing any bugs and gameplay issues along the way. Finish Audio Log recordings. This month is for any last-minute additions if needed.
    • By the end of March - Refine anything that I feel a need to refine. Making sure the fries are salted.
    • By the end of April - Have PowerPoint presentation complete, which will include a basic project overview and an old Pentium PC play-test station live on stage, for a random audience member to play, with a screen splitter going to a projector.

So now the only remaining tasks are: Bug testing, adding the audio to the Logs, gameplay tweaking, and making a presentation.

Lazarus Decay is nearing completion, and it is astounding just how much support I've had from friends, family, and this amazing community.

Thank you for you're continued support!

- Laszlo
Acknowledged by 2 members: voodoo47, 3RDplayer


Re: Lazarus Decay - A Story Driven System Shock 1 Mod
Very nice. I have to say that the tone of the music is very "happy", which might have an impact on the gameplay, so it might become a relaxing shooter (shoot-and-smile), don't know if that's the idea. I think that's only for some elements in the music, so if you want to make it darker you can probably still use 70% of the instruments.

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