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Topic: SS2 unstripped missions
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none. anyone wanting the map is free to rip it out of the public SCP package. at his own risk.
Maybe you or antimatter_16 could add the pre-SCP version here some time. It would be useful to have all the maps in one place for other modders.


there is no pre-SCP version. they would have to be un-SCPed, and that would require extra work. and I'm kinda tired?

will think what to do about it once we'll have an actual request for those maps here.


Yeah, what I actually meant by that was pre-ZylonBane, because I did some SCP-specific terrain hacking after the authenticity fixes. Really should have made a separate save back then. Oops.


well, whoever would want the map without the fixes can always be recommended to visit the nearest mental institution.


Unstripped hydro2 in attachment, based on SCP_beta4.
My goal was to be as precise as I can but there are few spots where I wasn't able to recreate brushwork 100%. Mainly some cylindrical shapes, however they were not made with cylinders or wedges but something else, not sure what.
I also fixed some misaligned textures and problems with brushes but I tried to limit the changes only to more obvious mistakes.

Couple of notes:

- It seems at one point there was supposed to be more windows in the area with two turrets - you can see some hidden window objects within walls (objects 924,923,939,940):

I am guessing they were plugged so the turrets don't home in on a player too quickly after entering the room. Anyway, it might be good idea to remove remaining objects.

- There is a weird hole in a wall near the QBR, don't know what's that for, I did not included it in an unstripped mission.

- The lighting is a little off compared to a stripped SCP map, maybe some simple settings would fix it. Anyway, just in case after I finished I've multibrushed the entire level and imported it to a fresh install of SS2 with SCP.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Kolya, unn_atropos


would have given you the latest version of the map if I knew you'd take a shot at this, but hey, not going to look a giftworm in the mouth - many thanks.
« Last Edit: 16. September 2020, 16:35:11 by voodoo47 »


Well... I guess I should've asked first, but after reading last few posts in this topic I just couldn't help myself and jumped right into it. I actually can't believe I managed to finish this in just over two weeks.

would have given you the latest version of the map
It should be possible to simply multibrush the entire level again and import it to a new version - if I understand correctly, if texture families haven't changed then there shouldn't be any problems. I did it just before posting this using a method mentioned here.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


/opens up SCP readme
/adds "mapping" to Grosnus's credit
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


Christmas came early this year - unstripped ops3 in attachment.

Map will require full SCP beta5 in order to work properly.

However you can always export all brushes and import them in other version of ops3 map by multibrushing entire thing (how to do this)
But keep in mind that I had to move couple of objects a few milimiters here and there, because there were some unsnapped brushes that I fixed while unstripping the mission, so if you export only terrain, a few objects like decals in one of the bulkheads might disappear into the wall.
« Last Edit: 20. September 2020, 20:39:12 by Grosnus »
Acknowledged by 2 members: Kolya, unn_atropos


thanks again. and this actually is a milestone - from this moment, all original SS2 maps are available in unstripped/fully editable format.


I thought shodan map is the last one that still requires unstripping.


I don't think it's been made public, but we have it in the current beta5 package.
Acknowledged by: Grosnus


yeah, I'm hoping for a standard SCP release this year.

in case someone would need the Shodan level geometry right now, we can make the level available.


Gonna start drawing blueprints. 😁
in case someone would need the Shodan level geometry right now, we can make the level available.
I need.

67d251359d7dfСтоуни Фокс

in case someone would need the Shodan level geometry right now, we can make the level available.


scratch that, it's wip, so you guys will have to wait for the beta5 release. my mistake.

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