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Through The Looking Glass presents:- ============================================ System Shock 2 Unstripped Levels V1 ============================================This package contains unstripped levels for System Shock 2. These levels contain the architectural 'plans' for the official System Shock 2 missions. These are useful as they allow you to see how the levels were carved, and you can also modify the operation brushes to make modifications to the original levels if you wish.Unfortunately, due to the rush of getting the levels to the NDA team, some were actually stripped not unstripped - in other words precisely the same as the levels that were included with the actual game.For this reason, only the following levels were included in this package:- command1 command2 earth eng1 hydro1 hydro3 many medsci1 medsci2 ops1 ops2 rec1 rec2 rec3 rick1 rick2 rick3 stationWe are still trying to acquire the unstripped version for these levels:- eng2 hydro2 ops3 ops4 shodanFor more information please visit, (
The Shock 2 unstripped missions allows you to see the official missions that were used in the game in ShockED, so you can edit them (or learn from them for that matter). Also included in the ShockED zip file is a very informative tutorial written by Totality and other hackers as well. A big thanks goes to the Shock2 NDA team and others, including Totality, d0om, Catalyst, Thumper, IceNine, Datoyminaytah, and the fans! Thanks for making this a successful release!
I'm raising this half empty beer bottle to you, antimatter!
0 ) Make sure there are no stored multibrushes in the level (because they won't be included in "Multibrush Me")1 ) Create a new brush - make it large and oddly-shaped so that you can find it easily. This is an "anchor"2 ) Move the anchor brush to 0,0,0.3 ) Multibrush the entire level4 ) Remove the anchor brush from the mutlibrush and re-add it (by shift-clicking on it twice; it should now be the selected brush, highlighted in white.)5 ) Centre the camera on the anchor brush6 ) Save the multibrush7 ) Load the destination level8 ) Create another new anchor brush with an odd size at 0,0,0.9 ) Select the new anchor brush and centre the camera on it.10 ) With the new anchor brush at 0,0,0 selected, load the multibrush.11 ) Dissolve the multibrush12 ) Delete the two "anchor" objects atMultibrushes are saved/loaded based on the selected object. (Or the centre of the camera, I can't remember which. The procedure above will work for either.)