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Topic: SS2 AlyaMod 2
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Our search was pretty extensive, we pretty much looked everywhere, turned the gamma all the way up, moused around in all the corners that were still dark. Yes I looked through the replies. It's gone past 'veteran' at this point. We were convinced it was a bug and the card never spawned.

I guess maybe this isn't a mod we want to use after all, if every keycard is going to be this much of a pain. Just wanted something to make it a little different for me (having played through ss2 many times) and balance weapons/psi abilities a bit and increase the difficulty. Would play Secmod but we get a "waiting for other players" error every time we try to go into engineering and the bullets for this mod specifically said that was fixed.
I see. Well the very first keycard is still in the depressurising area. I just found it lying on the floor. I guess that's not the one you mean though. I guess you mean the SCIENCE SECTOR ACCESS CARD.

It's randomized, as most quest items are. Check the pipes as soon as you enter Science, check above you when you are near 2 computers on bottom floor, check above the computers that blow up...

I'm pretty sure I wrote in this thread of the possible locations, but it is a limited area, take a look at the pipes, high ledges etc. One spawn point is behind the decompression bulkhead, other near the hackable door, third above the screens on the 2nd floor.

I loaded the save from last night. Finally found it above the pipes in the broken wall section.
Sorry for asking, but i made a quick search of the thread yesterday and couldn´t find anything. I had my friends over
and didn´t want to waste their time. Unfortunately we had to stop the game there. It is hidden very good, maybe too good... ;)
Er, sorry. Not the VERY first card. Forgot about that one (the very beginning got pretty routine while we were trying to get things working). I meant the second one, I guess. The one that opens the door with the first ghost.
Again, sorry for the sass. I'll probably look again in a bit. Really though if all the cards are going to be so difficult to find I don't think I want to use this mod. I'm cool for it being randomized, keeps things more interesting, but if it's randomized and completely out of the way in some hiding place I'll probably pass on the mod. That's just not fun for me.
The quotes I posted all refer to the science sector access card, which is the one you're looking for (with the ghost).
Not all items will be so hard to find, otherwise we'd have a lot more questions like that in this thread. Maybe Rainalkar really went a bit too far with the science card, because that one seems to raise the most questions.


Hi, its me again!
And stuck again. :(
We are in the medical area, trying to find the crew card. Maybe we´re just too dumb, but the crew access card is nowhere to be found. Can you guys help me again please? Thanks!


Hi. I have a very annoying problem with this mod. Me and my friend decided to play system shock 2 again in coop after a long period, after which we thought the game would feel fresh and interesting again. We decided to add a mod to it as well to boost difficulty and we decided in favor of alyamod. It was fun blasting our way through the game until we came to a stop on deck 3. We were missing one toxin A vial. Stubborn as we were, we scanned the whole deck for 5 hours, which helped us only in finding additional cybermodules. I went through all the 9 possibilities posted on this topic by the modmaker and nothing. We didn't find a vial in Hydro A, so I assume the missing vial should be there. 2 of three options in hydro A were, that the vial would be on corpses. Is it possible the corpse decayed with the vial? We didn't save very often unfortunately and so we would be pretty much back at the beginning if we would want to try and avoid letting those corpses decay.

Also attempted to create the vial, but the cmd "Summon_obj anti_annelid toxin" or "Summon_obj AAT" don't summon anything. I noticed reading here, that someone did manage to pull it off though. I wish i knew how he did it.


Well I managed to finally summon it. It was anti-annelid toxin not anti_annelid toxin.

66f8906d1132bRecon-Unit 1

Okay, I've been playing this so far and I plucked out an item from a destroyed turret. It's a "Robotic Self-Diagnostic and Repair Module". Just want to know what it's intended use is, as there's nothing I've searched that explains what this item's function is for.


it is an item that can instantly heal you up to 15 hitpoints. to enable this function you need to spend one of your four os upgrade slots for Cybernetic Assimilation. you may find additional Self-Diagnostic/Repair Modules in the "corpses/remnants" of turrets and robots (approximately 15 if you destroy all robots/turrets in the game (alarms excluded) on difficulty impossible).

in the unmodded/vanilla version of the game the modules only spawned as loot if you already had Cybernetic Assimilation. but rainalkar altered some of the loot lists, so in alya mod you will see a small number of them even if you haven't already this os upgrade.

66f8906d11585Recon-Unit 1

Ah, alright. I'm surprised there was no info on it as I searched up this forum as well as others. Strange ...

Thanks. But just wondering, will there be modify/upgrades you can make to armor sets to improve their resistances ?


no, there won't, just additional armor types. but you can stack protective psi powers with armors if you are willing to spend the additional cyber modules.

only Thiefsiefool's Secmod has this feature as far as i remember .

66f8906d117dbRecon-Unit 1

Hmm so far it's great. I experienced that annoying part in Hydro with finding the 4th Toxin.

Due to the new excessive darker areas, I was wondering if maybe the player's rig could feature a built-in light that could be turned on/off via a hotkey ? Or perhaps have it as a optional implant instead ? Flare items even ? I just find it really difficult to scout around in the pitch black without having to bump my brightness up or fire off a gunshot or two in case I miss a small pile of useful items or modules.

Is it possible to also perhaps have armor to be repairable/modified same way as you would do to guns ? Weapons wearing down I understand but seems odd that your armor can stay in perfectly good status throughout the game. An alternative would be to give them a bonus of maybe 5% to each 2 levels of modification stats, as implants gain 10% each maintenance level.
« Last Edit: 05. October 2011, 11:58:32 by Recon-Unit 1 »


laser rapier and crystal shard have a slight glow, Localized Pyrokinesis a strong one. frames of items appear if you hover over them with the crosshair even in complete darkness.
apart from that the darkness is intended and won't likely be changed. only the body of the many eventually will be overhauled slightly.

aside from the question if that's technically even possible, i don't see an added value in repairing /modifying armors. the possibility to invent new ones seems enough for me.

the last time i've spoken to rainalkar he was implenting a randomisation system for items and enemies into the decks. he said that's needing a huge amount of work. that was over one year ago, don't know what happened since then.


Well to be frank, the randomization for the items is pretty flawed and very frustrating.  I think he was right to say that it needs a major overhaul because me and a buddy also had a huge problem with finding the science key-card; it was nowhere to be found.  Finally had to resort to summoning the damn thing.  And by stating that the key-card could be in the decompression room, does that mean that if it just so happens to spawn there, we can't get it once the doors close?

Tough luck, but that whole experience was a major turn-off.  I'll admit that the mod implements some really cool stuff, but the randomization feature sucks.


is was mainly refering to
I fully randomized medsci1, 2, and eng1. But that was a long time ago, and I didn't find the time to tackle further. The amount of work required is... well, insane, ask Zygo :) I randomized almost everything, items, CMs, cameras, monsters, spawn points, added new traps... It just takes a lot of time. If I don't get on to it in the next few months, I will likely upload what I've done so far.
and a pm from him.
i don't know if the quest object locations will be changed. what do you mean; what is specificly flawed in the randomization?

Card Locations

1. on a pipe leading to a keypad door
2. above the screens where explosion occurs when you get near
3. among the pipes after you escape decompression
1. behind the pipes on the lower level where there is a ladder leading up and down (hackable crate up, camera middle)
2. among the pipes on camera level (climb over railing)
3. on the science tube beside microscopes, lower level
Cargo Bay 2A/2B:
1. behind security crate on uppermost floor (where the turret is)
2. behind the crates, second floor, there is a hole in the ground and a security crate just below
3. on the crates opposite of security station, where a monkey is hidden
Hydro A:
1. on the Wall Panel when you go right from where the breakable glass, camera and Hydro A section are.
2. when you jump through breakable glass, among long crates
3. in the freeze section just below the air circulator
Hydro B:
1. just opposite of the lift look up on the wall
2. room with plenty monkeys, there is a junction to a room that is a dead end (camera and the door), in that room on the floor
3. on the junction box above two pipes and behind two crates, there is a replicator near and a QBRM in the next room (very hard to find)
Hydro D:
1. in the second section to the left in the water when you walk towards the Air Circulator unit
2. hidden in the water in the corridor just before the second junction leading right when you walk towards the air circulator unit (this one is damn hard to find).
3. on the computer in large pool room behind the air circulator.
Rec Crew:
1. behind a bed in a room right of the eleveator n.2 (closest part when looking from the lift)
2. room with an assassin and eggs, just right when you enter it, turned over lounge chair in front of it
3. on the trapped elevator that falls down
Rec Crew Key:
1. behind the egg in the narrow corridors leading to the locked room that contains a power recharger
2. in the security room where the security droid, turret and camera are, hidden under all the screens
3. on the lounge chair in a room with gravshafts and billiard pools
1. where the QBRM and camera are, under the corridor with assault droid and assassins
2. behind the weapon upgrade unit on escape pods
3. look up on the pipes in escape pods, near weapon upgrade station

Toxin A:
Hydro B/C
1. After the arrival on the deck head right. Just behind the passage with the two turrets, camera and the os upgrade unit there is a room with a broken door. To access it, brake the glass in the next room on the left and jump in. the vial is in the desk (unchanged vanilla location).

1. Behind the Crates in a room to which you can jump in when you break the glass, that is above the freeze room with the regulator unit.
2. on a male corpse in a room that you walk crouched, to which you enter from the room that has glass all over it's floor and is above the corridor with the eggs.
3. behind the pipes just below the camera in a room from which you go the area with the regulator, a midwife and some eggs.

1. in the pool next to the Chemical storeroom.
2. behind the Gurney which is in the room with two medbeds, next to chemical storeroom.
3. between the pipes at the end of the long circular corridor with some eggs.

Hydro A
1. VERY concealed, behind the crates in a room with some crates, bodies, to which you get to when you walk right and again right from the room that contains a replicator, recharge station and two upgrade stations, just behind the bulkhead.
2. on the shotgun hybrid that is in the first right room (of the four), where a corridor leads to a large pool.
3. on the midwife that guards the Air Circulator unit near the big pool.

Hydro D
« Last Edit: 19. May 2012, 02:50:49 by Join_us »



the last time i've spoken to rainalkar he was implenting a randomisation system for items and enemies into the decks. he said that's needing a huge amount of work. that was over one year ago, don't know what happened since then.

MedSci was complete some time ago, and Eng1.mis. But, else... This winter perhaps, if not, I will just publish what is done.


Well to be frank, the randomization for the items is pretty flawed and very frustrating.  I think he was right to say that it needs a major overhaul because me and a buddy also had a huge problem with finding the science key-card; it was nowhere to be found.  Finally had to resort to summoning the damn thing.  And by stating that the key-card could be in the decompression room, does that mean that if it just so happens to spawn there, we can't get it once the doors close?

Tough luck, but that whole experience was a major turn-off.  I'll admit that the mod implements some really cool stuff, but the randomization feature sucks.

Nothing is randomized except the cards in v2, and yes, I went too far sometimes. It will be remedeed.


Nothing is randomized except the cards in v2, and yes, I went too far sometimes. It will be remedeed.

I don't mean to come off as brash.  I don't mind a randomization of key items as long as they're in areas that don't really require unorthodox methods (when I think of the pipes in Science, I think of literally trying to squeeze throw the railings and jumping on top of the pipes to find it).  I do appreciate that you're looking into it. -w-



Hey, I need help, I'm playing with Alyamod 2 and I'm in the Rickenbacker and trying to get into Nacelle B.  I can't find the card, and when I summon it using the console it still doesn't work.  Is there some way I can get around this?


if you mean you can't get over the chasm/hull breach because of the malfunctioning two "bridges" to get the card:

- download and install ShockEd
- open rick1.mis
- create Rickenbacker Card near the level start (archetypes->physical->keys->id cards)
- select the card, open properties, add engine features->keysrc, select RegionID RICKENBACHER
- save mission, close, open system shock 2 and load a save game before the rickenbacker and try again


Sorry, I guess I wasn't specific enough.  The bridges started working after a while on their own.  The keycard isn't over the bridges anyway.  I'll try the business with ShockEd, thanks.

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