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Topic: SS2 AlyaMod 2
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Tried the google docs version, installed ayla mod last over all my fav texture and model and sound/music mods and it seems to work just fine. The science sector card placements are actually really reasonable (maybe too easy? that's ok though I'd rather not be trapped in that room). Found a bug though. Not sure if its because I'm using other mods or if its in vanilla ayla3:
When you first leave earth and go to the space station, that first security door you have to go through has a wonky trigger and I had to jump-hump it at a few angles to get it to open.


Yes, I've pushed it too far, but, I am not sure, I think that in this docs version of the mod I just posted medsci quest objects are rearranged and far easier too find. I would have done that for the other cases as well.


I've run into a problem.  After installing the recommended mods from the newbie modding guide, I then installed the AlyaMod.  Everything seemed to be working okay until the first map of the Von Braun loaded.  I was frozen in place, Polito's message didn't play, and I got this weird polygonal thing stuck in the middle of my view.  I could turn around just fine, but I couldn't move, and the radar explosion script never kicked in.  Here's a screenshot, in case anyone else has experienced the same problem.
Image: http://imageshack.com/a/img89/482/aay7.png

Any idea what could be causing this?  I really want to try out this mod, as I love a good challenge.

ETA: All right, I uninstalled all the other mods and installed just AlyaMod.  I ran into the same exact problem.  The cause appears to be with this mod.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.  Any help would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: 04. March 2014, 01:41:42 by Frozenwolf150 »
If I remember correctly this weird thing is where you select how the mod plays. I know it from the Ultimate Respawn mod, didn't know Alya had this too. In any case you need to focus one of these cubes. You'll see what they mean. And then activate one (right click).
It's not a bug! It's a feature!


All right, but how can I focus on one of the cubes?  The five cubes follow my view wherever I turn, so it's impossible to center on one and right click.

ETA: Nevermind, I figured out what you meant.  My Tab key hasn't been disabled.  Thanks!
« Last Edit: 04. March 2014, 02:54:32 by Frozenwolf150 »


I don't know if it's this mod or one of the others (I have all the mods from the recommended mods list installed) but I ran into a big problem.  The first security computer on Engineering, near the reconstruction machine, is inaccessible.  I walk up to it and r-click, but nothing happens.  This makes it especially frustrating with the Alya Mod, because I can't shut off security, and therefore have to deal with three hostile turrets head on.  Has anyone else encountered this issue?
The recommended mod list contains ADaoB which, being a gamesys mod, is not compatible with any other gamesys mods, like Alya.
So you can only use one or the other and it's recommended to start a new game when switching in a gamesys mod.


Should this be listed first or last in the Blue's MM?
I currently have it listed first, above my replacements and it seems to work.

EDIT: Sorry, it doesn't work with that config. After the training levels and the intro cutscene I can't move at all and my crosshair is surrounded by red boxes.

EDIT 2: Sorry again. I wasn't aware that the red boxes are actually different options for Alya and can only be used when in (duh) USE mode.
But now I have it listed below every other replacements instead of first as I had last time. Which one is correct?
« Last Edit: 13. April 2014, 10:34:15 by OneofTheMany »


typically, you'll want the gamesys mod to have the lowest priority, so all the eyecandy that is on top will be displayed properly.


I'm a few months late on commenting on this, and I haven't tried the google docs version yet, but yeah Randomization of key objects is great but allowing them to be put in kind of obscure or un-intuitive places isn't. I appreciate that progression won't always be easy as pie but I also appreciate not spending 40 minutes pixel hunting the entirety of cryo recovery for the science card using flame wall, only to get frustrated and come here to find it could also be in the decompression area (Which you're in a hurry to escape from and there's no hints that a key item could be in there and you'll die if you spend too long in??)

Really the takeaway from this is if you really have to put things in obscure or difficult locations, throw some hints ingame.
Ahh, so that's where the card is...


If I may, to be honest, the randomization is probably the single worst feature I have ever seen in any mod, to any game, ever. Even the hints here on the forum are too obscure, and me and friend had to use cheats twice so far.

Also, make the player respawn in multiplayer with more health, and reduce damage of the enemies, at least the early/basic ones - being hit for 10 damage, which is a single hit at 1 endurance, and 2 at 2-3, is not cool. I don't mind their speed, but honestly, this makes any tactic involving endurance/health hypos worthless - if you put all the points into endurance, you would still be killed nearly instantly by just about any enemy.
Actually randomisation of plot objects is an excellent idea to enhance replay value for veteran players. Rainalkar apparently took this idea a bit too far. That was already well documented in this thread when you started playing Alya.

So if you and your friend aren't the type who enjoy combing every nook and cranny three times and following obscure forum hints, why did you pick this up? Your frustration is understandable but consider your own part in it and try to refrain from blanket criticism ("worst feature ever"). It would be helpful if you documented which items you had problems with.
Acknowledged by: Primitive Primate


randomizing everything in a sensible way is something I'd like to see in the enhanced edition of SCP someday. kinda sucks when you have every single bit of code permanently imprinted into your brain, and you know half the objects by ids and names - randomizing would make that irrelevant.

but that would require the ability to generate proper audio logs (ones which have codes would have to be modified so the randomized number sequence would match the lock) on level run, and that's not something the engine can do.

67d253d98433ePrimitive Primate

I'd love to see a keypad randomizer someday. Say it would work but then we have all the audiologs with wrong codes in them.


yeah, as I've said, that would require functionality that would generate the keypad code, and assemble the audiolog to match the keypad on level run, and we have no way of doing that.

but this could be tricked by having a big number (10+) of pre-placed audiologs containing somewhat random codes - a random one would be picked at level start and the lock would be made to match it.
Should be enough to drown out the number in the audio with static. Then only the text needs to be changed.
Acknowledged by: Primitive Primate

67d253d984629Primitive Primate

Yeah, redact the audio like some conspiracy :p


If you ask me what would enhance replay value, it's adding much more enemies, loot(to sustain ammo and especially psi use - in multiplayer it was not possible), and overall add more "organic" game features.

Personally, if possible, I'd absolutely love melee weapons to use up and break, but I doubt that's possible, so it'd be nice if you made he pool cue into a melee weapon, and made hybrids drop pipes. In general, just more varied stuff.

Then again... is adding new weapons and items possible? I suppose not, given that I haven't seen mods do that.
Adding new melee weapons is easy enough, search these boards for "spoon weapon". Having them wear down should also be easy. Someone also once did something with the billiard queues. Not sure if they were usable as a weapon or could just be picked up.
And I totally agree that more varied enemies would be a huge advancement for the game, but these are really hard to create due to limited motions and the respawning ecologies being wired into the mission files.


Oh, I didn't mean new enemy types, just more enemies.

And if it's possible, that's awesome.

67d253d984c1fNameless Voice

The pool cues in SecMod can be used as weapons.  IIRC they even break after a few hits.
Pretty sure that Zygoptera's ultimate spawn mod allows to increase the number of enemies. Not compatible with Secmod though, as both replace the same mission files.

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