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Topic: SS2 AlyaMod 2
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Oh, and a few bugs I forgot to mention:
The alarm doesn't trigger when destroying cameras...usually. In multiplayer, I've destroyed a bunch, and the alarm has triggered only twice.

And another, quite "deadly" bug. In the beginning of the game when the decompression begins, it sometimes starts way too soon to be survivable (with 10 HP). This happened during multiplayer, but it only affected me (I'm the host). I died, spawned above the upgrade units and got stuck in a circle of death. My friends had some trouble getting through the decompression door (just general fail, no bugs or anything), and I kept on dying and respawning until they finally got through. But that was after I had died about 15+ times or something, so it wasn't a too pleasant wait.


Damnit... I should register so I could edit my posts...

One more, once again, multiplayer bug I forgot to mention. My friend and I were on our way to Eng2 and my friend hacked a security console so we wouldn't trigger alarms. But the countdown began only for him. Cameras could still see me and turrets would still shoot me, until he hacked them individually.


All of that sounds like desynch issues. Perhaps the cameras are ill connected with ecologies. Will be resolved. 
Oh, and a few bugs I forgot to mention:
The alarm doesn't trigger when destroying cameras...usually. In multiplayer, I've destroyed a bunch, and the alarm has triggered only twice.

And another, quite "deadly" bug. In the beginning of the game when the decompression begins, it sometimes starts way too soon to be survivable (with 10 HP). This happened during multiplayer, but it only affected me (I'm the host). I died, spawned above the upgrade units and got stuck in a circle of death. My friends had some trouble getting through the decompression door (just general fail, no bugs or anything), and I kept on dying and respawning until they finally got through. But that was after I had died about 15+ times or something, so it wasn't a too pleasant wait.

     Wow. the exact same thing happened to my brother and I last night. except that when he died and spawned away from me, I was still stuck and was unable to move any item from my inventory. basicly I couldnt get the powercell out of my backpack :(


It seems me and my friend encountered a game breaker. We cannot advance to Hydroponics. Every time we try to use the elevator, the game gets stuck in the loading screen. My friend gets as far as the synchronizing, but my bar doesn't move an inch. Now we can't play any further :(
I uninstalled and reinstalled ss2 completely. It worked fine. When I installed your mod again, even in single player I was unable to move things around in my inventory. I've tried Secmod and it didn't have this problem.
Broken Use/Shoot Mode Problem

I don't get why people go this way so often. "Your mod breaks the game!" Never mind it's been downloaded, played and discussed by other people for years.


So Rainalker, do you know when you'll be done with the next edition of AlyaMod.  There are some bugfixes you could implement, and you could even move over some of the stuff from TF Secmod 2.8


Not before march or so. Winter is the only time where I would save some time for stuff as this. I have far more important things to do in the meantime. Like what would you like to see from Secmod? I don't fancy the idea of moving stuff over, nor do I desire to deviate in a great deal from the original


I like what was done with the graft shaft particles in the newest secmod.

These points sound attractive as well

-Real laser beams, different projectile/melee impact fx depending on target (including the player) or terrain surface, blood/goo splattering and other new effects, polished old effects
- Shotgun-wielding hybrids can break their shotguns dynamically instead of always having broken ones

And the new weapon modification system you can like choose which traits of the weapon you want to modify I thought that was pretty cool as well.


All has decent points, but some I don't know how to do. I can't compare with TF in shocked knowledge, and for someone to tell you how to achieve something, it depends whom you ask. Zygo, just for example, and among others, is a great guy, who is always willing to lend a hand, but not everyone works the same way.


Ah, even if you aren't able to move all that over. You should still try and do one of the easier ones like the hybrids having dynamically breaking shotguns and the graft shaft texture (I dont know if the graft shaft texture would be easy, it just seems like what the recharger is in your mod.  And I'm a big fan of the modified recharger it looks great). And I was playing your mod and was having a very very hard time finding one of the hydro keycards (I can't remember which one off the top of my head) if you could let me know what their randomized locations are that would be great.

66f8c80ea1ce2Nameless Voice

Any particular reason why you want both mods to have all the features of the other?  If you want one mod or the other, wouldn't you be better to just use that one?  If you want SecMod's features, play SecMod; if you want AlyaMod's features, play AlyaMod?



Here mate:

Hydro A:
1. on the Wall Panel when you go right from where the breakable glass, camera and Hydro A section are.
2. when you jump through breakable glass, among long crates
3. in the freeze section just below the air circulator

Hydro B:
1. just opposite of the lift look up on the wall
2. room with plenty monkeys, there is a junction to a room that is a dead end (camera and the door), in that room on the floor
3. on the junction box above two pipes and behind two crates, there is a replicator near and a QBRM in the next room (very hard to find)

Hydro D:
1. in the second section to the left in the water when you walk towards the Air Circulator unit
2. hidden in the water in the corridor just before the second junction leading right when you walk towards the air circulator unit (this one is damn hard to find).
3. on the computer in large pool room behind the air circulator.


Any particular reason why you want both mods to have all the features of the other?  If you want one mod or the other, wouldn't you be better to just use that one?  If you want SecMod's features, play SecMod; if you want AlyaMod's features, play AlyaMod?

I have two seperate game installations with all my ideal mods on both of em.  But I wish that AlyaMod had features from SecMod and vice-versa so I figured I'd ask about a few things to see if I could get the best of both worlds when I play SS2.

Here mate:

Hydro A:
1. on the Wall Panel when you go right from where the breakable glass, camera and Hydro A section are.
2. when you jump through breakable glass, among long crates
3. in the freeze section just below the air circulator

Hydro B:
1. just opposite of the lift look up on the wall
2. room with plenty monkeys, there is a junction to a room that is a dead end (camera and the door), in that room on the floor
3. on the junction box above two pipes and behind two crates, there is a replicator near and a QBRM in the next room (very hard to find)

Hydro D:
1. in the second section to the left in the water when you walk towards the Air Circulator unit
2. hidden in the water in the corridor just before the second junction leading right when you walk towards the air circulator unit (this one is damn hard to find).
3. on the computer in large pool room behind the air circulator.

And thanks.  Another thing I admire about SecMod is the stackable grenads/throwables. 

Also, I appreciate it that you incorporated HiTorques Med/Sci Changes into AlyaMod. 

And another thing i was curious about is the "WormBlend" implant included in AlyaMod? 
They talk about it here https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=726.0 and I remember seeing a post on TTLG. 
Apparently the code and such is already included in the game and all you have to do in ShockEd is place it somewhere. So that'd be an easy cool thing to implement.


I included HiTorques already in work in progress on v3. Wormblend is obscenely powerful implant... I don't know what purpose it would serve.
The added decompression effect right at the beginning makes it impossible to reach the safety zone on impossible difficulty, is this intended? Even when not stopping to pick anything up or read/look at anything and speed running right through, I would need approximately 2 seconds more or so. Always die at the battery recharge station.


It is possible, but barely. Rectified, anyway.



Just finished SS2 with this mod. Started as a marine.. using energy weapons and some heavy. I was getting pretty bored with SS2 impossible difficult coz i think it was too easy.. so i picked this mod for giving a good challenge for me. I played it on Hard & hardcore spawnings.. in the early game it was very good and pretty balanced.. got some real challenge.. in the later game, near The Many and towards.. it goes too hard imo, was out of ammo pretty much to the end. I have to say, one time i had to cheat some ammo for me coz i had four big mutant guys (dont remember the name :d) following me and i only had my laser rapier. The Many was a pain in the ass too, because my laser pistols didn't do any damage to him/her and i was followed by 4 big mutants again ;d. but i killed it about after 10 savegame loads or something. And now SHODAN, that was a challenge.. in the original SHODAN was a joke imo.. was too easy but in this it was a real challenge.. died like 30 times until i figure it out that i should use the EMP rifles: EMP mod for freezen the minions so i can defeat SHODAN. Darkening the whole game was a good idea, it gave some good feeling to the game.. but in some cases it was too dark.. there was places where there was no light at all but was a lot of items. Flashlight would be useful :D. Oh, and inside The Many.. Cant see shit! Waaayy too dark man. but still good add to the game. balancing the modify/hack.. etc cost was great! they were too cheap in the original. The randomized quest items was fun too, until i couldn't find them because some of them were in ridiculous places, like top of an pipe close to roof. I also had at least on bug in hydro level.. a hybrid dropped Vial of toxin-a.. i tried looted the body and take the toxin, but right before it the body vanished and couldn't find another vial enywhere.. so i had to summon it :f 

Well overall the mod is great, cant wait till i can play it with my friends in multiplayer. the only cons i can remember now.. is that it was too hard at the end and too dark.


I will lighten up things a bit :) Hard and Hardcore is actually very difficult, I had an idea of dropping the spawn selection altogether, leaving only difficulties. But, time will tell, not any time soon.


Could someone tell me if any log locations were randomised?

I ask because I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere and I haven't found a couple, they have door codes so I figure they have been.

I can't find the Rickenbacker access card either this time 'round.

I don't know if you still care for feedback on this mod, in case you do I will say that I liked the tweaking of enemy AI to make them an actual threat adds terrifically to the tension of the game, it does go too far however at the final encounter making it impossible with certain set ups (I first played through on Hard with normal spawning too). The avatars don't need speed increase, spawn number and rate increases do they? Randomising item locations is fine, it means the game has to be played in a specific way though. But making some of the locations impossible to see turns the game into a monotonous treasure hunt where instead of a nice bonus or whatever the reward is the right to carry on with the game. I think you over did the recoil on the assault rifle, it makes auto useless and our trained hero feel inept. The shock from explosions is a bit much too especially when they happen around corners and what not it's just daft.

I have had fun with this mod though and will be using it some more.
« Last Edit: 26. September 2010, 05:08:12 by faarwharbl »


Logs, no, except the plot one afair, they are actually a pain to randomise, I think I used tele traps when I did it.

Shodan is very difficult, but I think it was managable, even on Impossible.

I went too far with some random spots.

Recoil is a notch too big, that I am aware of.  That, and the rate of fire when auto was too great.

Shock, I don't know. I like it as such :).


Could you tell me where the log for the security room on Command has gone please? It matters only because you get modules for it.

The Rickenbacker card too I haven't found a spawn location for it.


One place was that it was stuck in the goo on the ceiling. Other, I don't recall right now.

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