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Topic: SS2 AlyaMod 2
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Help now!

The key to "science sector" is not, where is? Help kolya or who knows!!


Ok no importa, estoy modificando el Shock y ya lo pude arreglar, gracias a que no encontre esa puta llave, pude aprender a usar el SHOCKED muy bieen!!! =)

Es bueno que haya encontrado la llave con ShockEd. Pero en las discusiones Inglés, hablar inglés, por favor. Gracias.


Thanks for the great mod. In fact, thanks for all those awesome mods out there. I use SHTUP, Rebirth, Tacticool and recently i installed te AlyaMod. (By the way, what does that mean? Is it your real name? The first result in Google is a scantily clad woman. :P)

Now iam hosting a little SS2 action tomorrow. I´ve been looking forward to this for a long time. Two friends will come over and play with me. Now I want to present them a challenge but dont overstress the game, i recently played vanilla with one mate, we felt slightly underchallenged.

So i was wondering about the effects of hardcore-spawning. What does that mean? Just more enemies or a constant spawn of enemies? It certainly sounds interesting.


With hardcore spawning, you will pretty much run into an enemy every time you turn a corner. It's incredibly intense and will definitely be a challenge.


Thanks for the quick reply!
So is it the right decision for three good FPS players? And do enemies respawn or just spawn once? Isn´t the challenge a bit softened by the enemies giving more loot (just because their numbers are higher?)


I'm pretty sure Rainalker modified loot drops, but he can tell you more about that (if there's a changelog in the mod zip, it might also). Three good FPS players should have a lot of fun with hardcore spawning, though I would suggest not playing on Impossible.


Iam only playing MP anyway. Thanks!
Right, but there's a difficulty mod that changed MP to Impossible, so I just wanted to make sure. :)

EDIT: Oh, wait, never mind, it's not compatible with AlyaMod anyway.


Hardcore MP isn't really recommended, unless you're willing to accept plenty of dying. Loot is the same as SP Impossible, but replicator prices cost less (more players obviously).


unfortunately we are stuck! The access card to the science sector is unfindable. Without the mod i was able to find it. Can you guys help me?


I think I wrote it a couple of times in the thread. Just search on previous posts


I loaded the save from last night. Finally found it above the pipes in the broken wall section.
Sorry for asking, but i made a quick search of the thread yesterday and couldn´t find anything. I had my friends over
and didn´t want to waste their time. Unfortunately we had to stop the game there. It is hidden very good, maybe too good... ;)


No problem, ask anything. I agree that they are too well hidden :). Maybe I'll change that.


A lot of people would be happy about new edition of your mod, including me.


I fully randomized medsci1, 2, and eng1. But that was a long time ago, and I didn't find the time to tackle further. The amount of work required is... well, insane, ask Zygo :) I randomized almost everything, items, CMs, cameras, monsters, spawn points, added new traps... It just takes a lot of time. If I don't get on to it in the next few months, I will likely upload what I've done so far.
Woah weird problem here, started got to the part where you wake up and there are five red spheres in front of me arranged in a circle, cant move 0_0
I'm quite sure you have to select one of them to set your preferred enemy spawning mode. There should be something in the readme about this.


Just right click on any one. You can read what each of them does when you hover over.
Cheers guys gonna try it multiplayer
Bored on Christmas day :P
Ah fail, my brother was using Windows 7, managed to get quite far before he handed me something and everything in my inventory dissapeared
system shock 2 is just too unstable on that platform
Yeah, I just tried to play this mod coop with some friends who've never played SS2 before and we quit without fighting a single zombie because we couldn't find the first key card. There's no need for that kind of crap on the first room you're just going to drive people away from your mod.

Seriously, where is it?
Sorry if I came off kind of snappy, it's late and this was pretty frustrating.
Have you tried searching this topic, eg for "card"? There have been a couple of these questions including answers.
Generally we call this kind of crap a feature: Randomised quest item locations. It's not for everyone. I've tagged this mod as "veteran" now to make this clear.

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good idea but she is still not back from police station and it has been 15 years
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