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Topic: SS2 AlyaMod 2
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Its over!  Dear GOD, that was hard.  I almost didn't get through the body of the Many, and I came really close to losing to SHODAN.  This is one tough mod.  But thanks to everyone who responded to my posts and for helping me out.  If you make a newer version of this mod, maybe you can put in Delacroix in the shuttle cargo bay maybe.

Long live the UNN.


just finished AlyaMod 2 and I have to say it was the hardest run of SS2 I've played to date, the improvements on nearly everything were excellent, security was actually a challenge for once, rumblers were hard as nails for me to take down, limited nanites most of the time forcing me to use the Recycler then eventually Molecular Transmutation and shodan (I have to admit) was troublesome to finish off. Personally I hated the randomiser since I have had trouble with that mod a few times before but it didn't give me much hassle this time around   

the problems I found with this mod though
the new section on the Rickenbacker was awesome to have a wonder through although I can see outer space through the sides and underneath the Energy Replenisher also the section that you cant gain access to because its "pressurised" I could, I just walked into the door and went through it lol, which brings me onto another problem

DARKNESS... everything is so dark, too dark...I mean he has R-grade implants going on surely his sight has been augmented also :/, even with the brightness at max in game I couldn't see anything at times in areas lacking light  :suicide: reading about someone saying that inside Many was annoying due to this I decided to invest into Localized Pyrokinesis for the luxury some limited light source (the laser reapier didn't have any glow off it making it useless for me :( )

but besides that, great fun :D


I don't understand the remark on the randomizer? There is nothing randomized in Alyamod beside most quest items. However, that will change 8), it's just it's such a massive work way I imagined it, it will take a long time.

-What do you mean that you can see space underneath the Energy replenisher?
-Lol, you can pass through that door? That was really easy to miss, I didn't notice, I will fix it.
-There are a few areas where you can't, literally, see anything, but this should be logical - if there are no light sources at all then you cannot see anything no matter the technology. But for the most part it wasn't that much of a problem for me. Yes, BotM is in average much darker then the rest of the game - you can see through, but it is tough, and this was intended. Agreed, in general, it is dark, but consider it a feature ;)
Hey, could you PM me the full list of the randomized locations, I'm having a little bit of trouble finding the Cargo Bay 2A/2B access card.  I'd really appreciate having a "cheat sheet" to refer to if I get stuck.


Here you go:

Cargo Bay 2A/2B:
1. behind security crate on uppermost floor (where the turret is)
2. behind the crates, second floor, there is a hole in the ground and a security crate just below
3. on the crates opposite of security station, where a monkey is hidden

Should you need the other, let me know ;)


Okay, I've got some stuff to report and some questions as well.
First of all, in Hydro, the first time I stuck Toxin-A into the regulator in the plant cultivation sector (the one with the long hallway with rooms on each side filled with plants and eggs), I ran back to the bulkhead and was promptly gunned down by Turnbull. On my second try, she didn't appear. Even after I cleared all of the enemies out, she never showed up.
Also, in that same section, I hacked two security crates only to find that they were both completely empty! Was this intentional? It doesn't make much sense for an empty crate to be locked.

On the Rickenbacker, I noticed that when I hit the buttons to extend the support struts in Pod 1, nothing happened. I assumed you had removed them or something, so I pressed on, assuming I'd find the Rickenbacker access card elsewhere. I cleared out Nacelle A and the entire path to Nacelle B, and upon my return, the struts had magically reappeared! If this was not intentional, however, this may have been a bug due to too many objects being on the screen; I had noticed when fighting the Rumbler in the room with the first black egg that he and several other objects would disappear every time a casing from my gun fell on the floor, and if I waited for the casing to disappear, everything would show up again, so maybe that's what happened to the struts.
Anyway, I still haven't found the Rickenbacker access card. I even went all the way to Pod 2, but didn't find it...could I possibly get some nudges as to where I should look?

Finally, I noticed there's a room blocked with pipes beneath the turrets outside the morgue. I never noticed that before; did you add it? If so, is there a way to get in there?
Thanks. Having fun, but man, you certainly made this difficult, and I'm only on Normal. :p


I can answer some, others when I come back to the comp where I keep the files:
-Turnbull: later
-Sec Crates: nope, I didn't alter their content in general, except for adjusting numbers of some items. If that, for example, was a crate with only FE tool in it, it could well be empty.
-The bridges in Rickenbacker are my mistake. I corrected it in the current working version
-The card is also my mistake, also will be amended. If you don't get it to appear, add it through shocked, or I can do it for you if you send me the save.
-Yes, I added the room. The blockage should open when you destroy the Turrets? If it doesn't, hit it with Grenade or something, I think I added plenty of receptrons to particular damage types to those pipes.

I will make it somewhat easier when I randomize things, increase nanite count and such.


i have the same problem since last year in several playthroughs; i pm´ed rainalkar, but he had no real idea where the problem is, he assumed i have a wrong .mis data of that level. i also tried to summon the nonexistent access card with a cheat; it worked, but the card is unable to open the locked door to nacelle b.

the only "solution" i found is to deactivate the mod at the end of the command deck (grav shaft), let the game load the rickenbakker level, save and activate the mod again. then the struts work perfectly fine and the card is where it should be at the original location. only disadvatage is that some features of the mod will not work like recycling all things, goodies in security crates will be the original old ones, security panels unusable etc. however enemy strength will be the modded one.

not the best choice, but preferable compared to beeing stuck in there forever. when the game loads the next part of the level in the elevator, everything will work fine again with the mod contents.

good to see that i am not the only with that issue^^.

edit: ah, some minutes too late :p .


Later I saw that I misset the ecologies governing card appearance. Can be corrected though, but only through Shocked.


-Sec Crates: nope, I didn't alter their content in general, except for adjusting numbers of some items. If that, for example, was a crate with only FE tool in it, it could well be empty.
Ah. That might be it, then. I think one of those crates originally had either an FE tool or an Auto-Repair unit in it; I don't know about the other one. I'd suggest putting something in those for the next version so the hacks aren't completely useless.
-The bridges in Rickenbacker are my mistake. I corrected it in the current working version
-The card is also my mistake, also will be amended. If you don't get it to appear, add it through shocked, or I can do it for you if you send me the save.
Ah, okay. I'll add it in, then. Thanks.
-Yes, I added the room. The blockage should open when you destroy the Turrets? If it doesn't, hit it with Grenade or something, I think I added plenty of receptrons to particular damage types to those pipes.
Ah, see, I'm playing Navy, so I hacked them to take care of the Rumbler for me. Okay, thanks, I'll go blow them up, then. Hopefully, that'll take care of it, because I don't have the grenade launcher, nor the skills to use it. :p
I will make it somewhat easier when I randomize things, increase nanite count and such.
Excellent. :) I have plenty of nanites, it's the bullets that I'm running quite low on, and I've been far more conservative with my firearms than I normally am.
i also tried to summon the nonexistent access card with a cheat; it worked, but the card is unable to open the locked door to nacelle b.
This is because when you create access cards (or any kind of key for a lock) you have to link the card with the lock in order for it to work. Summoning the item simply creates a generic key that won't unlock anything.


As I said, the game will be fully randomized. So each crate/corpse/whatever will produce something different most of the time.

I think I set the explosion of the turrets so that it exactly destroys the pipes. Try it :). I think most weapons can destroy the pipes too.


It worked. Nicely done. :thumbwink:
As I said, the game will be fully randomized. So each crate/corpse/whatever will produce something different most of the time.
Cool. That'll certainly make things more interesting.
Strange thing, I just can't get it synchronized in multiplayer. Everything is delayed on my friends side, like 15 sec or more. When I disable your mod it works OK. Hmm it worked fine before...anyway we have shtup, rebirth and new weapons installed. Any advice ?


When the game starts don't wander off prior selecting the spawn setting. There should be no delay, at least I never experienced any save the Engineering Many vision, which is disabled in multi.
Still no joy. Fresh game installation, applied SS2 Tool 2.9 and mod manager with only your mod. Still getting delays  :confused: , so for now we are playing with Sec mod and it works very nice.

Pozdrav iz Zagreba  :D


When I played multi with a few people, once therd was 4 of us, it worked like a charm. It can only be due to spawn mode selection, but that was fixed. Should it be that it's causing problems again, I'll turn it off completely. If you want, we can try to play together in multi.
haha :-), i tebi pozdrav iz makarske ;-) sta je za rec da si zavrsio na system shocku?

66f8e4f930cb9Derek D

I've been using this mod for awhile and there is one thing that bothers me.  During a security alert triggered by a camera if you walk in that path of another camera the second camera goes from green to yellow to red and adds time onto the alert.  However then after the time of the first cameras alert ends the suspenseful alert music and sound stop playing yet the timer still continues until the second alerts time runs out. I think during an alert all the cameras should just be constantly red but continue to move until the duration of one alert ends the alert ends.  I don't really like the way you have it set up now.


Something like that wasn't my intention. You actually see an increase in alarm period? I just tried with cameras on medsci1 and don't observe it. When one camera goes into alert mode, others do not, true, but I don't recall how this worked originally, wasn't it the same? Did all cameras go into high alertness when alarm was triggered by one? This would mean they were interlinked, I don't recall was that so.


Btw, I forgot that I tested on the working version of Alyamod 3 :) Still, I don't think I changed anything for cameras save randomization.


By the way, that first Help terminal in the second section of MedSci still doesn't light up when you access it.

66f8e4f93112fDerek D

I could have imagined time being added accidentally.  But if you trigger an alert on one camera, then trigger an alert on another the music/sounds end after the first alert and Xerxes says that the alert has ended.  But then the timer still continues for the second one then he says it again. I don't remember it being that way before.  I think they might have went into high alertness before or maybe they went yellow did that whistle thing then went into high alertness, but then again my memory isn't exactly the best either.

And this is off topic from what I was talking about before but a feature I always liked from Arcaniacs mod was the fact that when you smacked screens and such on walls or computers they changed into the green static texture. I always used this to mark what rooms I've been in or not if I'm hunting for something.  If you could implement that into AlyaMod 3 that would be kind of cool.


I just tried the terminal and it lights up for me.

I can't replicate that effect. What happens on my side is that, when you trigger the alarm, and another camera sees you, it goes to green to red, alarm time stays the same, then both cameras stay red until time expires, after which they return to green.

Already implemented :)

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