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Topic: hi-res cutscenes? Read 4453 times  

I just downloaded a file called "cs2-b-aud-xv.avi". It is an improved, hi-res version of the cutscene "cs2.avi" (the one in which the hero awakens from stasis). It´s in 640x480 resolution, and all scenes that show ingame-graphics have been re-recorded with SHTUP and Rebirth. It´s pretty cool. You can get it here:


Now, I´ve got two questions:

1. I´ve never heard of this hi-res cutscene mod. The threat where I got the link calls it "SS2 Cutszene Rebirth", but I didn´t find anything by googling that. I´d really like to know who made it, and, of course, if he´s still working on that mod and if he will upgrade the other cutscenes, too. I found a ttlg-threat about SS2 hi-res cutscenes, but I think it wasn´t about this video (they talked about a full pack of all cutscenes that had just been resized using Virtualdub). Does anyone know more about it?

2. I tried renaming the file to cs2.avi and placed it in the F:\System Shock 2\cutscenes folder, but the game crashed when the video was to be played. Since I´ve got just the file without any readme, I´m not even sure if the video is meant to be played within the game, but if there is a way it would be nice. Do you have any ideas what I could try?

Thanks a lot!


PS: This is the threat I got the link from, and the description of the file within that thread. It´s in German, though.


SS2 Cutscene Rebirth

Eines der wohl negativsten Dinge an "System Shock 2" sind wohl die schlechten Videosequenzen. Nun hat sich ein Fan an die Arbeit gemacht ALLE Videosequenzen neu zu erstellen und mit den Modellen des Rebirth Mods zu versehen. Bisher hat er eine Videosequenz fertiggestellt und das Ergebnis ist bombastisch. Bleibt nur zu hoffen das er dieses Projekt bis zum Ende durchzieht. Unbedingt saugen!

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