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Topic: SS2 Expanding hacking Read 3298 times  


Hi there,

First of all I want to say that I have only minimal knowledge of SS2 modding. I have fooled around with the Deus Ex editor some while ago, which is based of the Unreal Engine which has a lot in common with DromEd. Also, I have browsed through a ShockEd modding guide. So once again, I only have minimal knowledge of SS2 modding.

I have two questions. My main question is the following: Is it possible to edit/expand on hacking? With that I mean: would it be possible to either change the current 'keep-randomly-pushing-some-spots-until-you-succeed' hacking or add a new section after you succesfully hacked it?
For example, would it be possible to create a menu with options or any other input/output system? Heck, I would even be happy with one (or multiple) inventory/box menus with some items in it and a way to detect where you put which item. Would anything like that be possible?

My second question is: what is the learning curve of ShockEd?
I have edited/modded Stacraft and fooled around with some other editors. I also have general knowledge of real programming, but more about the theory behind it then real experience.

Oh, and last but certainly not least: I love this site/community and what you have created for System Shock 2. Keep it up!


To answer your first question, it is "possible".  It's being done for CCP.  From what I can tell it's something only to be attempted by experts in the realm of system shock modding.

ShockED is nothing like the starcraft editor.  I've used that editor and it took me a few minutes to figure out how to use it.  ShockED can be a pain in the ass and learning how to use it can be too if you're not naturally gifted at these sorts of things.  Just take a look around inside the editor and you'll see what I mean.


Thanks for you quick response!
But ehm, what does CCP stand for?

I know the general Starcraft editor is nothing like ShockED: it is a completely different thing. However Starcraft modding includes reading and editing MPQ's and things like that. Also, (using an 3rd party editor, not the basic one) it's quite a challange to write thousands of lines of codes (literally) and kill bugs and errors.
Though it is completely different, I just added it to show that I have at least some experience with editing other games; which is better then nothing, is it not?

Anyhow, back to ShockED again. I have made a very small level with UnrealED (for Deus Ex) within an hour or three or so. Will learning the basics of ShockED (creating a small, working testing level) take hours, days or weeks?

67511160db2b0miracle.freak from gf

It depends how deeply you want to master ShockEd. It takes only a few days to learn the basics. For more complex achievements it may take weeks and for some special wishes it may be needed to understand custom scripts made by fans like Nameless One or even make some yourself. That would probably take more than a few weeks..and depends on how talented you are and how much time you can spend from the whole week.
As for those ideas you proposed they would require a custom script I presume.


The great thing about ss2 is that pretty much every resource that I know of is plug-n-play.  You can swap files in and out as you see fit and with ShockED you can change the gameplay to the extent that you've got an entirely different animal.  For me at least the learning curve for the editor is pretty steep though.


I've been playing around with ShockED some more today and I think I quite like it. DromED seems rather old and it took me nearly an hour to find out why it kept crashing at saving when I discovered that it doesn't like long pathnames. But still... this is the first 3D editor I have a 'feeling' with.

I've been trying to find out more about scripts since they seem to be part of the buildings blocks of the game. I've found the already existing ones but could not find any information about if/how and to which extend you can make create custom scripts. If seen a couple of links named 'custom scripts by ...' though they appear to be made only by the most advanced SS2 editors.
Is there any place I overlooked or is custom scripts really only for the real-deal shockers out there?

67511160db679Nameless Voice

Custom scripts are basically .dlls that hook into the game and use its functions - you need a working knowledge of C++ to write them.
Nameless Voice,

Can you expand a bit on creating and modifying scripts, please?  I've been looking for information on this.  I took a little C++ a long time ago, but none of the shock-ed tutorials I've found seem to cover how to get into existing scripts or add new ones.

67511160db929Nameless Voice

You can't really modify existing scripts.
Adding new ones consists of writing a new script module (.dll) containing your new scripts.  The reason there is very little mention of this is because there are only a few people who know how to do it, and they all come from a Thief background.  The best place to start if you want to get an idea of how custom scripts work is to download one of Telliamed's custom script modules (tnhScript is a bit out of date now so you'll probably want publicScripts), and check the source code.
And here I thought that trying to get cigarettes to kill you for my first mod was actually starting simple.  Oy.

Thanks for the information.  But, "because there are only a few people who know how to do it" sounds like all the more reason for somebody to write a tutorial for this.  Not for the knowing C++ part, obviously, but for the rest of it.
I've made a request in the TTLG forums for help with this, so if any of you who know how to create and add scripts are interested: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1757853#post1757853
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