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Hello there, I am working on a single-player mod for Half-Life which will take place in the System Shock universe during the events of System Shock 2. So far I have been able to recreate a portion of Med-Sci which will be seen in the yet to be titled mod.

Do feel free to share you're opinions and feedback on the progress so far, it will be taken into consideration if/when I need to make corrections.


some stuff actually works so this is better than the rest of the (abandoned) "hey look, I've recreated MedSci in a different engine" attempts, but still, what would be the point? there is zero chance it would ever be fully playable in any way, so the best thing that can happen here is a GoldSrc tour of vonBraun, maybe usable for deathmatch classic.

also, Goggles is now 90 cm/3 feet tall.


And yet nobody ever remakes Half-Life in the Dark Engine.
Acknowledged by: icemann


That video was good until he started shooting. That mod going by all the other Medical level remakes so far, wont proceed much further from what you see there. As soon as a modder tries to get an enemy implemented it all just stops.


... As soon as a modder tries to get an enemy implemented it all just stops.
  That's because they're really dang hard to get right.  So many fiddly bits with timing, AI, effects, animations, animations timing out with effects, sound attenuation....It's maddening!!   :thumb:  :headshot:
Acknowledged by: Join2


I'm surprised that no'one's attempted a SS1 TC in Doom, considering all the others that have been done in it.
Acknowledged by: Join2
I'm surprised that no'one's attempted a SS1 TC in Doom, considering all the others that have been done in it.

You really need level floor over floor and slopes. That puts doom out, and would have to mod it to the point it isn't really the doom engine anymore. Kex likely could do it (aren't they working on an updated port using kex?) Unreal...maybe I dunno how much modding would be needed, but maybe? Gold and Unreal are contemporary to the dark engine though I think.


The Doom sourceports can do floor over floor and slopes just fine. Years ago there was a Quake TC done for Doom.
System Shock's behaviors and interactiosn are generally more complicated than Quake. I mean i"m not saying it 'can't' be done, but at the same time 'why?'


As the maker of the Keep mod for Quake, I'm going to call bull, but for the vanilla game sure I guess.   8)

Demakes are fun, otherwise ya they are generally deep in "why?" territory.
Acknowledged by: icemann


Well when Wolf3D got remade in Doom (and then continued on 10 fold with quite a few mods continuing on the story) I was like hell yeah.

When Quake was demaked in Doom I was like "Why?", then I played it and it's pretty awesome.

Depends on the game. I'd love to see it done, but the amount of work required would need a large team or EXTREMELLY dedicated modder.
At first I thought why would you remake a game in an engine that's coming from the same era. But then I looked again and realised it's not supposed to be a remake of the whole game but it's own story set at the same time/world.
If you are familiar working with one engine (and set of tools), I can understand why you would just do it on there.
Unn_atropos, that does look really authentic and impressive.

Regarding Half-Life, did Valve or any of the game's fans/modders ever fix the 'elevator bug'? The one whereby seemingly at random when going up or down in an elevator, you'd somehow seem to get stuck to the floor, and when the elevator stopped you couldn't move or jump? Or even on rare occasions you'd actually take damage from the bug, too. I've not seen the bug in years, as far as I can recall, but I always jump like a lunatic when in elevators as that seems to to prevent the bug from triggering.

Mind you, I had to use the third party HL game engine Xash3D for the utterly fantastic mod Half-Life: Echoes (if you like Half-Life, then you *must* play this mod, it's quality is through the roof!), and it's really good, and hopefully it fixes the elevator bug.




Should we tell Ogdred that he's actually making a mod for Half-Life Source and that it's not actually the GoldSource engine?   :/


Console is the newer Source console.  In Goldsource the console slides down from the top (like ol' Quake) and the conback is a picture of Freeman.  See from 0:41 here https://youtu.be/ZrL9evJpgzg

That was WON GoldSrc, the Steam GoldSrc always had a console like in the Ogdred video.
The source engine console does have rounded edges and is translucent.
The pre-steam/original Half-Life/GoldSrc is called WON version.


World Opponent Network, the multiplayer system used by the original CD retail version of Half-Life.



Ah, gotchya.  So WON = GoldSrc.  And Steam has GoldSource.  Wait.  No.

So the original games used GoldSrc (OldSrc?) and the Steam rereleases use ....what did they just call it GoldSrc again, or increment version to 2 or 1.2 or something??
The original engine had no real name for a long time and was simply called "Half-Life Engine" as it just derived too much from the original quake base it originated from.
Once they announced Half-Life 2 they named their new engine Source and at the same time gave their old engine the name GoldSrc.
Both engine versions of Half-Life are called GoldSrc as it really is just the same engine all along, just different versions of it.
The changes made with the steam version are not that heavy and you can still just start most of the mods made for the won version in the steam version. Sometimes there are problems, but you had the same deal between different patches in the past.


Gold Source always made me think of Goldeneye on the N64.


I've actually never heard the CD version referred to as the WON version before now. It's a distinction that only matters to multiplayer gamers.

The GoldSrc/Source nomenclature came about when Valve forked Half-Life's source code into the shipping version (which had "gone gold" in the parlance of the day), and the development branch.
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