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Topic: Peculiar music
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More Ska-leaning but The Specials and Madness, obviously. Look up the releases of "2 Tone Records" for similar music.

You might like a couple of songs from the Californian band Sublime.


A slightly different, latin-american take on 2 Tone Ska:
« Last Edit: 24. April 2021, 09:29:46 by fox »
Acknowledged by: Kolya
A new Chemical Brothers song. Surprisingly mellow and tender. I like it.
That is actually really good! Thanks for the link. :D
Acknowledged by: fox
One of the "new" (posthumously released) songs by Tony Joe White (aka the Swamp Fox of "Polk Salad Annie" fame) and I love it!
« Last Edit: 01. May 2021, 10:58:24 by Moderator »
Oh, I have a lot from TJW and he was always great. "Homemade Ice Cream" is my favourite album.
Acknowledged by: fox
About 10 years ago The Black Keys were a small scale version of what the White Stripes also once were supposed to be: "the future of Rock'n'Roll" as Michael Stripe phrased it, or its last hope. Then they went off air for 10 years.
Coming back with an album of blues covers is nice. But I hope they make a real album soon.

Yeah, that is peculiar. An out of shape hunchbacked white woman in her 50s working as DJ for a group of young black party people.

I can't relate in any way to this. Mainly because it's not my kind of music. I'm also inclined to think that I prefer my rock stars young and sexy. But if it turned out that Daft Punk actually were 2 old housewives I would celebrate them nonetheless. Maybe even more.
:thinking: Yeah, well... maybe this is more gender, age and race appropriate for you (us):


In retrospect, that may have sounded a bit harsher than it was meant. Personally I certainly don't believe that her looks, age or skin color should play a remotely significant role in the judgement of her music. Recently I feel extremely irritated by that bizzare debate about what is considered "cultural appropriation" and this triggered me a little bit.

Seriously liking Tom Jones, btw. ;)
« Last Edit: 20. June 2021, 19:39:53 by fox »
Acknowledged by: Kolya
The Tom Jones version of One more cup is very good indeed. In the end I prefer Dylan's agony to Jones' better singing, but why not have both?

Not sure what debate about cultural appropriation you're referring to - or rather what side of it irritates you.
I lately rewatched Scarlett Johansson's Ghost in the Shell, which was a good example of that kind of debate. People on Twitter (ie idiots) acted offended on behalf of the Japanese about Johansson playing a Japanese anime character while the creator of Ghost in the Shell supported the movie and Japanese people weren't offended themselves.
Personally I liked the movie even though I feel it would have been cooler with an unknown and possibly Japanese actress. They may have been able to portray the role of a robot body designed to fight crime a bit better. Johansson, despite her considerable acting chops, is too voluptous, too emotive and most of all too familiar. I get no sense of strangeness, watching her. Maybe the Japanese do.

Similarly I wouldn't dream of trying to deny DJ Marcelle her right to rile up the masses in electronic ecstasy. But I can observe an obvious and stark difference between her and her listeners. And I can have a personal preference about the looks of my rock idols. The same way I think the Stones should have stopped performing a long time ago.
You're right of course that her looks play no role in the judgement of her music. But she's there personally, it's not just her music. The same way Mick Jagger is probably still running down some ten miles long stage, pretending to be young and fit. The person is part of the performative package. And looks do play a role in how we judge and relate to people, what expectations we have. That's just pattern recognition and it's useful 95% of the time. To us and the other.
People who pretend not to see skin color, age, sex, etc are not more tolerant or accepting or empathic, they're just a sad example of an ideological delusion that doesn't help understanding someone's personal experience and their pretence wouldn't stand even superficial testing. 

As long as DJ Marcelle finds listeners, more power to her. But there is an obvious difference between her and most of her target demographic. What you make of that difference is up to your personal preference. You can go: "Whoo! That old bitch is vibing hard!" as persumably many of those party goers do, and that's cool. You can also say: "I don't relate to this. She may make objectively good music, but what has it got to do with me and my personal experience?" That may be less cool and possibly doesn't apply to electronic music as much as to rock, but it's still valid. You can also be like me and dislike the music she makes and the visual performance.

But you can't really go and say that looks, age or skin color shouldn't play a role in judging a musical perfomance. That may be a hip and politically correct thought, but if you think it through you quickly realise that: Tracy Chapman couldn't have been a white girl with guitar that stepped up at the Nelson Mandela concert, even if she played the same songs. You cannot deny that part of Jim Morrison's enduring rock star status is due to his eternal youth. And that video killed the radio stars.
« Last Edit: 22. June 2021, 01:47:36 by Kolya »
Acknowledged by: fox
@Kolya: Sorry for not having replied earlier. I have been pushing it back to the weekend but even now I don't feel any desire to get into this topic much further. Don't want to leave you hanging either though.

In my opinion, thwarting cultural appropriation basically means segregation and there are similarities with the debate about the legitimacy of samples and what is plagiarism in music. There's obviously a myriad of shades and twists about these topics but I feel tired and depressed just by thinking about thinking about it.

I feel offended by being painted as a closet racist for having "appropriated" different cultures in the past. I feel like my entire generation is called out by hypocritical SJWs for having been envolved or even having temprorarily identified with subcultures like Hiphop, Dub, Reggae, Ska and so on. Looking back, there certainly is something very cringey about white teens with dread locks listening to NWA and stuff like that but mostly in the sense of youthful indsicretions. These were the people that actually were the least racist and the most open minded and interested in terms of different cultures, almost always politically on the left side of the political spectrum.

There is some severe cognitive dissonance when the self-proclaimed "woke people" and leftists of today claim that a person has no right to "appropriate" (or even talk about!) cultures other than what he/she/it (Goddamnit!) was born into. They are actively looking to silence and censor people in the name of "wokeness" and don't see how that leads exactly into the opposite direction. It's mind boggling, almost Orwellian, to me.

DJ Marcelle, a very recent discovery for me too, seems to stand for exactly the kind of genre-boundlessness that I developed myself since my youth in the 90ies and onwards. Not liking the "all over the place"-selection and mixing is completely fine with me and it certainly is an aquired taste. Not liking that she is a 50 year old hunch back woman on an Ugandan party is something different and, to me, mostly separate.


« Last Edit: 26. June 2021, 16:06:20 by fox »
Acknowledged by: Kolya
I get where you come from now and I agree with all of the points you made. Regarding my problem with DJ Marcella's looks, it stems not from me being anti-cultural appropriation, but from from me being very aesthetically driven in my tastes. I realise it's kinda shallow but I prefer my music icons to be visually passable at least.
Of course the music is more important and I should try to see deeper. As soon as I get to know someone this doesn't play much of a role anymore. But you can't get to know everybody and Marcella's music didn't invite me to want to try.

EDIT: I listened to NWA as well as a teenager. Great music, but if I had understood the lyrics I probably would have been repulsed by their rampant misogyny. When I got more into the rap thing I listened to bands like De La Soul and Digital Underground, then later to German hip hop acts when those emerged.
« Last Edit: 27. June 2021, 10:35:02 by Kolya »
Acknowledged by: fox
As for the woke movement, it is at its core a fascist cult. It's proponents lure in young people under the banner of fighting against racism and sexism, while simultaneously dividing people and their rights by race, age, sex and other group identities, setting up and confirming all these boundaries they pretend to want to overcome.

It should be apparent to anyone where this leads, but the mental reward of doing the right thing and the feeling of fighting a very simplistic fight for the good side has managed to misguide a lot of (mainly young) people to unleash blind aggression based on new stereotypes, instead of ending stereotypes.
The world isn't good as it is and there's lots of injustice to counter, but it's far more complicated to do so (and requires a lot more work) than the woke movement has made people think.
Exactly! Unfortunately I get the impression, that it's gaining significant traction.


yes, yes and yes, but lets not steer the discussion in that way.
You're right. Here's the new video by Bilderbuch which gets very peculiar in the second part (but keeps up the porno lyrics).

« Last Edit: 27. June 2021, 13:47:43 by Kolya »

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